"How does MTNA membership
benefit you? "
MTNA membership benefits me in that I get into really cool piano
conferences at a discounted price, I get the Music Teacher magazine,
which helps me as a piano teacher, and I feel more connected to the
community of piano teachers all over Utah. |
I remember my first MTNA conference that I
attended. It changed my life! It was at this
conference that I decided to major in Piano
Pedagogy. I was so fascinated with the
method of teaching that I wanted to learn
more. I have been a member for the last 5
years. Being a member is so important
because you continue to improve your
teaching style plus you get connected with
famous people in the pedagogy world.
Being a member of MTNA
has really helped me to discover all
the great opportunities there are
for me as a teacher and for my
students. I really like being able
to meet other piano teachers at the
conventions, which reminds me of
another great thing about MTNA: the
conventions are so fun, and such a
great learning experience! I've
really enjoyed all the experiences
I've had so far with MTNA!
MTNA membership has benefitted me in so many
ways. When I first joined MTNA, my goal was
to increase my knowledge, learn from other
teachers, and become MTNA certified. I was
able to complete the latter after about 3
years of being a member. Becoming certified
was a worthwhile and important achievement,
but even the best teachers can use practical
and useful tips. Other members have so many
good ideas! And with all the different
personalities of students and the challenges
that go along with them, it is wonderful to
go to the monthly chapter meetings and glean
from other teachers. Sometimes we teachers
can get in a rut of doing the same things,
the same ways, week after week after week.
The state and national conferences are a
great energy boost, with gentle reminders of
the reasons you became a piano teacher, the
long-range goals you can have for your self
and your students, and you can go away with
a whole new "bag of tricks" for your
studio. Memerbership in MTNA has been the
"gas in my motor" so to speak. |