WS 2050
Introduction to Women's Studies

Spring 2003    Pratt and MacKay

Any student requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in room 181 of the Student Service Center. SSD can also arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary.

The class will be a mix of lecture, projects, and seminar-style discussions

Schedule and Topics

Learning Goals:


Women's Voices, Feminist Visions
The Body Project
Additional texts as assigned

Activities in support of learning goals:

Reading response papers. 2 points each = 20 POINTS
The Reading Response Papers should be a minimum of  500 words, double-spaced, computer-generated.  Give us an honest page each time. These papers are intended to support your thinking through writing. They should be anchored in your assigned readings. You may submit these before the class period they are due but not after. There will be 10 (including presentations) response papers assigned this semester.

Grading:  Papers meeting the minimum word count and appropriate content description will receive full points possible  

Formal Paper. 15 POINTS
Students will respond to a choice of topics related to their work with The Body Project in a 2-4 page paper.

Generations Paper 15 POINTS
Interview one woman from a different generation and then compare and contrast her experiences and world views with your own in a 2-3 page paper.

Resource Guide. 30 POINTS
Students will work with at least one other student in creating an annotated bibliography on a topic in Women's Studies approved by instructor. Guides will be presented to the class in written and oral forms. 

Participation Statement  30 POINTS. Students will award themselves participation points in a paper justifying the points.

"Ah ha" presentation 5 POINTS. Students will present orally (and visually) the issue in women's studies which was of  most significance to them.

Grades: will be a percentage of points possible-not "on the curve."