Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate 
Thursday, January 16, 2014
MA 211K
2:00 p.m.

1.   Approval of the minutes from the 21 November 2013 Agenda Setting meeting.

2.     YouTube video on Executive Committee Outtakes eHoliday & Birthday Greeting.



3.     A Report on how the Online Course Evaluations went for Fall 13 Semester – Gail Niklason, Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Heather Chapman



Action Items


4.     Curriculum Committee – Fran Butler, Chair



Electronics Technology - Julie McCulley

Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Program Change Proposal

EET1140 DC Circuits - Course Proposal Change  

EET2010 AC Circuits -  New Course Proposal  (with syllabus)


Automotive Service Technology - John D Kelly

AAS in Automotive Service Technology - Program Change Proposal

AUSV1021 Automotive Braking Systems 1 - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1022 Steering & Suspension Systems - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1023 Automotive Braking Systems 2  - New Course Proposal Syllabus

AUSV1025 Steering and Suspension Systems 2 - New Course Proposal   Syllabus

AUSV1042  General Motors Steering and Suspension Systems -Course Proposal Change

AUSV1052 Chrysler Steering and Suspension Systems - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1120  Automotive Engines - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1124  Automotive Engines 2 - New Course Proposal      Syllabus

AUSV1320  Automotive Electronics - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1323  Automotive Electronics 2  - New Course Proposal      Syllabus



Network Management and Business Multimedia - Diana Green, Allyson Saunders, Laura MacLeod, and Thomas Bell


Network Management Technologies Institutional Certificate - Program Change Proposal

        Name Change to “Network Security Technology Certificate”  (Board of Regents)


Network Technologies Institutional Certificate – Program Change Proposal

        Name Change to “Network Technologies Certificate”  (Board of Regents)


BS Business Education Composite Teaching Major - Program Change Proposal

        Name Change to “Business/Marketing Education Composite Teaching Major”


User Experience Design for Web and Mobile Minor - NEW Program Change Proposal   (Board of Regents)


Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor - Program Change Proposal (Removal of this minor) (Board of Regents)


AAS Business/Multimedia Technologies - Program Change Proposal


BS in Business/Multimedia Technologies - Program Change Proposal


Business/Multimedia Technologies Minor/BIS Emphasis - Program Change Proposal


Business Education Teaching Minor - Program Change Proposal


NTM2335 Introduction to User Experience Design for Web & Mobile – New Course Proposal and Syllabus 

CS2335 Introduction to User Experience Design for Web & Mobile – New Course Proposal     Syllabus


NTM3645 Advanced User Interface Design - New Course Proposal and Syllabus    

CS3645 Advanced User Interface Design - New Course Proposal     Syllabus



 Anthropology - Brooke Arkush

 Anthropology - Program Change Proposal


Political Science - Carol McNamera

POLS4865 State and Local Internship, New Course Proposal      Syllabus


Master’s of Education - David Byrd and Peggy Saunders

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction - Program Change Proposal

MED6085 Developing a project Proposal - Course Proposal Change

MED6229 Instructional Technology for Pre-Service Teachers- New Course Proposal  Syllabus

MED6317 Arts Integration for Elementary Teachers - New Course Proposal    Syllabus



Medical Laboratory Sciences - Janet Oja

MLS1010 Core Clinical Laboratory Skills    New Course Proposal       Syllabus

5.     COAST Tenure  & Post Tenure Document -  Stephen Francis, Chair APAFT Committee &  Steve Peterson       COAST DOCUMENT


6.       PPM 6-2, Admissions – Becky Marchant, ASSA Chair

                    PPM6-2 Document


7.     Faculty Board of Review Committee

        Kent Kidman, Science (Alternate -  replaced Brian Davis)    FBR Roster


8.     University Ranking Tenure  Evaluation Committee


Taowen  Le (Goddard School of Business Alternate) replaced Brian Davis)   Committee Roster
Doris Geide-Stevenson (Alternate)


Information Items


9.  Other Items


        Faculty Communication with the Senate  -


        Handling Difficult Issues in the Classroom - Patti Cost


        Report from Liaison’s on Respective Committees




Next Meeting:    Faculty Senate, January 23, 2014 at 3:00 pm  WB206-207



Thursday, January 16, 2014


2 PM






Eric Amsel, John Armstrong, Patti Cost, Alicia Giralt, Kirk Hagen, Ed Hahn, Kathleen Herndon, , Jim Turner,  Mike Vaughan, and Brenda Stockberger


EXCUSED     Carol Naylor and Chuck Wight


GUESTS         Fran Butler, Steve Peterson, Gail Niklasen, Heather Chapman, Leigh Shaw, Becky  Marchant, and Susan Matt


1.   MINUTES – Approval of the minutes from Agenda Setting meeting – November 21, 2013.


MOTION Motion to approve the minutes from Agenda Setting meeting, November 21, 2013, by  Ed Hahn.

