Approved 3-9-06

March 2, 2006
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K



Bill Clapp, Tamara Chase, Gary Dohrer, Dawn Gatherum, Bruce Handley - Chair, Becky Johns, Wade Kotter, Jack Mayhew, President Millner, Gene Sessions, Mike Vaughan - Kay Brown - Secretary

Wade Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the February 9, 2006 meeting.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

The TLA Chair position was discussed. Fran Butler has reapplied for the position. It was recommended that Fran Butler continue as Chair of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee/Teaching and Learning Forum. Executive Committee members felt that faculty are pleased with the work of the TLA/TLF Committee leadership.

Gene Session: Moved to recommend to the Senate that Fran Butler continue as Chair of the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee/Teaching and Learning Forum.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Election tellers need to be selected to count the ballots on Wednesday, March 8 for election of Executive Committee members for 2006-07. It was suggested that the three out-going members of the Senate/Executive Committee serve as election tellers.

Gene Sessions: Moved that Gary Dohrer, Dawn Gatherum, and Becky Johns serve as election tellers for the election of Executive Committee members for 2006-07 academic year.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

It was suggested that these same tellers serve as tellers for the election of the Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair. This election will take place at the March 23 Senate meeting.


ARCC - Will be bringing forward a recommendation on replacement of faculty computers.

Ad Hoc Committee on Gen Ed Assessment and Improvement - Thom Kuehls will make an interim report at the March 23 Faculty Senate meeting.

ASSA - Working on "dead week" policy. They are discussing establishing a "reading day" prior to the beginning of finals. This will be ready for the April 20 Faculty Senate meeting.

TLA - Undergraduate Research Symposium the end of March. The second annual Faculty Forum was held today, March 2. Students are working on the Last Lecture, however no information has been sent out yet. Staff have requested that reading groups be set up for them (similar to the reading groups for faculty) that selects books of interest to them.

RSPG - Next proposal deadline is March 10.

SBBFP - Meeting on Monday, March 6 to discuss salary and benefits. They will be meeting with Stan Greenhalgh, Norm Tarbox and Mike Vaughan.

CGE - Working with departments that propose course that may have overlap in curriculum with other departments.

Three faculty are needed to sit on the selection committee for the Presidential Distinguished Professor Awards. Three faculty will be selected from a list of nominees for the award. The group will meet on Wednesday, March 8 from 12:00 -1:30 in the President’s Board Room.

Becky Johns: Moved that Michelle Heward, Gary Dohrer and Dawn Gatherum represent faculty on the selection committee for the Presidential Distinguished Professor Awards.
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.

The luncheon meeting with President Millner set for Wednesday, March 8 is in conflict with the President Distinguished Professor luncheon meeting. It will either be rescheduled or cancelled.

Executive Committee members discussed the nominees for the Faculty Governance Award. Three nominations were received, and the selection was difficult. All the nominees have contributed greatly to the University. A letter will be sent to the person selected for this award. The award will be presented at the April 20 Faculty Senate meeting. Executive Committee members felt that the cash amount of the award should be equal to the interest income and that the principle should not be used.

Executive Committee members were asked to look over the Senate newsletter Closing the Loop. It is hoped that the newsletter will be sent out next week.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.