Thursday, September 11, 2014


2 PM


All the items to be discussed at this meeting are available on the Faculty Senate Webpage  click on 11 September 2014 meeting for the links.


1.  Approval of the minutes from 21 August 2014 meeting.



2.  Summer Activity Report  -  Kathryn MacKay, Ombuds 


3.   Retreat on 12 August Report – Eric Amsel    Report


4.   PPM-6-22 Student Code – Eric Amsel    Student Code Procedures Proposal        Student Code Revision     Student Code Procedural Committee
Address restructure of the policy to remove the Jurisdiction/Hearing procedure section from the Student Handbook and moving them to the WSU website “Complaints, Grievances, Appeals & Petitions”


5.   TLA/TLF Hiring Committee – Eric Amsel


6.   Committee Member Changes     Draft All Committees Listing

      GEN ED John Stone, B&E, replaced by Brandon Koford, B&E

       Curr Comm  Wendy Fox-Kirk, B&E replaced by  Bryant Thompson, B&E

       APAFT  Brandon Koford, B&E replaced by Sebastian Brockhaus, B&E

7.  Faculty Senate Standing Committee Charges Approval

      Academic Resources and Computing – Carrie Ota 

      Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs – Carol Naylor

      Appointment, Promotion Academic Freedom and Tenure - Kirk Hagen

      Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization – Kirk Hagen

      Curriculum Committee – Ed Hahn

      Environmental Issues Committee – Shane Schvaneveldt

      General Education Improvement and Assessment – Eric Amsel

      Honorary Degree – Carol Naylor

      Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth – Kathleen Herndon

      Salary Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning – Craig Oberg

      Teaching, Learning, and Assessment – Alicia Giralt


8.   Faculty Board of Review Chair Nomination

      Committee Members are:   Sue Harley, Kathy Edwards, Rob Reynolds, Paul Schvaneveldt, Jim Jacobs,

      George Comber and Diane Kawamura.


9.   Other Items:

      Update from Dean’s Council – Eric Amsel

           a. Discussion of Instructor Status

           b.  Emergency Statement

           c.  Applicant Status and Financial Aid


Next Meeting:    Faculty Senate, 18 September 2014 at 3:00 pm WB206-207


Click here for 11 September 14 meeting minutes.