Approved 3-31-05
March 10, 2005
Tamara Chase, Bruce Christensen, Bill Clapp, Sue Harley,
Michelle Heward, Becky Johns - Chair, Wade Kotter, Molly Smith - Vice
Chair, Mike Vaughan, Chersti Crawford for Kay Brown - Secretary
Lauren Fowler, Ann Millner
Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs – Erika Daines,
Chair, reporting
1. Prior to the close of each semester/term, final grades shall be
entered into the Electronic Grading System by instructors. Grades are
to be entered online within three working days following the last
scheduled examination of each semester/term. Upon request, the
Registration Office will supply the instructors with a copy of
instructions for using the Electronic Grading System.
2. Students petitioning for a grade change must initiate the
process during the semester following the posting of the grade
(excluding summer).
2. 3.
Changing grades which that
already been assigned and recorded is the sole responsibility and
prerogative of the faculty member who taught the particular class and
student. Grade changes submitted by others, such as department
secretaries, dean's secretaries or work study employees,
will not be
accepted by the Registrar.
PPM 4-19a
Faculty members are required to keep student records (electronic and/or paper) for one year after the posting of grades. Records include private records of grades received on papers, exams, etc., not the actual papers and exams themselves (which are usually returned to the students with their marks). The faculty are also required to keep associated syllabi for one year after the posting of grades. If a faculty member leaves the University during this time frame, the records and syllabi will be held by the department chair.
Graded materials not collected by students by the end of the semester must be kept by the faculty for two weeks into the following semester (excluding summer). Department chairs are
responsible for ensuring that adjunct and temporary faculty adhere to this policy or retain these graded materials when adjunct or temporary faculty leave WSU employment during the above described time frame.MOTION
Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate PPM’s 4-19,and the proposed PPM for 4-19a
Second: Molly Smith
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
II. General Policy
Weber State University accepts transfer credit from regionally
accredited colleges and universities, and awards Credit
credit for competency competencies gained outside the university is
awarded as measured
by way of standard examination such as
the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the Advanced
Placement program (AP), by special examination administered by
individual departments, and by petition. These credits are
administered according to articulation agreements with other
institutions, standard guides, and according to the following
III. Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is awarded in accordance with the following
A. Transcripts must be submitted to the Admissions Office from
all previously attended colleges and universities. Receipt of the
transcript is noted on the student’s admission file.
B. If the sending institution is regionally accredited, all
credits are entered onto the student’s Weber State University
C. If the sending institution is not regionally accredited,
transfer credits may be accepted under the following guidelines:
1. Credit may be accepted only if the course is deemed to be
equivalent to a course in the WSU catalog.
2. Specific course credit may be applied by the Admissions
Office if recommended and approved by the appropriate department
chair with the Application for Credit form but only under the
following guidelines:
a. The student must present such evidence as the department
deems necessary, which could include an official transcript, a
course description, a course syllabus, evidence of work completed,
or proof of completion by examination.
b. Credit must be evaluated by the appropriate department and
the specific equivalency approved by the department chair through
the Application for Credit form.
c. If transfer work is deemed equivalent to WSU course work,
the department chair may grant credit with or without waiver of
specific courses.
D. If the sending institution is part of the USHE, credits will
be evaluated according to the Utah State Board of Regents Policy
on transfer credit. (R470). For the purpose of this policy, Brigham Young University,
Brigham Young University(Idaho), LDS Business College, and
Westminster College will be considered the same as USHE
institutions for general education purposes.
V. Credit by Petition
G. Credit by petition is awarded by the admissions office
and appropriate academic departments according to guides published by
the American Council on Education (ACE) and according to the following
A. Military Credit is administered in accordance with the ACE Guide
to the Evaluation of Military Service Experiences and articulation
agreements with government agencies.
1. Elective Credit may be applied by the admissions office.
2. Specific course credit may be awarded by the appropriate
department chair(s)
with the Application for Credit form.
B. Credit for prior experiential learning and industrial or
commercial training may be awarded provided that such awarding is
carefully monitored and documented.
a. 1. Departments awarding experiential learning credit
must have written criteria which assure its academic equivalence to
credit earned by traditional means.
b. 2.
Credit for prior experiential learning may be granted only at
the undergraduate level.
c. 3. Before credit for prior experiential learning
becomes part of the student's permanent record, the student must have
completed thirty credit hours with a GPA of 2.25 or better to
establish evidence of a satisfactory learning pattern.
d. 4. Credit may be granted with the approval of the
department chair only upon the recommendation of teaching faculty who
are appropriately qualified and who are on a regular appointment with
the college on a continuing basis.
e. 5. Credit may be granted only for documented learning which
that ties the prior experience to the theories and data of the
relevant academic fields.
f. 6. Credit may be granted only for
documented learning which falls within the regular curricular
offerings of the institution.
g. 7. Credit for prior experiential learning may
constitute no more than 25% of the credits needed for a degree or
h. 8. No assurances will be made as to the number of
credits to be awarded prior to the completion of the institution's
review process.
i. 9. Credit may be granted only to enrolled students
and is to be identified on the student's transcript as credit for
prior experiential learning.
3. Transfer credit from schools and colleges not accredited by
one of the regional accrediting boards may be accepted under the
following guidelines.
a. Credit may be accepted only if the course is deemed to be
equivalent to a course in the WSU catalog.
b. Specific course credit may be applied by the admissions
office if approved by an articulation agreement for specific
courses from specific schools such as Ogden-Weber Applied
Technology Center, Davis Applied Technology Center, etc.
c. Specific course credit may be recommended by the appropriate
department chair with the Application for Credit form under the
following guidelines.
) The student should present such evidence as the department
deems necessary which could include an official transcript, a
course description, a course syllabus, evidence of work completed,
completion of a more advanced course at WSU, or completion of an
2) Credit must be evaluated by a faculty member immediately
responsible for said course and a recommendation made to the
department chair.
3) The department chair will make the final decision on the
credit to be transferred.
4) If transfer work is deemed equivalent to WSU course work,
the department chair may grant credit with or without waiver of
specific courses.
VI. The Foreign Language Department has a separate procedure to accept results from other foreign language testing agencies and to allow petitions to gain specific credit for some lower division courses by passing an upper-division course with a grade of C or better.
Tamara Chase: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
PPM 4-21A.
Second: Molly Smith
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
ITEM INFORMATION ITEM:The Information Item listed above will be included in the Faculty Senate Agenda. Erika Daines will provide an e-mail message with clarification.
Curriculum and General Education Committee, Rob Reynolds, Chair
Performing Arts - Theater - Program Proposals for BA/BS
Theatre Arts - Teaching Major, BA/BS Musical Theatre, Theatre Arts
Teaching Minor, Theatre Arts Minor; Course Deletions for Introduction
to Theatre Majors - Theatr 1053, Technical Theatre Foundations -
Theatr 1053, Performing Arts Forum - Theatr 1911, Special Studies in
Theatre: Tap Dance
Wade Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate from Performing Arts the Program Proposals for BA/BS
Theatre Arts - Teaching Major, BA/BS Musical Theatre,
Theatre Arts Teaching Minor, Theatre Arts Minor; Course
Deletions for Introduction to Theatre Majors - Theatr 1053,
Foreign Languages and Literatures - New Course Proposal -
Foreign Language Oral Proficiency and Communication - FL 3000.
Tamara Chase: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
from Foreign Languages and Literatures the New Course Proposal
for Foreign Language Oral Proficiency and Communication - FL
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously
Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology - Program
Change for the Associate of Pre-Engineering (APE).
MOTION Wade Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
from Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology the
Program Change for the Associate of Pre-Engineering (APE).
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Nursing - Course Deletions for Cooperative Education - Nursng
2289, Cooperative Education - Nursng 3890.
MOTION Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
from Nursing the Course Deletions for Cooperative Education
- Nursng 2289 and Cooperative Education - Nursng 3890.
Second: Tamara Chase
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee -
Doris Geide-Stevenson reporting.
Determine whether or not the existence of department tenure documents requires any PPM changes.PPM 8-11, III PPM 8-11, III.
D. Criteria for Granting Tenure
Each college has formulated a written policy statement, the college tenure document, containing the criteria to be used in tenure review. These statements include (1) the criteria, consistent with the minimum criteria outlined below; (2) the rationale for the criteria; and (3) the method for measuring performance with respect to the criteria.
Any change in the college tenure document shall be submitted through the dean to the Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee for analysis and recommendation to the Faculty Senate. Upon the approval of the Faculty Senate, the revision in the college tenure document shall be forwarded to the provost. Upon approval by the provost and Board of Trustees, the changed college tenure document will be considered adopted. The date of the final approval of the college tenure document will be affixed to the policy statement, and that date will be considered as the effective date. Thereafter, the approved and dated college tenure document will apply until any revision is channeled through the steps outlined herein and a new effective date is affixed. Copies of the approved revised college tenure document will be on file in the offices of the department chair, the
dean, the Faculty Senate and the provost and will be accessible online at the provost homepage.Minimum criteria include:
Review criteria in college tenure documents may be further specified in written department standards or department tenure documents. These criteria must be congruent with the criteria specified in the college tenure document. The approval process for new or revised department standards or department tenure documents needs to be specified in the college tenure document.
Wade Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate PPM
8-11 III.
Second: Sue Harley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
PPM 8-1a
PPM 8-1aDegree requirements shall be interpreted as requiring a degree from an institution accredited by an institutional accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education or the foreign equivalent of such a degree. Equivalence of foreign degrees shall be evaluated by the regular faculty of the academic department and will be reviewed and approved by the college Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee.
This definition shall be used for any purpose for which degree requirements need to be considered.
Degrees from unaccredited institutions (those not meeting the definition above) shall not be used in any way which suggests recognition, endorsement or approval by the University.
PPM 3-36 may also apply
Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate PPM 8-1a.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Salary, Benefits, Budget & Fiscal Planning - John Sillito
The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee met on March 7, 2005. Per the charges given to the committee, and after due deliberation the committee forwarded the following recommendations to the Salary Negotiating Team in regards to Salary Increase and Benefits.
The committee recommends the following:
A. We favor apportioning a salary increase of 3.5% in the following manner:
B. In terms of medical benefits we favor increasing the percentage from 5% to 6%, recognizing such a move raises the possibility of some resulting increases in co-pays, deductibles, etc. Since the details on this question are still somewhat unclear, we reserve the right to revise our recommendation and support an increase from 5% to 7%. As part of our recommendations we also encourage the administration to continue to support efforts geared at promoting employee wellness.
C. We continue to encourage the administration to support the need for on-going salary adjustments in the range of 6%, and efforts to move salaries to 94% of CUPA levels. These are both longtime, and strongly supported, faculty goals.
D. The committee encourages the Provost to find ways to increase the per hour amount for overload, face to face, teaching.
MOTION Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate the recommendations from the Salary, Benefits,
Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee in regards to Salary
Increase Apportionment and Benefits.
Second: Wade Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
The Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning Committee also forwarded the following recommendations to the Salary Negotiating Committee in regards to Supplemental Pay.
The Committee recommends the following:
B. Teaching Overload
1. A regularly contracted faculty member may teach a maximum of 12 semester hours per academic year (2 semesters) in addition to the 24 semester hours of normal teaching load.
2. Low enrollment courses (directed readings, independent study, clinical supervision, internships, etc.) are exempt from the overload limit.
3. Exceptions may be made to the above statements (1-2) in unusual situations when extenuating circumstances exist. Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis for a twelve-month period (Summer tern through Spring Semester). Such exceptions must be approved by the department chair and dean.
(Note: If this change is made, Part B of PPM 4-6, currently labeled Other Professional Activities, will become Part C).
Wade Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty
Senate the recommendations from the Salary, Benefits, Budget
and Fiscal Planning Committee in regards to Supplemental Pay
Second: Bill Clapp.
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Elections for the Chair and Vice-Chair of the 2005-06
Faculty Senate Executive Committee should take place at the March 24,
2005 Senate Meeting. All new members of the Senate have been sent
letters, asking them to be in attendance at the meeting to cast their
votes. Ballots will be prepared by Chersti Crawford.
Information: The deadline for nominations for The Faculty
Governance Award is March 25, 2005.
The meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.