EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Approved 4-13-2000
March 30, 2000
SS115, 2:00 p.m.
Bruce Handley, Judith Mitchell, Gene
Sessions, John Sohl, Alden Talbot, Paul Thompson, Kay Brown -
Karen Dewey, Dave Eisler, Candadai
Seshachari, Sally Shigley, and John Sillito
Gene Sessions: Moved to approve the
minutes from the March 30, 2000 meeting.
Second: John Sohl
Outcome: The minutes were approved.
Inclusivity Action Committee for
Diversity, Sandra Powell and Kathleen Lukken Co-Chairs. Committee
Members, Pam Molen, Jeff Eaton, Diane Krantz, David Eisler, Judith
Mitchell, Bob Wadman, Maria Parilla, Brenda Marsteller Kowalewski,
Chad Witcher, Geneva Foster, and Priti Kumar.
"The "Guidelines for Diversity Courses" document was constructed by the Academic Affairs Inclusivity Action Team, working under the Assistant to the President for Diversity, to assist faculty in designing and implementing a course to meet the diversity requirement. It is offered as a guideline and a resource. Section I outlines the diversity course criteria as passed by the Faculty Senate April 15, 1999. Section II discusses ideal elements of a diversity course to capture the general philosophy, or spirit, of a diversity requirement. Finally, Section III addresses key elements to a diversity course syllabus. Examples of these key elements from outstanding syllabi (already accepted to meet the diversity requirement) are provided.
@The Executive Committee would like to have this document go to members of the Curriculum and General Education Committee.
Gene Sessions: Moved to forward to the
Faculty Senate for the April 20 meeting as an information item
TLA Teaching, Learning, and Assessment/Teaching Learning Forum
B Judith MitchellThe position announcement for the Chair/Director of the Teaching, Learning, and Assessment/Teaching and Learning Forum will go out in the mail March 30. Review of applicants will begin April 10, 2000. The review of applicants is done by members of the Executive Committee and members of the TLA Committee.
Concern was expressed over the budget given the Teaching and Learning Forum. The New Faculty Retreat takes a significant portion of the budget. It was suggested that a charge be given the TLA Committee, in conjunction with the Executive Committee, to carefully examine and evaluate the various budget components.
John Sohl: Moved to send out the
position announcement for the Chair/Director of the Teaching,
Learning, and Assessment/Teaching and Learning Forum.
Second: Alden Talbot
Outcome: The motion passed
The meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.