Approved 11-10-05

November 3, 2005
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Gary Dohrer, Dawn Gatherum, Bruce Handley - Chair, Becky Johns, Wade Kotter, Jack Mayhew, Gene Sessions, Mike Vaughan - Kay Brown - Secretary

Tamara Chase, Bill Clapp, President Millner

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to approve the minutes from the October 13, 2005 meeting.
Second: Gene Sessions
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Teaching, Learning and Assessment/Forum – Fran Butler and Susan Matt reporting

The Teaching and Learning Forum (Fran Butler), and The Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee (Susan Matt) are working together on the Second Annual Faculty Forum scheduled for Thursday, March 2, 2006. The deadline for proposals to be submitted is December 16, 2005. The submission form and information is available online at:

Faculty working on the Faculty Forum are: Fran Butler, Hal Crimmel, Dave Durkee, Bill Lorowitz, Susan Matt, and Joel Passey. This information will be presented to the Faculty Senate as an information item at the November 17, 2005 meeting.

The Teaching and Learning Forum has a site on Vista where they have links to all of the PowerPoint presentations, supplementary information, a discussion board, and the workshop schedule. The web site is located at:

Molly Smith, faculty representative to the Athletic Board, presented a report on the academic performance of student athletes.

The NCAA initiated academic progress minimum standards in 2003 that will become effective this year 2005-06. The NCAA will use the 1997-98 entering class number giving them six years to graduate. The graduation rate for all students at Weber State is 41% , for student athletes it is 53%. Points are given for student athletes that are retained, eligible and graduate. If your eligibility, retention, and graduation rate falls below the cutoff point, the institution will lose scholarships. If it improves or is significantly above the cutoff point, the institution can receive monetary incentives. Money will come from CBS contracts over the next five years with millions of dollars being made available.

Academic Awards for Weber State Athletes

National Academic Awards: Rochell Hover (soccer), Nick Chournos (football), Eric Jones (football), Brett Cox (basketball), Julie Gjertson (basketball), Heather Balli (golf), Katie Higham (golf), Jessica Thomas (golf), and 3 men golfers

This information will be given at the November 17, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting.

The Salary Benefits, Budget, and Fiscal Planning Committee has elected Cheryl Hansen as the third member of the Salary Negotiation Team. This recommendation will be presented at the November 17, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting for approval.

Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward Cheryl Hansen’s name to the Faculty Senate as the third member of the Salary Negotiation Team for approval.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 opposed.

President Millner brought to the early retirement benefit issues to the Executive Committee’s attention as the Legislature may look at and limit early retirement benefits. Early retirements benefits will be sent to the Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee.


ARCC will meet on Monday, November 7 to talk about last year’s survey, forming subcommittees, and discussion of IT issues.

APAFT will have one item for the Agenda Setting meeting next week. The University is working with a donor who is supportive of the designation of Presidential Distinguished Professor. The award will be a $16,000 award given over a four period. The President and Provost are receptive of funding this permanently so that when the funding money is exhausted they will provide funding. APAFT Committee members are discussing whether this is a rank or an award. The selection committee will include

CGE items will be coming to the Agenda Setting meeting next week.

ASSA will be bringing a proposed change to PPM 4-19F - Repeat Courses to the Agenda Setting meeting.

CRAO will be coming with apportionment figures to the Agenda Setting meeting. Tony Allred would like to also discuss the charge given his committee to Prepare a constitutional amendment to abolish the current Curriculum & General Education Committee and replace it with two committees, a committee to review curriculum proposals, and a committee for assessment and improvement of general education.

The Faculty Senate Office will transfer $300 for professional development to Executive Committee member’s department.

The Skyroom is not being supported enough by faculty and staff to make it a viable operation. The Skyroom will remain open through December 9, 2005. Whether or not it will be open Spring Semester has not been determined.

As a holiday appreciation it was suggested that voting members of the Faculty Senate be sent a holiday greeting with a certificate from Chartwells to be used for lunch in the Skyroom.

Gene Sessions: Moved to approve sending Faculty Senate voting members a holiday greeting of thanks with a certificate to the Skyroom for lunch.
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Ad Hoc Committee on S.I. and Diversity met and discussed three options for the diversity graduation requirement. (1) Designate a class for all students to take to fill the diversity requirement (This option would be very expensive to fund). (2) Designate the American Civilization course as filling the diversity requirement. (3) Designate Econ 1740, PoliSci 1100, Hist 1700 as the three approved diversity courses from which students must take one.

Policies dealing with salary that are passed by the Faculty Senate are recommendations to the administration. Further discussion on supplemental pay will take place at a future meeting when the President and all Executive Committee members are in attendance.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.