Amy Talbot     Alyson Robinett     Byron Yue     Cindy Lo     Ed Poston     Emily Inderrieden     Fan-Ya Lin     Laikwan Waigwa-Stone
Leslie Denson    
Linda Clement     Miranda Wu     Nic Maughan     Rosann Owen     Shing Yau Kai     Sydnee Johnson     Whitney Wasden
Yu-Jane Yang     Ralph van der Beek     Lydia Wu



Laikwan Waigwa-Stone  


Born: Salt Lake City, 5/5/83.

Schooling: Beacon Heights (Kindergarten); Salt Lake Institute for Learning (1st-3rd grade); Grandview Elementary School in Ogden (4th-5th); Mount Ogden Middle School (6th); St. Joseph's Catholic Elementary School and High School (7th-12th).

Laikwan loves to perform music and dance, hang out with friends, travel, snowboard, read (constantly), and go to concerts and plays.










Laikwan's Contact:
Laikwan's Facebook

“We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams.”


Download 09 WSU Piano Festival application.

Webmaster's Comments:

Laikwan loves to laugh! This is very very fun to laugh with him. He is very inspiring too. Talking to him always makes me feel very good. Lastly, he likes to dance.