Amendment related to the issue of amending the current paper ballot system (C-III in by CRAO committee by unanimous vote on Oct. 18,2011


New Language:

PPM 1-13


Amendments shall be proposed to the general faculty by a majority of the total voting membership of the Faculty Senate. The Senate shall not take its final action on an amendment during the first meeting at which it is introduced. This Constitution of the Weber State University Faculty Senate may be amended only by an affirmative vote of three-fifths of the general faculty as determined by mail ballot, conducted electronic ballot, overseen by the secretary of the Senate and by three tellers faculty members appointed by the chair of the Senate. A ballot shall be valid only if returned in two envelopes provided by the secretary, with the outer envelope signed, and if  received by the secretary of the Faculty Senate within 15 (fifteen) days after the date on which ballots were provided to the general faculty. A faculty member who wishes to abstain from voting shall submit a blank ballot in envelopes sealed and signed in the prescribed manner be provided that opportunity on the ballot. At the end of ten (10) days, the secretary shall send a second ballot, plainly marked, reminder to all members of the faculty who have not yet submitted ballots. At the end of the  days after the date on which ballots were mailed to the general faculty. 15- (fifteen-) day period, the ballots shall be counted and results of the ballots will be announced to all faculty. (For amendments to the Bylaws see Article B-XIII Amendments.)