Faculty Senate
February 17, 2000
MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Scott Amos - Kirk Hagen representing
Eric Amsel
Richard Beatch
Mark Biddle
Sharen Brady
Delroy Brinkerhoff
Michael Cena - Excused
Mike Chertudi - Student
Bruce Christensen
Bill Clapp
Erika Daines
Betty Damask-Bembenek
Tom Day - Excused
Karen Dewey
Rick Dove
Anand Dyal-Chand - Admin
Dave Eisler - Admin.
Ron Galli - Admin.
Jim Gaskill
Dawn Gatherum
David Greene - Admin.
Frank Guliuzza - Parliamentarian
Bruce Handley -
Mark Henderson
Warren Hill - Excused
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Ken Johnson
Paul Joines
Brenda Kowalewski
Thom Kuehls
Jeff Livingston - Excused
Kathleen Lukken - Admin.
Jim Macdonald - Excused
Dwayne Meadows
Judith Mitchell - Vice Chair
Randy Parker - Excused
June Phillips - Admin. - Catherine Zublin representing
Margaret Pilcher - Student
Valory Quick
Richard Sadler - Admin.
Dan Schroeder
Randy Scott
Candadai Seshachari - Chair
Gene Sessions
Sally Shigley
John Sillito
John Sohl - Brad Carroll representing
Mohammad Sondossi - Farhang Amiri representing
Timothy Steele
Adam Suttlemyer - Student - Excused
Alden Talbot
President Paul Thompson - Admin.
Jennifer Turley
Michael Vaughan - Admin
Wangari Wa Nyatetu-Waigwa
Lydia Wingate - Sarah Toevs representing
Kay Brown, Secretary
Moved to approve the minutes from the January
20, 2000 meeting.
Made: John Sillito
Second: Judith Mitchell
Outcome: The minutes were approved
B Mike Chertudi, a student representative to the Faculty Senate4. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE
B Georgine Bills, ChairCharge 1: Monitor legislation that has been passed by the Faculty Senate but never implemented due to a lack of sufficient STAARS programming resources.
1. Adoption of the STAARS Feasibility Form and
2. Requiring use and review of the form prior to passing
new legislation which will require STAARS resources.
Charge 2: Develop long-term goals and a means for implementing those goals ... to improve the preparation of incoming students, particularly in the areas of math, English, computers, and science.
1. Have university Orientation and Admissions professional
staff provide Faculty Senate with current recruiting and informational
activities (data attached);
2. Continue to support and develop additional informational
brochures specifically a AScoop
for parents to highlight the cost differential for students who enter the
university unprepared and require remedial courses (proposed sample was
reviewed by the Senate.)
Charge 3: Determine and recommend ways for enforcement and recording of Computer and Information Literacy by end of 60 hours of class work .
1. Develop an advising message via Touch-Tel and On-Line
registration to remind/advise students that Computer and Information
Literacy, English core requirements, and Quantitative Literacy are ALL to be
completed within the first 60 credit hours at WSU;
2. Improve and develop new advising messages (i.e.
through Academic Advising, posters, SignPost) to reinforce these
3. Academic and departmental advisors will reinforce
these requirements.
Charge 4: Determine if any legislation is needed to guarantee that students will not be expected to attend additional classes during regularly scheduled finals week.
1. No Faculty Senate Action is required, department
chairs and program directors should continue to monitor.
Charge 5: Determine if Computer and Information Literacy, Quantitative Literacy, and English requirements should be added to the University PPM rather than the present location in Curriculum and Gen. Ed. Committee PPM.
1. All graduation standards be included in the University
PPM, Section IV, Policy 4-1 is currently void and is a logical location for
these standards; and
2. If similar requirements (e.g. Diversity core
requirement) are added in the future, they will be added to Section IV, 4-1,
and be cross-referenced with other existing listing such as the Curriculum
PPM and the university PPM 6-2 (Admissions).
