DRAFT 8-26-11


Erika Daines, Chair
Colin Inglefield, Liaison




PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.5: The Curriculum Committee (CC) shall study and evaluate the curriculum needs of the University by reviewing program, certificate, and course proposals (including courses proposed to fulfill specific General Education designations as defined in the CC manual), which have been approved by college curriculum committees or programs that report directly to the Office of Academic Affairs.

1.     Review and approve curriculum and program proposals.

2.     Continue to conduct workshops on an as-needed basis with college curriculum committee chairs to acquaint them with curriculum procedures.

3.     Develop a new approval form for courses to satisfy the diversity requirement using criteria approved by Faculty Senate.

4.     Report to the faculty senate how the proposed switch to an electronic curriculum workflow would affect the operations of the curriculum committee. Make recommendations.

6.     Identify a process where learning objectives are communicated to students, i.e. published online or in the syllabus.