ReelWeb — FILM PAL — CinemaScope
Please remember: In synch with the ethos of the web, the list below is always in the making. Please let us know if you've made new discoveries as you make your excursions into cyberia, and please check out related web pages on this site as well.
Note as well that, while many web sites may be informative and useful, they are rarely a substitute for the more sustained scholarly discussion of a book or print journals. Get familiar with the library's International Film Index and the MLA Index for periodical literature, among others, as well as our textbooks' extensive bibliographies for further reading.
Louise Brooks
Useful Sites on Film and Film Reviews
- Please check WSU's subscription to
Kanopy for available movies.
Please check out the resource links for specific classes for more focused film links, etc.
Genres, Themes, Directors
- Senses of Cinema Great Directors (useful)
- Film Noir I, II, III, IV, Maltese Falcon I, MF II, Big Sleep I, Double Indemnity I, Stranger on the Third Floor (1940), Tape recorder in film I–III, 25 Noirs Films That Will Stand the Test of Time
- Jean Vigo, JV-Great Directors, Zero de Conduite, L'Atalante I, L'Atalante II, L'Atalante III
- French New Wave, FNW I, FNW II, FNW III, Two in a Wave (documentary 2009), Jean Luc Godard: NYT-Topics, Godard & Anti-Semitism?
- Italian Neorealism, The Bicycle Thief
- The Western, I, II, III, NYTM-Western Special (Nov 07)
- James Cameron, Avatar (NYT), A II (Tele), A III (NYT), A IV (NYT) A & Digital Film (NYT), A & 3-D—again, A & Smoking, A & Depression, JC Bio & Films, A & the Vatican, Turncoats as Heroes
- Christian Carion, Joyeux Noël (2005, official site)
- Ingmar Bergman (NYT obituary, 30 July 2007)
- Kathryn Bigelow, KB & The Hurt Locker, HL II,
- Orson Welles, Citizen Kane I, CK II, CK III, WRHearst I, WRH II, Touch of Evil (NYT-CP)
- Charlie Chaplin, CC I, Modern Times, City Lights; Laughing at Nazis and The Great Dictator
- Francis Ford Coppola, TIME-Interview 07, The Conversation(NYT-CP)
- Gilliam, Terry, Brazil (NYT-CP)
- Michael Haneke, The Films of Michael Haneke, White Ribbon I, White Ribbon II
- Alfred Hitchcock, AH I, AH II, AH III, AH IV, AH V, Vertigo (NYT-CP), The Moment of Psycho, Johan Grimonprez, Double Take
- Dennis Hopper, NYT obit
- Krystof Kieslowski I, II, III (Three Colours Trilogy)
- Abbas Kiarostami, Taste of Cherry (1997)
- Stanley Kubrick, SK Multimedia Filmguide , SK Warner Bros. Authorized Site, SK: The Master Film Maker and The Alt.Movies.Kubrick Dr. Strangelove, SK and the Cold War, Room 237 (doc about The Shining)
- Akiri Kurosawa, Rashomon (NPR), Ran(NYT-CP)
- Fritz Lang, M, Metropolis Restored Once More, "Complete" Metropolis
- Sidney Lumet, 12 Angry Men, NYT–SL on SL, NYT-SL II
- Mira Nair, Mira Nair bio & filmography, Monsoon Wedding I, MW II, MW III, MW IV
- Christopher Nolan, The Movies. The Memories
- Andre Niccol, Gattaca (NYT-CP),
- Jean Renoir, La Grande Illusion (NYT-CP), Rules of the Game (NYT-CP)
- Polanski, Roman, Chinatown (NYT-CP)
- Eric Rohmer, I, II
- Bryan Singer, The Usual Suspects I,
- Steven Spielberg, A. I.
- Preston Sturges, I
- Alex Proyas, Dark City, I, Robot
- King Vidor, Life of KV, The Crowd I, II, III, IV
- George Clooney, Good Night and Good Luck
- (CLASSICAL) INDIAN FILM: Satyajit Ray, The Apu Trilogy, Retrospective, Mani Ratnam, Raavan, Raj Kaipoor at MoMa (2012)
- German Expressionism, I , II, III, IV, Weimar Films
- Guillermo del Toro I
- David Fincher, Benjamin Button I, lll—loosely related links: Fitzgerald Film Adaptations, Fitzgerald as Screenwriter
- John Hillcoat, The Road I
- Singing in the Rain (NYT-CP)
- Zhao Liang, Filming China's Dark Side (NYT)
- John Frankenheimer, The Manchurian Candidate (1962, NYT)
- Richard Linklater, RL I, RL II — Detour, RL II, RLIII (D & C), RL IV (Scanner), RL V (Scanner), RL VI, RL VII, RL VIII (Inning), RL-Lit
- Hal Ashby & Haskell Wexler
- Wim Wenders, Restauration/30-year re-release of Der Himmel uber Berlin/Wings of Desire (1987, in German)
Interview Sites
Viewing Guides
Please note that these viewing guides are suggestive only and meant to sharpen your attention to specific features of the film. We will address more theoretical and/or formal questions in our class discussions and through our readings.
