Fall Semester 2024 

    Math 1200 - Mathematics Computer Laboratory

    This course will be delivered online and consists of 11 labs. There are two online lectures in Canvas Modules to help you get started. However, the entire course is self explanatory. In the first week, you must view the First Lecture and complete labs 1 and 2. In the second week, you must view the Second Lecture and complete Lab 3. You will submit your work electronically in Canvas.

    You may access the required software, called Mathematica, in the following three ways. The best option is the first one.

    1. Get your own free copy at Mathematica Request. Activate your copy of Mathematica through "Activate through your organization (SSO)". See Wolfram support page Wolfram Support for help. If you need a laptop/tablet, contact WSU Computing Services Laptop Checkout.
    2. Any campus computer lab, including Tracy Hall Computer Lab, TY 126, and Elizabeth Hall Computer Lab, EH 213, assuming they are open.
    3. Virtual Lab: See Weber State Virtual Lab. This option will have some network issues!

    All files are in pdf format and are meant to be printed out

    All files are in pdf format and are meant to be printed out. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for viewing and printing these files. If your browser does not have this plug-in, you can get a free one from Adobe.

    You have the option of redoing one of the earlier labs to improve your score. This lab will be due on Wednesday December 4.

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