Approved 9-25-03
September 11, 2003
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K
Tony Allred, Michelle Heward, Sue Harley, Becky Johns, Diane
Kawamura, Wade Kotter, Diane Krantz, Kathleen Lukken, Laura MacLeod, Ann
Millner, Molly Smith, Marilyn Diamond - Secretary
Diane Kawamura, Kathleen Lukken, Ann Millner, Kay Brown
Wade Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the
September 4, 2003 meeting.
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The minutes were approved.
The Faculty Senate web pages were discussed and suggestions
and alternatives were presented regarding their design, format and
content. Faculty Senate members and Faculty Senate committee chairs will
also be asked for their suggestions. Executive Committee members felt that
posting the committee final reports on the web would be useful for new
committee chairs to access and review.
Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth Committee – Cliff
Nowell, Chair
The call for RSPG proposals went to all faculty in March of 2003. Final
proposals were due on 04-21-03, and the committee met on 04-28-03. The
committee had $15,000 to distribute to eligible faculty and staff. We
received thirteen proposals asking for a total of $27,021.00. The
committee voted to fund eight proposals for a total of $15,000. Funded
RS&PG proposals are attached.
In addition, the committee met to clarify the language in the RSPG
funding guidelines that deal with release time, stipends and commercial
products. The purpose of the change was to help clarify the conditions
under which release time, stipends, and commercial products will be
funded. Attached are the old funding guidelines and the new funding
Changes -
1. Eligible Expenses -
II. Ineligible Expenses - 1. Projects primarily intended as
commercial products rather than for scholarly dissemination.
Diane Krantz: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
the report and funding guideline recommendations of the RSPG
Committee as an informational item.
Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.
Curriculum and General Education – Rob Reynolds, Chair
New course proposals from Geography for Arid Lands - Geogr 3080 and
Arctic and Alpine Environments - Geogr 3090.
In response to the Geography Department’s outcomes assessment exit
interviews they have added two additional upper division courses. These
courses are part of a department initiative designed to create a new core
of upper division physical geography courses focused on several distinct
climatic and physiographic regions rather than on specific environmental
Laura MacLeod: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate
from Geography new course proposals for Arid Lands - Geogr 3080
and Arctic and Alpine Environments - Geogr 3090.
Second: Diane Krantz
Outcome: The motion Passed unanimously.
Academic Resources and Computing Committee Charges – Becky Johns
1. Assess faculty computer needs, solicit faculty input, and lobby
for faculty computer-related interests
2. Develop a policy for inclusion in the PPM regarding the upgrade
and maintenance of faculty computers.
3. Allocate ARCC resources including Dee Family Technology Grant
funds using consistent, objective, fair and responsible procedures.
A. Review funding criteria and procedures for ARCC for possible
revision or clarification purposes.
B. Continue developing funding criteria for Dee Family Technology
Grant as needed.
4. Review software and hardware (including peripherals) standards for
the campus and establish an annual policy of review of same.
5. Create consistent and web-accessible standards for hardware and
software purchases in conjunction with Computer Support Services and
establish an annual policy of review of same.
6. Monitor the expenditures of all ARCC funds, including those
supported through WSUSA funding.
7. Be represented on the IT Council and routinely invite IT Division
directors to summarize status of new projects and ongoing IT support.
8. Maintain close communication with other computer resource entities
on campus including WebCT/VISTA, etc.
9. Look at the committee description and membership regulations
listed in the Faculty Senate Bylaws, PPM 1-13, for possible revisions
and updates.
The above charges were sent to Executive Committee members and approved via email.
Ad Hoc University Graduation Requirements Planning Committee
Bill Allison, Jeff Stokes and Jim Wilson have agreed to serve on the Ad Hoc University Graduation Requirements Planning Committee with June Phillips serving as the Administrative member.
Committee membership and charges will be presented to the Faculty Senate.
Rick Sline has requested a few minutes to announce the
October 3, Diversity Conference, and the various workshops connected with
it, at the September Faculty Senate meeting.
The Executive Committee discussed what items are appropriate to bring to the Faculty Senate as informational.
The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.