High School Music Methods

Music 4842 Syllabus

Professor: Thomas Priest, Ed.D


Classroom: BC 210/125, T & TH Office: BC 351
2 Credit Hours Office Hours: T & TH at 12:00 or by appointment
Telephone: (801) 626-7181 Email: tpriest@weber.edu

Course Description

Music 4842 provides music teachers with an introduction into methods of instruction, organization and presentation of appropriate content and musical literature in high school music classes.


Successful completion of Music 4822, Junior High/Middle School Methods

Required Text

Required Materials

Course Objectives

WSU's teacher preparation conceptual framework theme is "Student Achievement: Students, Teachers, & Communities Working Together." The model that illustrates the program's purposes, philosophy, outcomes and evaluation is represented by an easel, at the center of which is three overlapping components: Reflecting, Engaging, and Collaborating. The program standards are performance-based: that is, they describe what teachers should know and be able to do in order to be awarded a license. Course outcomes and objectives are geared around the conceptual framework. View the conceptual framework, INTASC Standards and the critical performances for each level on the teacher education website.

The Candidate Outcomes (Student Outcomes)

By the end of the course the teacher education candidate should be able to:

  1. provide an informed philosophy of music education.
  2. select musical literature that is appropriate for high school students.
  3. apply the National/State Standards for Arts Education (Music) towards methods of instruction.
  4. design instructional strategies for high school students.
  5. demonstrate knowledge of measurement and evaluation in music teaching and learning.
  6. develop music learning experiences that build connections between knowing muisc and knowing in other ways.
  7. analyze and describe music teaching and learning through qualitative or naturalistic research.
  8. gather information on selected topics using music education research.
  9. manage and administer a music education program.

Evaluation Strategies

  1. The students will collect 20 selections of music that are appropriate for High School students
  2. The students will select a music education topic, research this topic, evaluate resources, and write a paper on this topic ( a review of the extant literature).
  3. Students will analyze musical literature that they would like to share with high school students.---Answering questions from the Facets Model would be very helpful.---From this analysis, students will design a Teacher Work Sample that includes warm-ups that not only help students learn the selected literature but also allows students to engage in improvisation and/or composition.
  4. Students will engage in qualitative or naturalistic research in high school settings; students are required to observe 6 hours of music instruction in grades 9 through 12 and document these observations with a jounral of their experiences.

Course Assignments
The assignments are designed to help you meet the course outcomes (See above). In order to succeed in the class, it is in your best interest to plan ahead and work on the more difficult assignments*** throughout the semester. You may turn in assignments early.

(1) "Talking About Music: Interviews with Older Adults About Their Music Education..." (Outcomes 1-6, 8, & 9). 
(2) "Behavior Management in Rehearsal" and "Managing Music Classes and Rehearsals" (Outcomes 1-6, 8, & 9).
(3) "Management of a Choral Program" (Outcomes 1-6, 8, & 9)
(4) "Effective Budget Procedures" (Outcomes 1-6, 8, & 9)
(5) Select Research Topic for Research Paper (Outcome 8)
(6) ***The Exam will take place in the testing center (Outcomes 1-6, 8, & 9)

(7) ***Collecting and Evaluating Music Education Resources Assignment (Outcome 8)

(8) *** First Qualitative Research Journal (Outcome 1-7, & 9)

(9) ***Music Repertoire Project (Outcome 2)
(10) ***Research Paper (Outcome 8)
(11) ***Teacher Work Sample and Teaching Episode (Outcomes 3-6)
(12) ***Second Qualitative Research Journal (Outcome 1-7, & 9)


“Talking About Music: Interviews with Older Adults”
“ Behavior Management in Rehearsal” and “Managing Music Classes and Rehearsal”
“ Management of a Choral Program”
“ Effective Budget Procedures”
“ Assessing Learning in Music” and “Judging Musical Performances: Method or Madness”
Collecting and Evaluating Music Education Resources
Music Repertoire Project
Qualitative Research Journals (100) 50+50 = 100
Research Paper
Teacher Work Sample (50) and Teaching Episode (50)
50+50 = 100

Since several assignments are designed to help you succeed in completing the other more difficult assignments, all assignments must be completed (regardless of total points) to receive a C or higher in the course. 10% will be subtracted for each day an assignment is late. You may figure out your final letter grade by dividing the sum of your points by 360.

A, A- = Outstanding completion of all course requirements or 90-100%
B+, B, B- = All course requirements completed with competence and accuracy or 80-89%
C+, C, C- = All course requirements adequately completed or 70-79%
D+, D, D- = Some course requirements not completed or 60-69%
E = Several course requirements not completed or 59% or below


The exams should help you learn and apply what you have studied throughout the course. Questions on the exams have been developed by many of the students that have previously taken this course. If you would like to submit a question for a future class, please do not hesitate to do so.


Music Collections

Textbooks on Reserve

Additional Resources

Attendance and Participation

If you miss class, it is entirely your responsibility to attempt to make up the missed work. It is inappropriate to rob class time to make up for your absence. You are expected to attend class and to participate. Past students have cited class discussions and demonstrations as important components of the course. Since knowledge and information will be shared that will not be readily available outside of class, attendance is vital for your success in the course. Students who miss class or are late to class impede their own achievement as well as the achievement of their classmates.

Disabled Students' Notice

Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary.