Genes, Environments,
and Their Interactions
(Chapter 2)
I. Introduction
A. The starting point of the story of development
B. The moment of conception:
1. Genes
2. Environments
C. The power of genes and environments
II Environments
A. Family Influences (pp. 73-78)
1. Direct vs. indirect influences
2. SES and Poverty
B. Beyond the family (pp. 78-80)
1. Neighborhoods
2. Schools
3. Towns & cities
C. Macrosystems (pp. 80-84)
1. Ethnicity vs. SES
2. Collectivism vs. Individualism
3. American culture and child rearing policies
III. Genes
A. Mendel
B. Hereditary transmission (pp. 53-63)
1. Chromosomes and genes
2. Mitosis and meiosis
3. Patterns of genetic inheritance
C. Species Similarities: Evolutionary Theory
D. Individual Differences: Behavioral Genetics (pp. 57-58; 85-88)
A. GXE=P (p. 54)
B. Interaction (pp. 88-92)
1. Range of reaction
2. Canalization
3. Scarrs Models
a. Passive
b. Evocative
c. Active