November 10, 2005
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K
Tamara Chase, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Dawn
Gatherum, Bruce Handley - Chair, Becky Johns, Wade Kotter, Gene
Sessions, Mike Vaughan - Kay Brown - Secretary
Jack Mayhew, President Millner
Dawn Gatherum: Moved to approve
the minutes from the November 3, 2005 meeting.
Second: Tamara Chase
Outcome: The minutes were approved.
Jim Hutchins discussed with the Executive
Committee the need to look at the copyright and intellectual property
sections of the PPM (4-35, 5-41, 5-42, and 5-43). Jim Hutchins
furnished information on new copyright law for distance education. The
document can be obtained from the web at:
It was suggested that a charge be given to the Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee to form a subcommittee to review the intellectual property sections of the PPM.
Gary Dohrer: Moved to charge the
APAFT Committee to form a subcommittee to look at the
intellectual property sections of the PPM, propose updates and
revisions that are in compliance with current copyright
regulations, and ask Susan Matt to appoint one committee
member from RSPG to sit on the subcommittee. This will go to
the Faculty Senate as an information item.
Second: Gene Sessions
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Constitutional Review, Apportionment and
Organization – Tony Allred reporting.
% REP |
Base Seats |
Seats Added |
Total Seats |
Net Change |
Library |
10 |
.81 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
HP |
74 |
5.96 |
5 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
Educ |
49 |
3.95 |
3 |
1 |
4 |
0 |
S&BS |
73 |
5.88 |
5 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
Science |
71 |
5.72 |
5 |
1 |
6 |
0 |
B&E |
44 |
3.55 |
3 |
0 |
3 |
0 |
A&H |
101 |
8.14 |
8 |
0 |
8 |
0 |
AS&T |
62 |
5.00 |
5 |
0 |
5 |
0 |
484 |
39 |
35 |
4 |
39 |
0 |
No changes in college representation have occurred from the previous year.
Gene Sessions: Moved to forward the above
apportionment figures to the Faculty Senate.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Admissions, Standards, and Student Affairs – Erika Daines
Proposed revisions to PPM 4-19 F. Repeat Courses
1. Each WSU course (unless specifically listed as repeatable for credit in the course description) may be used only once in cumulative hours and GPA.
2. A course taken at either WSU or another institution may be applied toward fulfilling any WSU degree requirement. Such repeat courses may replace an equivalent WSU course in the total credits approved for graduation. All transfer courses must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson before they can be applied to specific requirements.
a. When a transfer course is accepted by the appropriate department chairperson and is to replace a WSU course to complete a requirement, the grade for said course will not be calculated into the student’s cumulative GPA.
b. The student’s WSU GPA may be changed through removing a previously awarded grade from the GPA calculation but will not include the transfer course grade in the calculation.
3. A course will appear on the transcript each time it is
completed, but it will be counted only once in the total hours, and
only the most recent WSU letter grade received will
be used to calculate the GPA. CR (credit) is not considered a letter
grade and will not cause a previous grade to be discounted.
4. Once a bachelor's degree has been posted to a student's permanent record, courses used for that degree may not be repeated to improve the GPA.
5. All courses which have been repeated will have the symbol
"E" (connoting excluded) noted in the Repeat column of the
transcript RP following the grade for that course
except for the last time the course is posted to the transcript.
4. a. A student's WSU GPA may not be improved by taking or repeating a course at another institution.
b. A student's transfer GPA may not be improved by repeating a course at WSU, i.e., a grade for a course completed at another institution may only be improved by repeating the course at the original institution and submitting an updated transcript.
c. Transfer courses equivalent to WSU courses may be used to fulfill degree, core, or general education requirements, but credit for the same course will not be duplicated nor will the WSU GPA be changed by courses taken at another institution.
The above policy changes came to the ASSA Committee from John Allred,
Associate Registrar. The language in the old policy was confusing. The
revision will allow a student to use a course from some other
institution to fulfill a requirement but the course cannot be used to
change their GPA at Weber State.
Wade Kotter: Moved to forward the changes to PPM 4-19F
Repeat Courses to the Faculty Senate.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom, and Tenure
Committee – Gary Dohrer Reporting
Proposed revisions to PPM 8-11, III Tenure Review
D. Criteria for Granting Tenure
Each college has formulated a written policy statement, the college tenure document, containing the criteria to be used in tenure review. These statements include (1) the criteria, consistent with the minimum criteria outlined below; (2) the rationale for the criteria; and (3) the method for measuring performance with respect to the criteria.Any change in the college tenure document shall be submitted through the dean to the Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee for analysis and recommendation to the Faculty Senate. Upon the approval of the Faculty Senate, the revision in the college tenure document shall be forwarded to the provost. Upon approval by the provost and Board of Trustees, the changed college tenure document will be considered adopted. The date of the final approval of the college tenure document will be affixed to the policy statement, and that date will be considered as the effective date. Thereafter, the approved and dated college tenure document will apply until any revision is channeled through the steps outlined herein and a new effective date is affixed. Copies of the approved revised college tenure document will be on file in the offices of the department chair, the dean, the Faculty Senate and the provost and will be accessible online at the provost homepage.
Minimum criteria include:
1. A rating consistent with college standards in teaching. Teaching activities may include instruction, laboratory activities, supervising projects, preparation of course materials and other types of teaching activities.
2. A rating consistent with college standards in professional activities such as research and other contributions to knowledge, leadership in professional organizations, and active pursuit of professional competence.
