
English 1010 Introduction to Writing

You will receive an attendance grade for your participation in group and individual writing activities that are part of almost every class. By not showing up (or not showing up on time), you deprive yourself of valuable class discussion, just as you deprive your fellows students of your own insights—the centerpiece of our collaborative enterprise a.k.a. as teaching and learning. So, it's quite simple: Be there in body and mind! — You will be allowed three (= 3) "freebies," which are intended to cover such emergencies as the day you were sick, going hunting, gambling in Las Vegas, or flying on the Space Shuttle . . . . You get the drift.... If you have more than three absences---regardless of reason---you jeopardize your good standing in the class and thus your final grade.

You will be given 4 larger essay assignments over the course of the semester (3-5 pages). Each of these assignments will routinely consist of notebook entries, class discussion, (several) workshops, a first draft and a second (perhaps even a third) draft. One of the most important insights I would like you to gain from this class is that every essay is, in a sense, only a draft, an incomplete and unfinished piece of writing, regardless of its erudition and elegance. The idea that an essay is "complete and perfect" is only an illusion. For that reason, and to encourage you to revise (= "re-visit") your writing, you may rewrite (we call it, rewrite "substantially" or "globally") your essays as the semester progresses or as it draws to a close. At the end of the semester, you can then hand in a sampling of the best of your revised work as a portfolio for an additional, final evaluation. (An assignment not handed in is naturally excluded from this option). I will share with you some of the specifics later. Your final grade will be made up of the following components and their percentages:

Four essay assignments (10% each) 40 %
Notebook and in-class writing assignments 20 %
Class and workshop participation and attendance 20 %
End-of-semester portfolio and final exam 20 %

The Prime Directives. a.k.a. The Ground (or Golden) Rules

  • Assignments must be typewritten and are due on the date specified—no exceptions.
  • No electronic submissions, and no cell phones, iPods, blueteeth, and other "electronic devices" (the airline phrase) in class.
  • For reasons of class integrity, and out of consideration to others, do not come late are leave early. For the same reason, I will not be able to accept late work.

Bottom line (repeat): Be there in body and mind!

Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Services Center (phone 626-6413). SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary