Approved 2-10-05

February 3, 2005
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Tamara Chase, Bruce Christensen, Lauren Fowler, Sue Harley, Michelle Heward, Becky Johns - Chair, Molly Smith - Vice Chair, Mike Vaughan, Kay Brown - Secretary

Bill Clapp, Wade Kotter, Ann Millner

Dave Ferro

As several changes were made to the January 13, January 20 , and February 3 meeting minutes, Executive Committee members suggested that new copies be distributed for final review and approval at the meeting on February 10, 2005.

Provost Vaughan presented information on how the catalog is compiled with various units on campus over different sections of the catalog. There are basically three areas in the catalog that overlap with faculty responsibilities:

The statement " . . . Therefore, expressions or actions that disparage an individual’s or group’s ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, age or disability are contrary to the mission of Weber State University" appears in the "University Profile"

Provost Vaughan discussed the statement with Rich Hill, University Counsel, and was told that from a legal standpoint the above language is not problematic for the University.

The Executive Committee discussed stronger catalog oversight by the Faculty Senate Standing Committees. This oversight could be included in the various committee charges, and the Executive Committee could be responsible to look over the first few pages that deal with the overview of the University.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to include in the Faculty Senate Standing Committee charges the charge to review the section(s) of the catalog that are connected to the work of their committee, i.e. CGE looking at curriculum changes, ASSA look at policy changes dealing with admissions and standards, and the Executive Committee reviewing the language under the University Profile section
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Currently there are three committees working on the general education requirements. Provost Vaughan distributed a handout showing the three gen ed committees, the various committee charges, and committee membership for each committee.

The three gen ed committees are -

It was suggested that "Assessment" be added to their titles. Tamara Chase has been approached by faculty in the Dumke College of Health Professions expressing their desire to have representation on the Core General Education Assessment Committee. This is the third time she expressed CHP’s concerns to the Executive Committee. The Provost indicated that the "Core" assessment group was not put together to have representation from every college or department, but rather made up of faculty involved in Composition, American Institutions, Quantitative Literacy, and Computer and Information Literacy, and that the findings from this group would eventually filter back to the Ad Hoc General Education Graduation Requirements Implementation Committee which has a representative from the Dumke College of Health Professions.

The Faculty Senate approved the establishment of the Ad Hoc University Graduation Requirements Implementation Committee, membership, and charges at the January 29, 2004 Faculty senate meeting.

PPM 1-13, Article B V states -

Section 6. Establishment of Ad Hoc Committees

"Ad hoc committees are appointed by the Faculty Senate in those instances where a committee is needed to carry out a specific function and none of the existing committees is in a position to accept the responsibility. The composition and powers of such committees will be recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the Senate. Ad hoc committees continue to function until they have completed their assigned task or until the end of the current academic year, whichever comes first. Ad hoc committees may be reappointed for a second academic year if they have not completed their assigned task. If the task of an ad hoc committee is such that it cannot be completed within a two-year period, consideration should be given to requesting the Faculty Senate to establish the committee as a permanent committee."

The possibility of establishing a permanent Faculty Senate Standing Committee to look at General Education was discussed. A common model for most universities is a committee that looks at curriculum and a committee that looks at general education. If there is support in establishing a committee for general education oversight the efforts would need to be coordinated with the Constitutional Review, and Apportionment Committee. The recommendation would need to be presented to the Faculty Senate one month and voted upon the following month.


Section 1. The Amending Process

"These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Faculty Senate present and eligible to vote at a regular Senate meeting, but a proposal to amend the Bylaws may not be voted upon at the meeting at which it is first moved."

The Provost talked about the importance of coordinating the Student Success Task Force with the ASSA Committee to look at retention of first year students, developmental math, reading ability, and mandatory placement testing. Another item that needs to be studied is what to do with students that place below math 0950. Executive Committee members felt that the chair of the ASSA Committee should be included on the Student Success Task Force.

A question was raised about where faculty evaluations are stored. Steve Kerr was contacted and indicated that since 2003 he has stored information on faculty evaluations that comes to his office in Institutional Research on the "V" drive. He also mentioned that the Testing Center has stored faculty evaluation information for several years prior to 2003. After Institutional Research compiles the evaluation information it sends the data to each academic department and the dean over that area. Evaluation instruments differ from department to department.

Utah State University and the University of Utah have brought forward a joint proposal to the Legislature for a $440,000,000 research center, with branch centers in Ogden and Provo.

Dave Ferro, Chair of the Academic Resources and Computing Committee met with the Executive Committee.

Items ARCC is working on -

Dave Ferro was encouraged to do two mailings announcing the survey and supplying faculty with the link. Kay Brown will copy the announcement of the survey supplied by Dave Ferro and mail it to all faculty. Drew Weidman has access to all mailboxes.

John Allred sent a memo to Becky Johns discussing the catalog declaration policy. Executive Committee discussed John Allred’s concerns and felt the memo and PPM 4-2 should be sent to the ASSA Committee as a charge.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward as a charge to the ASSA Committee John Allred’s concerns with policy language on catalog declaration and PPM 4-2.
Second: Sue Harley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

PPM 6-8 
Sue Harley supplied Executive Committee members with a revision to PPM 6-8 as an information item. The students on the Student Fee Recommendation Committee last year
asked that the student fee philosophy be amended to deal with an issue that comes from organizations that are closely tied to academic departments. The addition is stated below.

PPM 6-8 D Restrictions

3. Funding will not be allocated directly to instructional based clubs and organizations. The Student Fee Recommendation Committee, based on availability of funds, will provide WSUSA with a pool of money that can be used for the special needs of these organizations. Allocations will be made by a WSUSA Committee. Currently funded groups will be grand fathered and continue to be considered for funding.

Tamara Chase mentioned the importance of faculty training on Banner. Faculty need to know how to post grades, do graduation evaluations, advise students, change a student’s declared major, etc.

Because of the late hour, two items on the agenda, Salary Equity for Instructor Specialists, and Discussion on Faculty Governance will be discussed at the February 10, 2005 meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.