HU/DV English 2200, Introduction to Literature
This reading schedule is intended to be suggestive, not prescriptive. In the event we find that we need to spend more time on a text than originally allocated, we can easily adjust our syllabus. You should know that one of the signs of a good class discussion is that we will not have time to address all the reading that has been assigned for a certain day. Let’s proceed with the understanding that this class, like life, is a set of contingencies. I will announce at the end of each class what specific texts we will be discussing closely for the following session. Please stay tuned!
As a kind of first, informal assignment, explore our textbook (as print or e-book) and consult its TOC (with TLC) for the pagination of our readings and the bio sketches and author index.
Week 1–2 |
Getting our Feet Wet in the Morass of Deep/Short
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Week 3–5 |
Setting, Symbols and Stuff
**** NOTEBOOKS DUE (1) **** |
Week 6 |
Sniffing the Stuff out: Poetry - Reading, Responding, Writing
Week 7–9 |
Situation Setting, Speaker
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Metaphor, Simile, Symbol
Week 10–12 |
Drama: Reading, Responding, Writing
NOVEL AND/OR FILM? -- (via class consent)
Week 13–15 |
Additional office hours: Thursday, 20 April, 10:30-12:00
**** Click on the Toolbox for an Editing Checklist and student sample paper, and make sure you give yourself enough time to visit the Writing Center as you work on your paper drafts. **** Final Exam Review and FINAL EXAM (in class and take home) **** |