3. A rating consistent with college standards in service, which includes professionally related community service as well as service to the institution, i.e., service on department, college or other University committees and task forces; student advisement; and other types of recognition.
4. Adherence to professional ethics.
5. Possession of terminal degree as defined above.
6. A rating consistent with college standards in other criteria stated in specific college documents, such as professionally related experience.
Review criteria in college tenure documents may be further
specified in written department standards or department tenure
documents. These criteria must meet or exceed the criteria specified
in the college tenure document. The approval process for new or
revised department standards or department tenure documents needs to
be specified in the college tenure document. Department standards or
department tenure documents shall be used in conjunction with the
college tenure document to review and evaluate a candidate’s
materials when reviewing and evaluating a candidates
materials at every level of review (peer review, department,
college, dean, university, provost).
It was suggested that the wording be changed as stated above.
Wade Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate PPM 8-11, III Tenure Review as revised and stated
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Curriculum & General Education Committee – Laine Berghout
Bachelor of Integrated Studies Program - The BIS Program
is requesting a waiver of the 40 hours of upper division when one of
their areas of emphasis is chemistry.
During semester conversion the organic chemistry series had 300 level numbers. Those numbers were changed to 2000 level numbers due to state articulation. Also affected by state articulation was quantitative analysis which was a 200 level number but changed to 3000 level number. Organic chemistry is taught at some of the two year state institutions, and two-year institutions are not allowed to offer upper division credit, therefore, all state institutions were required to give organic chemistry courses lower division numbers. The quantitative series is worth 3 hours; the organic series is worth 10 credit hours. The difference of 7 credit hours was deducted from the 40 hour requirement. Chemistry majors are now required to take 33 hours of upper division courses. It appears that the 40 hours of upper division credits is a Weber State policy, not a requirement from the Regents. Before semester conversion there was a 60 hour upper division credit requirement and this converted to 40 (40 being 2/3 of 60).
The Curriculum and General Education Committee will look at establishing guidelines of how to deal with departments requesting a waiver of the 40 hours of upper division credits.
Questions raised:
The Executive Committee felt the policy needed to be reviewed. Laine Berghout will look at the chemistry requirements at the University of Utah, Utah State University, and Brigham Young University. Judy Elsley will be notified that the BIS waiver request has been sent back to the Curriculum and General Education Committee.
Becky Johns: Moved to send the BIS waiver request
back to the Curriculum and General Education Committee to
look at policies across the system for upper division hours
affected by the chemistry series.
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Sales & Service Technology - Interior Design -
Course proposal for Directed Readings - IDT4830
Currently Interior Design students are signing up for a Sales & Service Technology Directed Readings course. That process has caused some confusion as some SST students have registered
for sections designated for IDT students instead of the sections designated for SST students. The Interior Design Department would like an IDT prefix listed on their student’s transcript for the Directed Readings course.MOTION
Tamara Chase: Moved to Forward to the Faculty from
Sales and Service Technology, Interior Design the new course
proposal for Directed Readings - IDT 4830
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Geography Department - New emphasis in Global
Studies Concentration (Geography Major Track C). This track follows
the teaching major course requirements, but does not include the
teaching requirement. No new courses, resources or funding is
required. Future job areas for students taking this emphasis include
travel agents, tourism, and the airline industry.
A question was raised about the absence of a foreign language requirement in a Global Studies Concentration.
Gary Dohrer: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate from Geography a new emphasis in Global Studies
Concentration (Geography Major Track C).
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
English Department - New course proposals for
Fundamentals of Reading and Writing - Eng 0900, and Developmental
Reading and Writing - Eng 0955.
These courses are a result of the new admissions requirements passed by the Faculty Senate at the September 22, 2005. The 0955 (6 credit hours) course will eventually replace 0960 (3 credit hours). The 0955 course includes a reading element. Approximately 45% of incoming freshman will be required to take English 0955. A very small percentage of incoming freshman will be required to take English 0900.
Dawn Gatherum: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate from English the course proposals for Developmental
Reading and Writing - Eng 0955, and Fundamentals of Reading
and Writing - Eng 0900.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Tamara Chase: Moved to forward the program change
for Health Information Technology, and the course proposal
for Database Management and Security - HIM 2500.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Nursing Department - Program change for
Baccalaureate Nursing for Registered Nurses, and course proposals for
Threats and Crises: Nursing Response - Nrsg 3070, Threats and Crisis:
Nursing Response Clinical - Nrsg 3071, Oncology Nursing - Nrsg 4060,
and Oncology Nursing Clinical - Nrsg 4061.
Becky Johns: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate from Nursing a program change for Baccalaureate
Nursing for Registered Nurses, and course proposals for
Threats and Crises: Nursing Response - Nrsg 3070, Threats
and Crisis: Nursing Response Clinical - Nrsg 3071, Oncology
Nursing - Nrsg 4060, and Oncology Nursing Clinical - Nrsg
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
the program change from Performing Arts of the requirement
of a minor for the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
The Provost mentioned that there is some
misunderstanding of the A.A.S. degree. Students need to understand
that A.A.S. Degrees do not prepare them for baccalaureate degrees. It
would be helpful to students if program language for A.A.S. degrees
contained language that states: "This degree is not intended
to prepare your for a baccalaureate degree, if you wish to seek a
baccalaureate degree you may need to take additional course work."
This information will go to the deans at Dean’s Council.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.