PPM 1-13, Article B-5, Section 4.8: The Committee on Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth shall recommend policies on research, scholarship, teaching loads,
instructional and faculty development and faculty productivity. It shall facilitate faculty in obtaining grants, travel funds, physical facilities, etc., to pursue research and scholarly activities.

Committee Members

Downloadable Proposal
Format and Application


RSPG and Hemingway Expenditure Guidelines

General Funding Criteria
and Eligible Expenses


Hemingway Vitality 
Web Site


Summary Report

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * 


Previously Funded
Hemingway Proposals








All contract, salaried faculty are encouraged to submit proposals to the RSPG Committee (see list of proposal categories below).  Adjunct faculty and professional staff may be included within proposals that are submitted by contract, salaried faculty.

 Fall 2008 Deadlines for

Hemingway Faculty Vitality Grants
Instructional Improvement Grants
Research Grants



September 18, 2008: Informational “Drop-In Lunch” (sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Forum),

Noon-1:30 pm, Wildcat Room, Shepherd Union Building.  Ask questions about the submission process, funding criteria, and filling out the proposal form. 

October 13, 2008: Submit your proposal to an RSPG representative to check for completeness and appropriateness.  Departmental and college signatures are not required at this point, but no proposals can be accepted after the deadline.  There is, however, a seven‑day period before the next due date during which proposals can receive final editing and receive signatures. 

October 13-20, 2008: After revisions have been made, obtain the signatures of your RSPG representative, the department chair and the dean.  

October 20, 2008: One copy of the final proposal with original signatures is due in the committee chair's office (Marjukka Ollilainen, SS 122, MC 1208, EXT 6238). Proposals lacking any of the required signatures identified above will NOT be considered.  An electronic copy in a pdf or rtf format must also be submitted by email to the chair

Late October: The RSPG committee will meet to consider proposals.


Proposals that include cost sharing from departments, colleges, off-campus agencies and/or faculty personal funds are viewed more favorably than are proposals that do not include cost-sharing.   

RSPG grant amounts typically range from a few hundred dollars to $3000.00. Hemingway Collaborative and Faculty Excellence awards may receive higher levels of funding.  RSPG will provide no more than $1250/ person for travel to conferences within the United States.  The committee will consider larger requests for foreign travel.

Proposals that request retroactive funding will NOT be reviewed.  For more information on funding criteria and eligible expenses, go to


Any research involving human subjects and/or protected animals must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate committee (Institutional Review Board for Human Subjects, Animal Care & Use Committee) prior to submission to RSPG.  Submit the required forms to either:

Dr. Theresa Kay, Chair of the IRB, MC 1202, SS 366, Ext. 6812

Dr. Barbara Trask, Chair of the ACUC, MC 2505, SL 402, Ext. 6165 


1) Hemingway Vitality Grants (Fall and Spring Semesters)

Hemingway Faculty Vitality Grants are provided for projects that support individual faculty research, presentation of papers or serving in an official capacity at a professional organization meeting, attendance at a meeting or short workshop, development of a new course, or acquisition of new skills or expertise. 

2) Instructional Improvement (Fall and Spring Semesters)

This category includes those proposals that focus on the development of student-centered pedagogical approaches; augmentation of existing curriculum; assessment of new skills for students; development of classroom support materials and activities, excluding consumables or materials that are part of normal operating expenses; and development of interdisciplinary programs or courses. 

3) Research (Fall and Spring Semesters)

This category encompasses faculty activities that promote original scholarship, research, and artistic expression, including the acquisition, application, and dissemination of knowledge, and the facilitation and exhibition of artistic expression. 

4) Hemingway Collaborative (Spring Semester)

Hemingway Collaborative Projects involve two or more WSU faculty; priority will be given to proposals that focus on two or more separate disciplines. 

5) Hemingway Excellence (Spring Semester)

Hemingway Excellence Projects have the potential to positively and significantly impact a broader community.  Proposals must clearly specify how the benefit goes beyond individual faculty and impacts a broader community (community may be defined as an academic department or college, or an off-campus agency). 

6) Hemingway New Faculty (Spring Semester)

New Faculty Grants are provided to tenure track faculty within their first two years on tenure track at WSU.