Honors HU1540 From Real to Reel & Script to Bits — An Introduction to Film
This screening and reading schedule is meant to be suggestive only. In the event we find that we need to spend more time on a film/text than originally allocated, we can adjust our syllabus accordingly. You should also know that one of the signs of a good class is that we will not have time to "finish" discussing a film in all its complexity for a certain day; invariably, we will have have some leftover and residue (to be carried into the hallway). Formally, the class will proceed through discussion, group workshops, and occasional lecturing. Commonly, I will announce at the end of each class the assignment for the next session.
- Please consult our texts for the pagination of our readings and the syllabus (below) for assignments online.
- Always take a look at ReelWeb for possible Viewing Guides and other resources. At the same time, while the range of information on the web is tremendous, please note that it is not always reliable and intellectually rigorous. Make sure that you learn to work with the library's International Film Index, the International Index to the Performing Arts, the MLA Index for periodical literature, as well as our textbook's extensive bibliographies for further reading. Our bibliography on reserve is also a good starting point.
- Take a plunge when you sign up for your oral reports/seminar facilitation, and feel free to discuss the focus of your presentation with me. I may be able to direct you (after you have done your own search) to additional specific sources, if necessary.
- While we'll generally feature one film per class session, I will also (time permitting) bring in clips from additional suitable films to illustrate our concepts and ideas at hand.
Week 1 | General Introduction
Week 2 | Adjusting to the Glare
Week 3 | ***** No class, MLK Memorial Day *****
Week 4 | Classic Hollywood Cinema and Film Form
Week 5 | The Shot: Mise-en-Scène, Discontinuity Editing & German Expressionism
Week 6 | The Shot: Cinematography
Week 7 | ***** No class, President's Day *****
Week 8 | The Relation of Shot to Shot: Soviet Montage
Week 9 | Sound Film Sound, or, Tracking Sound Track
Week 10 | The Paradox of the American Western
Week 11 |
Film Noir and Cinematography
Week 12 |
French New Wave
Week 13 |
Comedy Acting and the Visual Representation of Gender
*** Last day to hand in last screening report***
Week 14 | International Cinema
Week 15 | Open Mike & Open Screen
*** Film Essay due: Monday, 15 April 2013 (tax day, alas!)*** Please consult the resources in Film Art and the "Writing about Film" section on FilmPal for helpful pointers |
Week 16 | Final exam as per course schedule booklet |