Charge 6: Review policies for grade changes, late registration, late withdrawals, etc. and provide training for policy enforcement and consistency.
1. PPM revisions; and
2. Ongoing training for classified and professional staff
in the Student Services departments is the responsibility of Managers in
those areas (e.g. Registration, Records); and
3. Faculty should be informed through departmental
leadership (chairs and program directors).
Motion: Moved to place the graduation requirements in
the University PPM.
Made: Judith Mitchell
Second: Alden Talbot
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Sociology & Anthropology diversity course proposal for Biological Anthropology - Anthro LS2200.
Motion: Moved to approve the diversity course
proposal for Biological Anthropology - Anthro LS2200.
Made: Gene Sessions
Second: Judith Mitchell
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.
Political Science diversity course proposal for Problems in World Politics: Third World Women - Polsc 4160.
Motion: Moved to approve the diversity course
proposal from Political Science for Problems in World Politics: Third
World Women - Polsc 4160.
Made: Richard Beatch
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Criminal Justice diversity course proposal for Community Policing - CJ3040.
Motion: Moved to approve the diversity course
proposal from Criminal Justice for Community Policing - CJ3040.
Made: Richard Beatch
Second: Gene Sessions
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Information Systems & Technology course proposal for Software Skills for Business - IS&T 1000
The question was raised whether or not any department can create and offer a computer literacy course. Another issue of concern raised was WAS standards on computer literacy, and if we are bound by those standards. The IS&T 1000 course does no meet the standards passed by the Curriculum and General Education Committee and the Faculty Senate two years ago, and the state requirement for computer information and literacy. WSU added to the state requirement the data base section and the library section beyond the state requirements.
The following excerpt from the Faculty Senate May 21, 1998 minutes was stated:
Students may demonstrate achievement of these two important educational objectives by choosing one method on each line of the following table:REQUIREMENT: Candidates for all bachelor degrees, A.S. and A.A. degrees must demonstrate understanding and appropriate application of personal computing tools including word-processing, spreadsheet, e-mail, and Internet information technologies as well as use of electronic indexes and catalogs of the library to identify, find, evaluate, and ethically use information. . .
Motion: To accept the recommendation of the Curriculum & General Education Committee Task Force on Computing Competence & Information Literacy:
Competence |
Courses |
Exam Module |
OS, Internet, Email |
TBE 1702 |
CS 1010, 1013 |
Module I |
Word Processing |
TBE 1701 |
CS 1011 |
Module II |
Spreadsheets |
TBE 1703 |
CS 1011 |
Module III |
Info Literacy & Ethics |
Libsci 2201 (Class) |
Libsci 2202 (Internet) |
Module IV |
Outcome: The motion passed.
The above listed computer science courses have since been deleted.
The IS&T 1000 course is a 1 credit hour course designed for business students. It was stated that students would prefer to take a 1 credit hour course to fill the requirement rather than the three TBE courses totaling 3 credit hours. The student Faculty Senate representatives were in favor of the course. Alden Talbot, Chair of the Telecommunications and Business Education Department suggested that TBE 1701, 1702, and 1703 or equivalent be prerequisites to this course.
If this course is passed it will be listed in the catalog as a way for students to fulfill the computer literacy requirement.
Previous Question: John Sillito
Outcome: Failed
Motion: Moved to approve the course proposal from
Information Systems & Technology for Software Skills for Business -
IS&T 1000.
Made: Paul Joines
Second: Karen Dewey
Outcome: The motion failed with 12 for, 22 opposed,
and 3 abstentions.
RESEARCH, SCHOLARSHIP AND PROFESSIONAL GROWTH COMMITTEEEva Szalay to replace Denise Weeks on ARCC Committee, and Kathy Culliton to replace Debra Huber on the RSPG Committee.
Motion: Moved to accept Eva Szalay to replace Denise
Weeks on the ARCC Committee and Kathy Culliton to replace Debra Huber on
the RSPG Committee
Made: Dawn Gatherum
Second: Erika Daines
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.