Following changes are proposed to University Curriculum Committee PPM.



Outline for procedures involving both Gen Ed and Curriculum Committees


5 to 7 years change:

2. Courses will be granted General Education status in a specific core, breadth, or DV area for a period of 7 years, or until major modifications of the Weber State University General Education requirements warrant an earlier review. Any course seeking General Education status, whether new or renewing, must undergo review to insure that it appropriately addresses the current learning outcomes for the intended core, breadth, or DV area.

3.  Existing Gen Ed courses will be reviewed for possible renewal of their Gen Ed status during the Fall Semester of their final or seventh year of approval. A similar procedure and the same curriculum forms will be used to generate, review, and approve course proposals for renewing courses.


GenEd Course Discontinuance Change:

6. Departments sponsoring a course placed on Gen Ed probation may modify the course, and/or collect more assessment data, and resubmit the course the following Fall Semester. If the modified course is approved it will be granted Gen Ed status for the next 6 years, or until its core, breadth, or DV designation is next reviewed. Should a course on probation fail to be approved during the probationary year, that course may not be resubmitted until the next scheduled review for its core, breadth, or DV designation .  Unless approved for renewal during the probationary year, the course cannot be applied toward a student’s Gen Ed credit total starting on the academic year immediately following probation, regardless of the catalog year assigned to the student on admission as described in the University PPM 4-2, Section II-A.  Students who previously completed the course during those academic years in which the course had Gen Ed designation will retain the Gen Ed credits associated with the course.