Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate 
Thursday, October 31,  2013
MA 211K
2:00 p.m.


1.   Approval of the minutes from the 10 October 2013 Agenda Setting meeting.

2.    University Curriculum Committee - Fran Butler, Chair

     HONORS - Judy Elsley
      HNRS2050  Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Social Sciences - New Course Proposal  Syllabus
      HNRS2050  General Education Course Proposal - Social Sciences(SS)
- Gen Ed SS Form


      Philosophy & Political Science - Richard Price

      POLS 3400 Sexual Orientation, Politics, and Law - New Course Proposal  Syllabus

      POLS4620 The U.S. Supreme Court - New Course Proposal  Syllabus



      Business Administration -- Sebastian Brockhaus

      Program Change Proposal - Supply Chain Management

      SCM4500  Supply Chain Relational Strategies - New Course  Syllabus

      SCM4550  Strategic Supply chain Design - New Course  Syllabus


      Economics - Doris G Stevenson

      Program Change Proposals

      General Economics

      Business Economics

Economics with Legal Studies Emphasis

Economics, Quantitative Emphasis

International Economics Emphasis

ECON4970 Introduction to Research Methods - New Course Proposal     Syllabus

      ECON4980 Research Methods - Course Proposal Change



      Nursing - Tamara Dahlkemper

      NRSG4700 - Forensic Nursing, New Course Proposal     Syllabus     Supporting Documents


      Health Administration Services - Richard Dalkemper

      Program Change Proposal - Health Administration Services

      HAS4160 - Medical Practice Management - New Course Proposal     Syllabus



      HPHP - Melissa Masters

      Program Change Proposal - Nutrition

      NUTR1240  Exploration in Culinary Art and Science - New Course Proposal        Syllabus

      REC3230  Wilderness Nutrition & Backcountry Cooking - New Course Propsal      Syllabus



Foreign Languages - Diego Batista

Associate of Arts in French - New Program Proposal

Associate of Arts in German - New Program Proposal

Associate of Arts in Japanese - New Program Proposal

Associate of Arts in Spanish - New Program Proposal

3.     APAFT – Library, Post Tenure Document -  Stephen Francis, Chair and Wade Kotter

       Library, Post-Tenure Docuement


4.    Mike, Take the Mic – Mike Vaughan


5.     Faculty Board of Review – Patti Cost, Chair

        Approval of  George Comber, COAST, as member of FBR committee.


6.     Report on Committee Activities - Liaisons


7.     Other Items
        Discuss a building location change on one Facutly Senate meeting.


 Next Meeting:    Faculty Senate, November 7, 2013 at 3:00 pm WB206-207


Next Meeting:   Program Review meeting is Thursday, 14 November, MA319 Board Room



Thursday, October 31, 2013


2 PM




Eric Amsel, John Armstrong, Patti Cost, Alicia Giralt, Kirk Hagen, Kathleen Herndon, Ed Hahn, Jim Turner,  Mike Vaughan,  Chuck Wight, and Brenda Stockberger


EXCUSED  Carol Naylor


GUESTS – Fran Butler, Wade Kotter


1.   MINUTES – Approval of the minutes from Agenda Setting meeting – October 10, 2013.


DISCUSSION – No discussion.


MOTION   Move to approve the minutes from Agenda Setting meeting – October 10, 2013 by Ed Hahn.

SECOND   Alicia Giralt

OUTCOME Unanimous


2.  Curriculum Committee – Fran Butler, Chair


     HONORS - Judy Elsley

      HNRS2050  Exploring Key Concepts in the Disciplines: Social Sciences - New Course Proposal

      HNRS2050  General Education Course Proposal - Social Sciences(SS)



      Philosophy & Political Science - Richard Price

      POLS 3400 Sexual Orientation, Politics, and Law - New Course Proposal

      POLS4620 The U.S. Supreme Court - New Course Proposal



      Nursing - Tamara Dahlkemper

      NRSG4700 - Forensic Nursing, New Course Proposal


      Health Administration Services - Richard Dalkemper

      Program Change Proposal - Health Administration Services

      HAS4160 - Medical Practice Management - New Course Proposal



      Business Administration -- Sebastian Brockhaus

      Program Change Proposal Supply Chain Management

      SCM4500  Supply Chain Relational Strategies - New Course Proposal

      SCM4550  Strategic Supply Chain Design - New Course Proposal

      Economics - Doris G Stevenson

      Program Change Proposals

      General Economics

      Business Economics

      Economics with Legal Studies Emphasis

      Economics, Quantitative Emphasis

      International Economics Emphasis

      ECON4970 Introduction to Research Methods - New Course Proposal

      ECON4980 Research Methods - Course Proposal Change



      HPHP - Melissa Masters

      Program Change Proposal - Nutrition

      NUTR1240  Exploration in Culinary Art and Science - New Course Proposal

      REC3230  Wilderness Nutrition & Backcountry Cooking - New Course Proposal


      HPHP - Brian McGladrey

      New Course Proposals:

      PE1055 Pilates

      PE1058 Hatha Yoga, Level II

      PE1068 Kettlebell Conditioning

      PE1235 Flag Football

      PE1316 Stand-Up Paddleboard

      PE1351  Scuba Diving, Level II

      PE1505 Kayaking, Level I

      PE1670 Ice Skating, Level I          



      Foreign Languages - Diego Batista

      Associate of Arts in French - New Program Proposal

      Associate of Arts in German - New Program Proposal

      Associate of Arts in Japanese - New Program Proposal

      Associate of Arts in Spanish - New Program Proposal


MOTION   Move to forward the curriculum to Faculty Senate as a package by Ed Hahn.