SECOND  Alicia Giralt

OUTCOME  Unanimous

2.   YouTube video on Executive Committee Outtakes eHoliday & Birthday Greeting.

      Shane Farver provided a clip of bloopers on the Executive Committee which was entertaining to        watch. 


3.   Report on how the Online Course Evaluations went for Fall 13 Semester – Gail Niklason and             Heather Chapman, Office of Institutional Effectiveness


A handout with data on Response Rates by Colleges and departments was handed out.

 See Faculty Senate Web Page/16 Jan Meeting for link to this information.



Transition from paper to online evaluations is a concern.

Look at the standard deviation

Concerns on evaluations not being anonymous.  One student in a class is not anonymous.

Evaluation has to have a name if points are given for completing evaluation.

Some faculty give points when giving an evaluation or require one before taking the final exam. 

Some faculty do not give points for students completing an evaluation.  They believe that this is an incentive to get a good evaluation.  Some students submit without answering any questions.  This is rated as “no response”.

The open window on when to take evaluations varies by faculty member.

Some want this early others are fine with the two weeks before finals week.

Paper evaluations are still acceptable.

Online evaluations are optional.

Can students have their evaluations reset?  Yes, they can if the student is identified correctly and the window is still open.  Currently, an informal policy exists on this subject.

Should this reset policy be reviewed?

Should an ad-hoc committee be convened and discuss and review this feedback on class evaluations?

ASSA would be the committee to review this subject in case policy needs to be changed. 

Gail suggested that a question and answer session could take place during a Teaching & Learning Forum Brown Bag session for faculty.  The information gathered would be given to the Executive Committee to determine what the next step would be.

The committee agreed that this would be the best action right now.

4.   Curriculum Committee – Fran Butler, Chair



Electronics Technology - Julie McCulley

Electronics Engineering Technology (EET) Program Change Proposal

EET1140 DC Circuits - Course Proposal Change

EET2010 AC Circuits – New Course Proposal


Automotive Service Technology - John D Kelly

AAS in Automotive Service Technology - Program Change Proposal

AUSV1021 Automotive Braking Systems 1 - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1022 Steering & Suspension Systems 1 - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1023 Automotive Braking Systems 2  - New Course Proposal

AUSV1025 Steering and Suspension Systems 2 - New Course Proposal

AUSV1042 General Motors Steering and Suspension Systems -Course Proposal Change

AUSV1052 Chrysler Steering and Suspension Systems - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1120 Automotive Engines 1 - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1124 Automotive Engines 2 - New Course Proposal

AUSV1320 Automotive Electronics 1  - Course Proposal Change

AUSV1323 Automotive Electronics 2 - New Course Proposal


Network Management and Business Multimedia - Diana Green, Allyson Saunders, Laura MacLeod, and Thomas Bell


Network Management Technologies Institutional Certificate - Program Change Proposal

         Name Change to “Network Security Technology Certificate” (Board of Regents)

Network Technologies Institutional Certificate – Program Change Proposal

         Name Change to “Network Technologies Certificate” (Board of Regents)

BS Business Education Composite Teaching Major - Program Change Proposal

         Name Change to “Business/Marketing Education Composite Teaching Major”

User Experience Design for Web and Mobile Minor - NEW Program Change Proposal   (Board of Regents)

Business/Marketing Education Teaching Minor - Program Change Proposal (Removal of this minor) (Board of Regents)

AAS Business/Multimedia Technologies - Program Change Proposal


BS in Business/Multimedia Technologies - Program Change Proposal

Business/Multimedia Technologies Minor/BIS Emphasis

Business Education Teaching Minor - Program Change Proposal

NTM2335 Introduction to User Experience Design for Web & Mobile – New Course Proposal

CS2335 Introduction to User Experience Design for Web & Mobile – New Course Proposal

NTM3645 Advanced User Interface Design - New Course Proposal

CS3645 Advanced User Interface Design - New Course Proposal



Anthropology - Brooke Arkush

Anthropology - Program Change Proposal


Political Science - Carol McNamera

POLS4865 State and Local Internship, New Course Proposal


Master’s of Education - David Byrd and Peggy Saunders

Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction - Program Change Proposal

MED6085 Developing a project Proposal - Course Proposal Change

MED6229 Instructional Technology for Pre-Service Teachers- New Course Proposal

MED6317 Arts Integration for Elementary Teachers - New Course Proposal


Medical Laboratory Sciences - Janet Oja

MLS1010 Core Clinical Laboratory Skills


DISCUSSION No discussion


MOTION  Move to approve Curriculum as a package and forward to Faculty Senate by Eric Amsel.

