WS 2050    Introduction to Women's Studies    Spring 2001    Krantz and MacKay

Learning Goals  | Texts | Activities | Grades |Topics and Schedule

Learning Goals:


Women's Realities, Women's Choices, 2nd edition, by the Hunter College Women's Collective;     additional texts as assigned

Other Materials: 
A good dictionary
A folder in which all writing assignments are to be placed, along with drafts.
A very cheap folder, with a pocket, for Reading Response Papers entries 

Activities in support of learning goals:

Reading response papers.  30 POINTS
The Reading Response Papers should be a minimum of  500 words, double-spaced, computer-generated. You won't get credit for significantly fewer words, large font, wide margins, etc. Give us an honest page each time. You may submit these before the class period they are due but not after. There were 10 (including presentations) response papers
assigned this semester.

Exam. 15 POINTS
The exam will involve identifications and essay questions.

Generations Paper 15 POINTS
Interview one woman from a different generation and then compare and contrast her experiences and world views with your own in a 2-3 page paper.

Resource Guide. 20 POINTS
Students will work with at least one other student in creating an annotated bibliography on a topic in Women's Studies approved by instructor. Guides will be presented to the class in written and oral forms. 

Oral Report on self affirming action. 5 POINTS
Prepare a ten minute oral report for the rest of the class. Details will be provided.

Participation Statement 15 POINTS The class will be a mix of lecture, projects, and seminar-style discussions. Students will award themselves participation points in a paper justifying the points.

Grades: will be a percentage of points possible-not "on the curve."