DISCUSSION  A number of Program and Course proposals were brought to Curriculum Committee.  Do new courses need to be taught as an Experimental Course first before becoming a regular course?  No this is not required.  Departments can create a new course as they see the need for one. If they have the resources that will make the course successful.  Are titles of courses fitting the outcomes of the course?  Lab fees or course fees are determined by the department.  Fees are identified when students register for courses and extra fees in the course syllabus.   There are some overlap in subject matter with courses across campus.  It is hard to determine if one class is taught in one discipline should be also taught in another department because of certain subject matter needed for a program.  Student credit hours is also another issue. 


SECOND               John Armstrong

OUTCOME      Unanimous

3.   APAFT – Library, Post Tenure Document -  Jim Turner (representing Stephen Francis, Chair) and Wade Kotter


DISCUSSION  The APAFT committee found the Library’s Post-Tenure Document well written and did not see any issues with it.  There were no comments from the Executive Committee. Wade Kotter, Library, was in attendance and Jim Turner, APAFT Liaison, was representing Stephen Francis, APAFT Chair, who could not be at the meeting. 


MOTION  Motion to move the Library, Post Tenure Document to Faculty Senate by John  Armstrong.

SECOND  Kathleen Herndon

OUTCOME  Unanimous


4.   Mike, Take the Mic – Mike Vaughan

A.  Tenure - Talked about making the tenure files electronic, long standing confusion due to the different files that are part of the Tenure process.  APAFT committee and everyone involved with the process need to be aware that the policy governing the paper file only governs the file that requires the faculty to have three things that they prepare:  a.  Employment Form; b. Autobiographical form; c. Summary of Teaching Evaluations. 


Supplemental File -  Faculty can maintain a file with supplemental information.  There is nothing in policy that states the faculty could not make this file completely electronic.  This would be consistent with policy.


Faculty members could reduce the summary of student evaluations to a page or two and could reference a website containing the evaluation results.  They should list publications, but they could  provide a link to the publications rather than including them in the file.  With being consistent with policy they could reduce the size of the Tenure and Promotion file to 30 to 35 pages.


B.   Template for the Autobiographical form.  We modify it periodically when needed.  It is not part of policy doesn’t need to be approved.  Brenda Kowlewski has asked me to change the language in the template.    


      The current template talks about Community Based Research consistent with the Center’s name change.  Brenda Kowlewski would like to change the language in the template to Community-Engaged Learning (CEL).  Mike felt this should be brought up to Executive Committee to be discussed.  The issue would be changing the word ‘Research” with “Learning”.  This is something to be aware of.  Her view is that CEL is an all-encompassing umbrella that includes research.   If this is for a professor’s Research refers to research that the faculty does on their own or if it is a project.  Possibly a glossary would help to define what language refers to in policy.   This form is a template for Tenure and Promotion.  Research could be viewed as research that the faculty member does themselves whereas the other view is that it could be a research project that is done by students in a class assignment.


C.    Degree proposals that require Regents approval.   Once a degree is approved, that degree can be modified without having to go back to the Board of Regents.  There is an ‘Exception’ which is unless that the program is modified in such a way that clearly violates Regents policy.   An example of this would be if a one year certificate program or Associates program would change their courses from 2000 level to 3000 level.


D.   Additional Funding for Executive Committee

This will encompass technology from the bookstore, such as software, towards an iPad, or other technology up to $450.00.   Look into what type of technology you would be interested in.


E.   Process of Program Review is working better now that the Executive Committee assumed the responsibility as the program Review Committee.   Material is getting read and reviewed and getting

Third year that this has been in the work.


5.   Faculty Board of Review – Patti Cost, Chair

      Approval of  George Comber, COAST, as member of FBR committee.


DISCUSSION - No discussion on this item.


MOTION   Motion to approve George Comber, COAST as a member of the FBR committee by Kathleen  Herndon.

SECOND         Jim Turner

OUTCOME      Unanimous


 6. Report on Committee Activities – Liaisons


RSPG – John Armstrong

      Fall proposals being reviewed.  Working on the rubric.


CRAO – Kathy Herndon

      Committee is collaborating via emails due to conflicting schedules, but working on assignments.


EIC – Alicia Giralt

      Working on signage for smoke and idle free zones.


TLA – Eric Amsel

      Adjunct Retreat is coming up on Nov 9th.


Gen Ed – Eric Amsel,

      Committee is working well.  Alternative Assessment Procedure.


7.   Other Items

      Discuss a location (Building) change on one Faculty Senate Meeting -

   It was decided that this would not be a good idea of moving this large amount of people to another meeting place.  With the Lind Lecture Hall being at the top of the hill, it would cause parking problems and weather issues could also come into play.  Opening the separating walls in the room is not an easy task as well. 


MOTION            Move to adjourn the meeting by Ed Hahn.

SECOND            Alicia Giralt

OUTCOME         Unanimous


Meeting adjourned at  3:45 pm


Next Meeting:    Faculty Senate, November 7, 2013 at 3:00 pm WB206-207


Next Meeting:   Program Review meeting is Thursday, 14 November, MA319 Board Room