SECOND  Kathy Herndon

OUTCOME  Unanimous

Report on WSU General Education Requirements Comparison with other institutions in the state.

General  Education Comparrison Chart


WSU is higher in the General Education Requirements compared with other institutions in the state. 

Computer and information literacy is not required and no credits are given.  CIL compared who takes the test and who takes the course.  More are taking the test than the course.  Computer literacy is taught in Jr. High and High School. 


Can this be a developmental course rather than courses part of the core.  Scholarship money will not cover the test. 

Some students are computer savvy some are not.

The numbers will really matter on whether or not students will pay for the test or have to pay for a developmental course.

A lot of students aren’t tech savvy.  Keep the Information literacy part. 

A lot of students think it is a silly requirement.

Will dropping courses harm the NTM department?

What does Northwest Accreditation require us to have?

Issues of transfer articulation

Nursing department has a point that WSU is high on credits required for General Education..



Move to have the Gen Ed committee review further the Gen Ed Coursework Comparison and find alternative ways that WSU can reduce the number of credit hours on General Education Credits required.

Second      Kathy Herndon

Outcome   Unanimous


Recommendation on Coursework and student work outside the classroom based on credit hours.

It was discussed in Curriculum Committee.

The University Curriculum committee is not in favor of identifying this as a specific time requirement.

It would be too restrictive for departments to follow.

Communication should be between faculty and students.

Student doesn’t understand that a 3 credit course requires 9 hours of outside time.

Where could this reference reside in PPM so that faculty to find this information?

Fran to follow up with Craig Bergeson to discuss further how to identify where to put a reference to this concern and then return with recommendation(s) to the Executive Committee.


5. COAST Tenure & Post Tenure Document - Stephen Francis, Chair APAFT Committee &  Steve Peterson



Concern on minimum credentials required on Page 5.

Language made clearer on Scholarship section, page 12, 2.e.d.

Document is better now than the old version.


MOTION    Move to approve the COAST Tenure & Post Tenure Document by Ed Hahn.

SECOND    John Armstrong.

OUTCOME   Unanimous


6.      PPM 6-2, Admissions – Becky Marchant, ASSA Chair

There were many updates to the policy including language clarifications and updating the document to current practices in the Admissions Office and definitions.  


DISCUSSION         It was recommended to move the PPM to Faculty Senate.

 MOTION  Motion to approve PPM 6-2, Admissions and forward to the Faculty Senate by Ed Hahn

SECOND      Eric Amsel

OUTCOME   Unanimous


7.      Faculty Board of Review Committee –


            Kent Kidman, Science, was an Alternate member, who is replacing Brian Davis.                       

            Recommendations to replace two alternates on the Faculty Board of Review Committee 

         The following faculty was selected by their college and are recommended by the Executive Committee.


Business & Economics

Tony Allred and Shane Schvaneveldt



Allyson Saunders and Vel Casler


An election to take place at Faculty Senate on January 23, 2014 to fill the two Alternate spots.


Information Items


8.      University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee


The Goddard School of Business & Economics has selected Taowen Le to replace Brian Davis who passed away in November and Doris Geide-Stevenson to serve as Alternate.


9.      Other Items


         Faculty Communication with the Senate Discussion


         Susan Matt, Chair of the History Department in the college of Social & Behavioral Sciences was in attendance at the Executive Committee to bring concerns from the faculty about the remodeling plans for the Stewart Library.  A petition was circulated and 122 signatures were acquired from 27 disciplines on campus.  Faculty concerns included – closed compact shelving, reducing the number of books to eBooks, reducing the space for open shelving, and a testing center.  Faculty has a role in sending students to the library for assignments for research.  If books aren’t readily available it becomes hard for the student to complete assignments.


         Changing bound books to eBooks will create a hardship to lower income students who do not have access to tablets and computers with internet connection.  Faculty need to be involved on the process of determining which books to obsolete.


         Administration will discuss the faculty concerns at Faculty Senate on 23 January 2014.  Discussion will center on Compact Shelving, what types of books/information will be in the compact shelving and what the access to them will be.  Compact shelving is the kind that is on runners and the stacks will crank together.  Depending on what book is desired, that shelf is opened and the book can then be accessed.

         Faculty is encouraged to come to senate to discuss concerns with administration. President Wight will not be there, but Mike Vaughan, Provost will be there to answer questions along with Joan Hubbard, Dean, Library.


         There should be further discussions on bound books and another discussion on Testing Center at future meetings.  Is a Testing Center needed and where should it be located?


         --  Handling Difficult Issues in the Classroom – Patti Cost Postponed until next meeting


         --  Report from Liaison’s on Respective Committees - Postponed until next meeting


Meeting adjourned at 4:35 pm


NEXT MEETING: Agenda Setting meeting, February 13, 2014, 2 pm  MA211K