Approved 3-2-2000


February 24, 2000
SS115, 2:00 p.m.

Karen Dewey, Dave Eisler, Bruce Handley, Judith Mitchell, Candadai Seshachari - Chair, Sally Shigley, Gene Sessions, John Sillito, John Sohl, Alden Talbot, Paul Thompson, Kay Brown - Secretary

Gene Sessions: Moved to approve the minutes of the February 10 and February 18, 2000 meetings.
Second: John Sillito
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

The Executive Committee discussed nominations for the UAAP Faculty Senate Award to a faculty member who has made outstanding contributions to faculty governance.

Bruce Handley: Moved to elect Candadai Seshachari for the Faculty Governance award for 2000, and moved nominations cease.
Second: Gene Sessions
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Judith Mitchell discussed the position announcement for the Chair of the Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Committee/Coordinator of the Teaching and Learning Forum. The Executive Committee reviewed the position announcement. Teaching schedules for 2000-2001 are already defined and may prevent many faculty from applying for the position.

The Provost discussed his commitment to the Teaching and Learning Forum, but he is concerned about the model. He wants the model to work for faculty. The history of the forum and the direction it has taken in the past as well as its new direction, organization, structure, events (including the new faculty retreat), and funding were discussed. Judith Mitchell is the Faculty Senate liaison to the committee. She indicated an increase in faculty participation this year. Very positive responses were received from the faculty survey as well as guidance on the direction faculty would like to see the forum move.

Dr. Mitchell has been acting as chair the past two months since the resignation of Bob Higginson. She was asked if she would consider continuing for another year. Dr. Mitchell will think about the chair position and discuss that option along with other options at the March 2 Executive Committee meeting. Dr. Seshachari reminded the Executive Committee that the TLA Committee is a standing committee of the Faculty Senate, and guidelines under the constitution of the Faculty Senate should be followed.

Faculty Senate elections for Executive Committee members will be held Wednesday, March 8 from 2:00 until 4:30 p.m. in the Smith Auditorium of the Wattis Business Building. The Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair for the 2000-2001 academic year will be elected at the March 23 Faculty Senate meeting.

President Thompson and the Provost felt that salary recommendations from the Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee need to be presented and approved by the Faculty Senate prior to the March 23 Faculty Senate meeting to allow the salary negotiation team time to meet with the President and the Provost and work out the final details, then to forward the information to the Deans allowing them sufficient time to complete the salary worksheets for the Budget Office deadline. The Provost indicated that the University should have the health benefits issues decided by March 9.

It was suggested that an additional Faculty Senate meeting be held on March 9 to discuss and approve the salary recommendations from the Salary, Benefits, Budget, and Fiscal Planning Committee. This will keep the budget cycle from being compressed into a few weeks. If the merit component is approved, the deans will need some time to work with individual faculty salaries within their college.

John Sohl: Moved to hold an additional Faculty Senate meeting on Thursday, March 9. The Agenda Setting meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. on March 9 in SS 115, with the Faculty Senate meeting at 3:30 p.m. in WB 122.
Second: Judith Mitchell
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Dr. Seshachari hand delivered to the Provost the resolutions adopted by the Executive Committee February 18. Dr. Seshachari and Provost Eisler met and discussed the concerns raised by Executive Committee members, the breach of the PPM, and the way the process was tainted by remarks made at the English Department meeting which "compromised the chair’s selection process by an egregious attempt to prejudice the members of the English department against one of the candidates for the chair."

On February 18 Dr. Seshachari in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee met with, to review and advised, Provost Eisler about the erosion of confidence by the Executive Committee in the leadership of the Administration. Provost Eisler and Dr. Seshachari met on February 22. Dr. Seshachari reported that he met with all four English Department chair candidates and they were negative to the idea of another survey. Members of the English Department were also contacted. They felt the second survey had gone through confidentially and they were not in favor of a third survey. Dr. Seshachari met with Dean Phillips February 22 to review the serious concerns of the Executive Committee. Dean Phillips had a copy of the Executive Committee resolution and the email from Gene Sessions and Bruce Handley.

Provost Eisler reported to the Executive Committee his actions. Provost Eisler and Dean Phillips were out of town following the February 10 meeting. He contacted Dean Phillips by telephone and relayed the conversations of the Executive Committee. He was unable to meet with Dean Phillips the following week as she was out of town. Provost Eisler has since had several conversations with Dean Phillips.

The preservation of faculty rights and the role of a dean were discussed at length. This is not an English Department issue, it is a faculty rights issue.

The Provost reported that he relayed the concerns of the Executive Committee to Dean Phillips, and expressed his belief that Dean Phillips has the right to make her own choices in how to handle the situation. The Provost does not want to dictate behavior to a dean. The Provost feels that Dean Phillips needs to have conversations with the faculty in the English Department to improve the situation. The challenge is how to make those conversations happen in a positive manner. Dean Phillips’ contributions to the College of Arts and Humanities were recalled. The Executive Committee concluded that this particular situation in now in the hands of the faculty in the College of Arts and Humanities.

The Executive Committee discussed the need to train deans so that they are knowledgeable of the PPM, the faculty role, and the role of the administration.

The meeting adjourned at 4:35 p.m.