
No. 6-2

Rev. 12-14-10

Date 4-20-77



A. All students applying for admission to Weber State University must comply with the admission application procedural steps specified by the University for their particular application status, e.g. new freshmen, transfer, readmission, or international applicant as follows:

1. New freshmen must complete the following admission application process:
a. Submit evidence of graduation from an accredited high school (applicants from Utah must submit Basic or Alternative completion Diplomas and transcripts) or evidence of high school graduation equivalency. High school graduation equivalency may be satisfied in one of the following ways:
1) Pass the General Education Development Test (GED) with an overall score of 2250 or better, with no individual score below 450.
2) Pass the ACT/SAT with a composite score which meets or exceeds an annually established benchmark. Note: To satisfy high school equivalency in this manner an applicant's high school class must have graduated.
b. Submit an official transcript from the high school of graduation. The transcript must be sent directly from the high school to the Weber State University Admissions office.
c. Submit an application for admission.
d. Pay the application fee.

2. Transfer students must complete the following admission application process:

a. Submit an official transcript from each college or university previously attended. Transcripts must be sent directly from the prior college or university to the Weber State University Admissions Office.
b. Submit an application for admission.
c. Pay the application fee.

3. Readmitted Students must complete the following admission application process:

a. Weber State University students who enrolled for two semesters or fewer, with the exception of summer term, can be reactivated without having to fill out an application for admission, provided they were not academically suspended and have not attended another college or university in the meantime. They may reactivate their files by contacting the Weber State University Admissions Office.
b. Weber State University students who enrolled for more than 2 semesters, with the exception of summer term, may be required to submit an application for admission to reactivate their file. There will be no admission fee for readmitted students.

4. International applicants must submit the application information required of new freshmen or transfer students (as applicable), and must also submit evidence of:

a. English Proficiency: Provide evidence of English proficiency as described in the University catalogue. International applicants who are admitted but with insufficient English proficiency must first take the LEAP Placement Test and then complete the appropriate ESL courses according to their test results. such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with minimum scores of 500 (written), 173 (computer based), or 61 (internet based) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with minimum score of 4.8. English proficiency can also be completed by successful completion of the equivalent of Weber State's English ENGL 1010 - Intro to College Writing course from an accredited U.S. college or university with a grade of 2.0 or better. International applicants who are admitted but unable to present evidence of English proficiency must take the LEAP Placement test first and complete the appropriate ESL courses according to their test results.
b. Financial Support: A financial statement indicating the availability of funds for school and living expenses for the first year at Weber State University and adequate support for the full length of time they expect to be enrolled at the University.
c. Health Insurance: International students must provide evidence of independent health insurance coverage for each term enrolled.