Faculty Sabbatical Leave - PPM 3-25
No. 3-25 Rev. 05-08-07 Date 2-15-78
A sabbatical leave shall be interpreted to mean a leave of absence with
compensation for one semester or two semesters as approved by the Board of
Trustees for purposes of study, research or other pursuit, the objectives of
which are the professional improvement and advancement of faculty members as
well as an increase in their usefulness to the institution.
A one-course reduction in a tenure-track faculty member's contracted workload
for one semester is available for the purpose of promoting scholarly activity
before tenure is granted (See Section VI).
A. Applications for sabbatical leaves shall describe in detail the purpose for
which the leave is requested and the manner in which it is expected to improve
the applicant's ability to discharge obligations to the University.
B. Applications for sabbatical leaves should be submitted to the appropriate
department by December 1 of the academic year preceding the academic year in
which the sabbatical leave is to occur. The department chair shall forward the
application with a recommendation as to its disposition to the dean of the
college. The dean shall review this application, make a recommendation and, in
consultation with the provost, determine if the leave ought to be granted. A
report and recommendation to this effect shall be submitted to the president
and, if the president concurs, to the Board of Trustees for final approval. The
applicant will receive notice of the final decision by February 15 of the
academic year preceding the academic year in which the sabbatical leave is to
C. Applications by faculty members holding appointments in more than one
department or college shall be submitted to and be the subject of a
recommendation from each appropriate chair, dean and the provost.
D. Upon the completion of a sabbatical leave, the
recipient shall file with the provost, the dean and the department chair a
detailed report of activities during the leave and of the extent to which the
purposes of the leave were met.
Beginning Fall 2013 each college will report the
number of sabbaticals granted for the current semester, the number of faculty
returning and the number of sabbatical reports filed from the previous semester
to the Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee within 45 days of
the beginning of the semester. The report is filed with the Faculty Senate and
the individual returning from sabbatical will present their findings at a
department and/or college meeting.