Lecture Outlines And Overheads

The material for each lecture is outlined along with the corresponding textbook page number by clicking on Outline.  Download each lecture outline and bring it to class to keep track of the lectures and organize your notes. Clicking on PPs will deliver the web-based versions of the PowerPoint slides used in lecture, while clicking on pdf's will deliver pdf versions of the lecture. Downloading and reviewing the lecture outlines or slides is not a substitute for attending lectures. My lecture style is to discuss the material in the textbook and the slides, not to re-present the slides. I guarantee that you cannot do well in the course without attending!  

The material is organized around the papers and exams. The calendar specifies dates for each lecture and dates of available of the quizzes, exams, and projects.

I. The Current State of Psychology (1960s to the Present)
Lecture 1:   Critical Reflection on Psychology (Outline PP pdf)
Koch, S. (1993). 'Psychology' or 'the psychological studies'? American Psychologist, 48, 902-904.
Stanovich, K. E. (2010). How to think straight about psychology (9th ed., Chapter 1). Upper Sadler River, NJ: Pearson.

Lecture 2:  Three Themes in Understanding Psychology: Science, Philosophy, and History  (Outline PP pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 1)
Hoyningen-Huene, P. (1998). On Thomas Kuhn's philosophical significanceConfigurations, 6, 1-14
Bevir, M. (2003). Notes toward an analysis of conceptual change. Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge,  Culture, and Policy, 17, 55-63.

Lecture 3: Paradigms and Contemporary Issues: How the Discipline's Future will Explain its Past (Outline  PP pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 21)
Leahey, T. H. (1992). The mythical revolutions of American psychology. American Psychologist, 47, 308-318.
Koch, S. (1981). The nature and limits of psychological knowledge: Lessons of a century qua "science. American Psychologist, 36, 257-269.

Lecture 4:  Humanistic Psychology: Focus on the Self   (Outline  PP pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 18)
Aanstoos, C. Serlin, I., & Greening, T. (2000). History of Division 32 (Humanistic Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. In D. Dewsbury (Ed.), Unification through division: Histories of the divisions of the American Psychological Association, Vol. V. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Lecture 5:   Psychobiology: Focus on the Body  (Outline  PP  pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 19)
Buss, D. M. (1995).  Evolutionary Psychology:  A new paradigm for psychological sciencePsychological Inquiry, 6, 1-30.
Posner, M., & Rothbart, M. (2004). Hebb’s neural networks support the integration of psychological science. Canadian Psychology, 45, 265-278.

Lecture 6:  Cognitive Psychology:  Focus on the Computational Mind (Outline  PP  pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 20)
Miller, G. A. (1956).  The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information Psychological Review, 63,81-97

Lecture 7:  Cultural-Contextual Psychology:  Focus on the Social Environment (Outline  PP pdf).
Gergen, K., Gulerce, A., Lock, A., & Misra, G. (1996). Psychological science in cultural context. American Psychologist, 51, 496-503.
Radner, C.  (1999). Three approaches to cultural psychology: A critique. Cultural Dynamics, 11, 7-31.

Part II. The Rise of Scientific Psychology (1800 to the 1950s)

Lecture 8: Precursors of Scientific Psychology:  Intellectual and Social Forces
(Outline  PP   pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 8)
Benschop, R. & Draaisma, D. (2000). In pursuit of precision: The calibration of mind and machines in late nineteenth-century psychology. Annals of Science, 57, 1-25.
Kaitaro, T. (1999). Ideas in the brain: The localization of memory traces in the 18th century. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 37, 301-322.

Lecture 9:  Structuralism and other Early Movements (Outline   PP   pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 9)

Cattell, J., M. (1888). The psychological laboratory at Leipzig. Mind, 13, 37-51.

Lecture 10:   Darwin and Evolutionary Theory (Outline  PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 10)
Galton, F. (1865). Hereditary talent and character. Macmillan's Magazine, 12, 157-166, 318-327.

Lecture 11:  Functionalism and the Americanization of Psychology (Outline PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 11)
Dewey, J. (1896). The reflex arc concept in psychology. Philosophical Review, 3, 357-370.

Lecture 12:   Behaviorism and Neobehaviorism (Outline PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 12-13)
Watson, J. B. (1913). Psychology as the behaviorist views it. Psychological Review, 20, 158-177.
Wozniak, R. H. (1997). Theoretical roots of early behaviorism: Functionalism, the critique of introspection, and the nature and evolution of consciousness.

Lecture 13:   Gestalt Psychology (Outline  PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 14)
Wertheimer, Max. (1938). Laws of organization in perceptual forms. In W. Ellis, W (Ed. & Trans.), A source book of Gestalt psychology (pp. 71-88). London:  Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Lecture 14:   The Psychoanalytic Movements (OUTLINE  PP PDF).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 16-17)
Freud, S. (1910). The origin and development of psychoanalysis. American Journal of Psychology, 21, 181-218.

Lecture 15:  History of the Treatment of Mental illness (OUTLINE  PP PDF).  (IF THERE IS TIME!)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 15)
Benjamin, L. T. & Baker, D. B. (2004). Clinical psychology. In From séance to science: A history of the profession of psychology in America. (pp. 32-80).  Thompson/Wadsworth.

III.  Debates about Mind, Knowledge, and the Human Condition During the Renaissance and the Enlightenment

Lecture 16:   The Beginnings of Modern Science and Philosophy (Outline  PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 4)
Bacon, R. (1268).  On experimental science.  In Oliver J. Thatcher (Ed), The Library of Original Sources (Milwaukee: University Research Extension Co., 1901), Vol. V: The Early Medieval World, pp. 369-376.
Wozniack, R. (1995). Mind and Body: Rene Déscartes to William James. Available at http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/Mind/
Lecture 17:   Empiricism, Sensationalism, and Positivism
(Outline  PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 5)
Richards, G. (1992). The absence of psychology in the 18th Century: A linguistic perspective. Studies in History and  Philosophy of Science, 23, 195-211.

Lecture 18:  Rationalism (Outline  PP pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 6)

Lecture 19:  Romanticism and Existentialism (Outline PP pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 7)

IV.  Greek Origins (6th C - 250 BCE)

Lecture 20:  The Early Greek Philosophers (Outline  PP pdf).
Hergenhahn (Chapter 2)

Lecture 21:  After Aristotle: A Search for the Good Life (Outline  PP pdf)
Hergenhahn (Chapter 3)