Amy Talbot     Alyson Robinett     Byron Yue     Cindy Lo     Ed Poston     Emily Inderrieden     Fan-Ya Lin     Laikwan Waigwa-Stone
Leslie Denson    
Linda Clement     Miranda Wu     Nic Maughan     Rosann Owen     Shing Yau Kai     Sydnee Johnson     Whitney Wasden
Yu-Jane Yang     Ralph van der Beek     Lydia Wu


Amy Talbot

      Amy Talbot, a freshman at Weber State University this year, was born March 9th 1990 in Richmond Virginia and since then has lived in 2 cities in Wisconsin, California and Utah. From a young age she begged her parents to let her take piano lessons, so at age eight she was able to start with her first teacher. From her very first recital in fourth grade to solo and ensemble in high school, Amy has never stopped loving to perform. She is currently majoring in piano pedagogy, and has loved all the experiences she has had so far. She is currently studying with Dr. Ralph van der Beek. Right now she is a volunteer pianist at McKay Dee Hospital, and also enjoys accompanying choirs and various instruments. In addition to playing the piano, Amy has a passion for art and art history.    





Amy's contact:
Amy's Facebook

“The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.”

Johann Sebastian Bach
Download 09 WSU Piano Festival application.
Webmaster's Comment:
Amy's presents make everyone smile. Nobody can ignore the spirit she contribute to the club. She is a very easy going girl. It has been so much to have her in the Treblemakers. Hope she will not be the "Trouble Maker"!!!