Bend It Like Beckham Gattaca Monsoon Wedding
Select/Specific Film Comments, Theorists
- Susan Sonntag, Fascinating Fascism(on the film-making and others myths of Leni Riefenstahl, NYTBR Feb 1975)
- The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code)
- Umberto Eco, "Casablanca, or The Cliches are Having a Ball"; Casablanca's Victor Laszlo
- Selling Brokeback Mountain
- Agnes Varda, The Gleaners and I (2000)
- Wachowski/Gilliam, V for Vendetta (2006) vs. Brazil (1985)
- Hergé and Film
- Werner Herzog Profile and Rescue Team
- Siegrfried Kracauer, From Caligari to Hitler
- Film making in Syria (slide show and audio commentary) (The New Yorker)
- The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit—a 50-year retrospective (The New Yorker)
- Hollywood Heresy: Marketing The DaVinci Code to Christians (The New Yorker)
- The Third Man on the Web
- Andrew Sarris I, II, Pauline Kael I, Laura Mulvey I, II, III
- The Convoluted Politics of Zombie Cinema
- Valentino, The Sheik, and Orientalism
- The 1920s Egyptian Craze (including Ogden Peery's Egyptian Theater)
- Watch It for the Soundtrack: Alexander Nevsky (1938)
- East Germany on theScreen
- African-American Writers and pre-1950 cinema
- A French Cinema of Denial? (NYT)
- Biting Passion (on Vampire films, NYT)
- Alexander Sokurov, Russian Ark I, II, III
- Andrei Tarkovsky, Solaris (NYT-CP), Stalker (Geoffrey Dyer, Zona)
- Andrzej Wajda, Katyn I, Katyn II, Katyn massacre, Man of Marble/Man of Iron, Promised Land <=> Cinema of Poland, Communist-era Polish Film Posters
- Widely-read film critics/blogs, David Bordwell I, DB II, Fred Camper, Jim Emerson, davekehr, Roger Ebert, zoom-in, cinemetrics
- Studio Babelsberg (and Quention Tarrantino)
- '60s Hollywood: The Rebels and the Studios
- The 10 Best Philip K. Dick Movies That Aren't Actually PKD movies
- David Thompson, The Big Screen (2012)
- Nerdwriter1, Snow Piercer (2013)
- Thom Andersen and Noel Burch, Red Hollywood (2014)
- David Thomson, Warner Brothers: The Making of An American Movie Studio (2017)
- Ramin Bahrani, Fahrenheit 451 as a Book for the Age of Social Media (5/18)
Writing About Film
Check out the following useful websites, as well as the Resources for Teaching Film above, and don't forget the tips in our textbook.
Writing About Film | Film Editing Terms | A Glossary of Film Terms |
Bordwell/Thompson, Film Art | Corrigan/White, The Film Experience |
Film Festivals
Directory of International Film Festivals
Munich | Cannes | Sundance | Venice (La Biennale) |
Toronto | Tribeca | Berlinale | Telluride |
Foursite |
Miscellaneous — of Interest
A random list of films I've recently watched
- Czechoslovakia — Kolya (1996)
- Denmark/Europe, Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003)
- France/Belgium — Lumumba (2000), L'Atalante (Jean Vigo, 1934), I've Loved You So Long (Phillipe Claudel, 2009)
- Germany — Enlightenment Guaranteed (2002), King of Thieves (Netherlands/Germany, 2004), Cherry Blossoms (2008), The Edukators (2005, Downfall (2004), A Woman in Berlin (2008), The Reader (Stephen Daldry, 2008), Die Welle (The Wave, director..) (2008)
- Iran — Children of Heaven (1997), Ten (2004), The Kite Runner (Marc Forster, 2007), Taste of Cherry (1997), How Iranian Filmmakers like Asghar Farhadi Defy the Censors (2017)
- Japan, Black Rain (1989)
- Korea — Spring, Summer . . . (2003), Natural City (2004)
- Spain — The Spirit of the Beehive (Victor Erice, 1973)
- Turkey — Distant (2003)
- Russia — The Italian (2007), Man With a Movie Camera (Dziga Vertov, 1929)
- Documentary — Man on Wire (2008), Restrepo (2010)
- U.S., Dirty Harry (NYT, Don Siegel, 1971), Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks, 1938), C.S.A. (Kevin Willmott, 2005), The Player (Robert Altman, 1994), Jaws and Tintin's Adventures (Steven Spielberg), Falling Down (Joel Schumacher, 1993), The Descendants (Alexander Payne, 2011), Hugo (Martin Scorsese, 2011), Who's That Knocking at My Door (Martin Scorsese, 1967)
- Dheepan (2015) <=> M Ondaatje, Anil's Ghost (2000)
- Diverseeds: Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, dir. Markus Schmidt and Camillo Meinhardt, QK86.A1 D584 2008
- Field of Genes (CBC, 1998), SB123.57 .F529 1998 (VHS, 2 x 22 min)
- Food Beware — The French Organic Revolution, dir. Jean-Paul Jaud (2009) TP 370. F663 2009
- Food Inc., dir. Robert Kenner, HD9005 .F66 2009
- Fast Food Nation, dir. Richard Linklater
- Fresh, (What's the Matter with Corn Syrup?) (NYT, April 2010)
- The Garden, dir. Scott Hamilton Kennedy (2008), SB 457.3 G 37 2008
- Genetics in Food: Changing Mother Nature (CBC, 2000), S494.5 .B563 G4 2000 (VHS, 14 min, similar to Field of Genes)
- Hopi — corn is life, 1997, E99.H7 H67 1997 (VHS, 18 min)
- How to Read and Use Food Labels, TX 335 .H68 1994 (VHS, useful, 15 min)
- How to Read the New Food Labels, TX 551. H 64 1993
- Supersize Me, dir. Morgan Spurlock (2004), TX 945.5 M33 S87 2004
- Sweet Solutions, TP 376 . S9 1979 (VHS, 54 min, mostly about sugar operations in Brazil)
- on You Tube: Genetic Chile, The World According to Monsanto, Genetically Modified Food: Panacea or Poison; numerous videos with Michael Pollan