The Faculty Senate Executive Committee is in the process of identifying an experienced full professor interested in serving as the Faculty Ombuds. This is a new position created for the purpose of providing informal assistance to WSU faculty in addressing University-related complaints, conflicts or problems involving or affecting them. The goal of the WSU Faculty Ombuds is to help faculty solve problems early, informally, and at the lowest levels to minimize the need to pursue formal grievance procedures. The Ombuds uses conflict resolution methods such as mediation, facilitation, conciliation and shuttle diplomacy to help resolve issues.

The position is for one year with possibility of an extension to a 3-year term. The appointment is for the academic year 2012-2013. For the first year, quarter time release will be given. Following the first year, the position will be reviewed to determine what compensation (released time, money, etc.) is warranted by the position.

At the end of the year, the Ombuds will provide a summary report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee describing the work s/he has done throughout the year.

The successful candidate should be a full professor with at least 10 years of service at Weber State with knowledge of university departments, administration, policies and procedures. The ideal candidate should also possess strong communication skills including listening and conflict resolution methods such as mediation, facilitation, conciliation and shuttle diplomacy. The candidate should also demonstrate the ability to be impartial to help resolve issues and be able to keep all information confidential. Training may be provided as needed.

Applicants should send a brief vita (not to exceed 3 pages focusing on Ombuds related experiences) and letter outlining your interest and experiences to Kay Brown, 210J Miller Administration Building, MC 1033 or  Review of applicants will begin immediately.