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For each invited presenter, you are required to write a 2 - 3 page, typed and double-spaced (12 pt font) summary of the readings and presentation. 

This assignment entails: 1) briefly summarizing the major idea or gist of each of the readings and the presentation, and 2) offering your reactions to the readings and presentation. 

You may want to discuss how what you read for and heard in the presentation fits within what you have learned in other courses, whether you were surprised (or not) by the research question and/or findings, alternative ways to test their ideas, whether they did not include, account for, or assess a variable that you think is relevant to their research question, and so on. 

Your response papers should not be a mere chronological summary of the author’s arguments; instead, you should focus on articulating the major arguments, points, or perspective the author is trying to convey and your reactions to them.

You must submit your paper within a week from the presentation.  It can be delivered to me directly or emailed, but must be received by 1 pm one week after the presentation, otherwise with will be considered late.  All late papers will be docked 2% points a day (including weekends) and will not be accepted after being one week (7 days) overdue (See Late Policy) 

You must attend all presentations but only five of the 6 papers will count towards your final grade in the course. Papers will be graded on completeness, thoughtfulness, originality, and quality of writing (proper grammar, sentence structure, organization, etc.).  Papers will be graded and returned via email. 

You will be able to check your grades for each presentation and paper through WebCT. To access the course website, go to http://online.weber.edu.  Log-in with your Wildcat username and password.  From the “My WSU Online” tab, click on “PSYC 4990”.  From the website, you will have access to the course syllabus, email me or the other students in the class, and stay current with your grades (“My Grades”). For assistance with Vista issues, email wsuonline@weber.edu or call 626-6499 (the phone is staffed Mon-Thurs, 8am–9pm & Fridays, 8–4:30pm; leave a message for a return call during non-business hours). For assistance with usernames and/or passwords, call (626-7777) or email (csupport@weber.edu) the Help Desk.

For a late contract, click here.

Weber State University, SS354
Psychology Department
Ogden, Utah 84408-1202