Click Here to go to my new
and improved website on Stress and Stress Management
Welcome to my stress management
and wellness website.
My main professional interest is helping people
experience optimal health and well-being. For the past 20 years I have
been studying and teaching about health and wellness. In that time I
have come to the following conclusion:
There are three primary positive behaviors
that if you do correctly and regularly,
can help protect you from most of the health problems of today. The
first two are regular activity and appropriate nutrition. The
third and the focus of this website is Stress Management.
Included in this conclusion are the following comments:
Nearly every malady and disease that we
encounter in our culture has a stress component. Stress may not be the
cause of most of our problems, but stress definitely makes the problems
that we have worse.
The unpleasant effects of stress are preventable.
It is also possible to reduce stress when we feel it in its many
unpleasant ways.
This website is dedicated to giving you tools
that help you reduce and prevent undesirable stress.