Approved 9-13-07
September 6, 2007
8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
MA 211K
Laine Berghout, Colleen Garside, Bruce Handley, John Kelly, Ann Millner, Peggy
Saunders, Gene Sessions, Mike Vaughan, Jim Wilson – Kay Brown Secretary
Wade Kotter, Lloyd Burton
Gene Sessions: Moved to approve the minutes from the April 12 and August 23,
2007 meetings.
Second: Peggy Saunders
Outcome: The minutes were approved.
Academic Resources and Computing Committee, John Armstrong, Chair reporting.
ARCC Plan for 2007-08
• Encourage matching funding wherever possible, especially for facilities and
• Promote installation of the campus standard
• Leverage bulk purchasing whenever possible
• Seek to increase the ARCC budget by $27,000. This would allow a 7 year refresh
cycle of existing technology classrooms.
They oversubscribed proposals for funding by a factor of two. There are 346
classrooms on campus; currently 188 are multimedia. Last year only 18 classrooms
were funded, at least partially funded. Student labs are funded by Student Fees.
All classrooms in Elizabeth Hall will be equipped as technology classrooms. Two
thirds of the funding goes for classroom technology. In most classes the
colleges match the funding. Bob King has designed a campus standard for
technology in the classrooms.
President Millner will talk with the Development Office to see if they can
obtain additional funds for technology. She also mentioned that WSU has
requested one time funding from the Legislature for technology needs.
The call for proposals goes out in January, the proposals are reviewed, and
funds become available July 1.
The Provost suggested the John Armstrong come back in March or April after the
Legislative session. If we don’t receive any technology money from the
Legislature, the Provost’s Office will give ARCC a one time allocation of
$27,000. The Provost suggested that John Armstrong sit down with Kevin Hansen
and the Deans to discuss the technology needs in classrooms.
STUDENT EVALUATION OF FACULTY Chris Bentley, Legislative Vice
President WSUSA, reporting
The Student Senate would like to put the 9 questions in an online format so that
students can complete the evaluation as well as view the results online. The web
site would be created by Administrative Services, and made available through the
student portal.
Gene Sessions: Moved to add to the charges of the Admissions, Standards, and
Student Affairs Committee for them to work with WSUSA to form a subcommittee to
look at the Student Senate proposal of putting the 9 questions in an online
Second: Colleen Garside
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
ASSA - No replacement for Stella Chang.
Faculty Board of Review - Replace Cliff Nowell with Judy Mitchell
CRAO - Replace Carol Hansen with Chris Hauser
Gen Ed - Replace Cliff Nowell with Doris Geide-Stevenson
Colleen Garside: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above committee
member changes.
Second: Laine Berghout
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
The Provost would like the 14 Week/Summer Schedule to go to the Faculty Senate
as an information item. A survey of the proposal was sent to faculty, 66% of the
faculty responded with 75% of them in favor of the 14-Week Calender.
Gene Sessions: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate as an information item the
14-Week/summer Schedule asking for a resolution of support.
Second: Laine Berghout
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Academic Resources and Computing Committee Charges 2007-08
1. Allocate ARCC resources, including Dee Family Technology Grant funds, using
consistent, objective, fair, and responsible criteria
A. Review funding criteria and procedures for ARCC for possible revision or
clarification purposes
B. Continue to develop funding criteria for and advertisement of the Dee Family
Technology Grant.
2. Assess faculty and student computer needs, solicit faculty input, and lobby
for the faculty’s computer-related interests.
3. Review (with computing support) standards for hardware and software
4. Continue to improve the means of submitting proposals and decreasing the
amount of paperwork involved.
5. Monitor the expenditures of all ARCC funds, including those supported through
WSUSA funding.
6. Maintain close communication with other computer resource entities on campus,
including WebCT/Vista.
7. Be represented on the IT Council and routinely invite directors to summarize
status of new projects and ongoing IT/CE support.
8. Coordinate faculty representation on other IT related committees
9. Improve communication between faculty, IT/CE, administration regarding
technology issues and advise said bodies of faculty needs.
10. Sponsor a faculty/staff IT Users Group to share information, ideas, and
solutions regarding the use of technology at Weber State.
11. Further establish itself as a nexus of information regarding IT issues
between faculty, staff, and students, acting in an advisory capacity, and
investigate its position as a decision-making body.
Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth Committee Charges 2007-08
1. Continue to issue RFPs for Research and Instructional Improvement grants, and
Hemingway Vitality, Excellence and Collaborative awards, and review the
proposals in a timely manner.
2. Continue to coordinate deadlines for submission of proposals with the chairs
of the Institutional Review Board and the Animal Care and Use Committee.
3. Review and update as needed the proposal guidelines. Clarify and report the
criteria for awarding the grant. Explore ways to simplify the process and
broaden the criteria.
4. Provide feedback to authors why proposals were not funded.
5. Continue efforts to publicize the committee’s activities. Seek ways to
broaden participation campus wide. Explore opportunities to disseminate
information about funded projects including workshops in order to provide
consistent information and feedback to potential applicants.
6. Work with the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee to find
non-monetary ways to promote and recognize faculty research and scholarship.
7. Work with the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee to help faculty
identify new methods of scholarship.
8. Look at the committee description and membership regulations listed in the
Faculty Senate Bylaws, PPM 1-13, for possible revisions and updates.
9. Continue to coordinate with the office of undergraduate research to provide
faculty with funding for research assistants.
Laine Berghout: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the Faculty Senate
Standing Committee charges for 2007-08.
Second: John Kelly
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Executive Committee members suggested that the fall luncheon meetings be held on
Thursdays at 1:00 prior to the Executive Committee meetings .
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.