Thursday, 12 February 2015


2 PM 


All the items to be discussed at this meeting are available on the Faculty Senate Webpage  click on 12 February 2015 meeting for the links.

1.    Approval of the minutes from 15 January 2015 meeting.

2.    University Curriculum Committee - Sally Cantwell, Chair


HONORS - Judy Elsley

Program Change Proposal - Honors Program, HNRS2050 (SS) added as required course.



Child and Family - Wei Qiu and Teri Henke

Program Change Proposal - Early Childhood (AAS);  Early Childhood (BS);  Early Childhood Education(BS)   Catalog Changes    Support Letter    Support Letter    Support Letter

New Course Proposal CHF4130 Language Development and Emergent Literacy in Early Childhood   Syllabus

New Course Proposal CHF4730 Early Childhood/Early Childhood Education Program Development    Syllabus



Nursing - Kristy Baron

Program Change proposal - RN to BSN

New Course Proposal NRSG4045 End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium     Syllabus


Medical Lab Sciences - Janet Oja

Program Proposal Change - Medical Lab Science BS     Support Letter

New Course Proposal MLS3312 Clinical laboratory Immunology and Virology   Syllabus



Network Technology & Business Multimedia - Allyson Saunders     Support Letter 1   Support Letter 2     Support Letter 3

Program Proposal Change  - Network Management Technology,  AAS Degree

Program Proposal Change -  Network Management Technology, BS Degree

Program Proposal Change -  Network Management Technology, Minor

Course Proposal Change - NTM1300 Networks and Emerging Technologies    Syllabus

Course Proposal Change - NTM3710 Switching and Transmission Network Systems Management   Syllabus

Course Proposal Change - NTM3715 Transmission Network Applications   Syllabus

Course Proposal Change - NTM4700 Data and Voice Network Design    Syllabus

Course Proposal Change - NTM4710  Traffic Technology & Voice Network Design


Computer Science - Brian Rague

New Program Proposal - Programming Essentials Institutional Certificate

New General Education Computer Information Literacy Proposal - CS1030     Syllabus     Support Letter



Political Science - Stephanie Wolfe

New Course Proposal POLS2930 Peacebuilding in Rwanda      Syllabus     Support Letter

New Course Proposal POLS4760 Rwanda: Genocide and Aftermath   Syllabus    Support Letter    Memo of Understanding



Business Administration - Clinton Amos

Program Change Proposal - BS in Business Administration: Marketing Emphasis


3.   PPM 3-27 Administrative Leave – Kirk Hagen, APAFT Liaison

         PPM 3-27 Link


4.   Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs  Committee -  Becky Marchant, Chair

        PPM 4-19 - Grading Policies (exerpt)            Synopsis of   Committee Discussions

Charge #3 states: Review existing policy and consider requiring programs (such as developmental and other gateway programs) to submit to some mechanism of review for changes to their program admissions/placement standards when those changes impact students and other programs across the University.


Our questions regarding this charge are -


1.       Is the term “gateway program” intended to include only developmental (remedial) programs or to be interpreted more broadly? If applied more broadly, how should a gateway program be defined?

2.       What contact person (most likely the person who brought the charge to Executive Committee) can ASSA talk to or meet with for clarification?

3.       What example(s) exist to illustrate the type of concern Charge #3 is intended to address?


5.   General Education Improvement and Assessment Committee(GEIAC) – Leigh Shaw, Chair
       General Education Social Sciences (SS) Mission Statement and Learning Outcomes    Document


6.    Academic Resources and Computing Committee(ARCC) – Drew Weidman, Chair

       ARCC Report – Fall 2014
       ARCC and Electronic Portfolios – David Ferro, Dean of COAST and Bret Ellis, VP of Information Technology


7.   Vacancy in the Faculty Senate and Executive Committee -  Craig Oberg


       Nominations from Arts and Humanities Senators to fill in for Alicia Giralt(on FMLA) for Spring 2015


8.   Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee – Craig Oberg    


       Replacement on TLA Committee -  Spring 2015 – Hailey Gillen, A&H replaces Ann Bialowas, A&H on FMLA.


       TLA Liaison, Alicia Giralt replace with (replacement to be determined) for Spring 2015.


9.   Other Items –


       Faculty Senate Newsletter – Eric Amsel


       Upcoming Election for 15-16 Executive Committee -- 23 – 25 February. 


       New Senators for 2015-16 Faculty Senate


       Update on Ombuds position submissions


       Faculty Governance Award Nominations


Next Meeting:    Faculty Senate,  19 February 2015 at 3:00 pm WB206-207


NO Executive Committee meeting on 26 February -- unless one is needed.


Next Meeting:  Agenda Setting – Executive Committee, 5 March 2015 at 2 pm in MA211K



Click here for 12 February 2015 meeting minutes.