Weber State University
Faculty Senate

April 24, 2003


MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Tony Allred
Donavan Aoki - Student - Excused
Lee Badger
Brody Barnes - Student
Rick Bingham - Absent
Lloyd Burton
Paul Caldarella
Bill Clapp - Vice Chair
Roger Crockett
Gary Dohrer - Chair
Anand Dyal-Chand - Admin
Dave Eisler - Admin
Ann Ellis
Al Forsyth
Joy Gall - Excused
Ron Galli - Admin.
Colleen Garside - Parliamentarian
Dawn Gatherum
Richard Greene
Cheryl Hansen
Laird Hartman
Michelle Heward
Warren Hill - Admin.
Ron Holt - Absent
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Pam Hugie
Christopher Jones
Sheree Josephson
Diane Kawamura
Marie Kotter
Kathleen Lukken - Admin.
Marek Matyjasik
Laura MacLeod
Susan Matt
Susan McKay
Kirby McMaster - Kent Weaver representing
Chloe Merrill - Paul Schvaneveldt representing
President Millner
Kathy Payne - Absent
Steve Peterson
June Phillips Admin
Kyle Poll - Student
Jared Prisbrey - Student
Jack Rasmussen - Admin
Richard Sadler - Admin. - Gene Sessions representing
Dan Schroeder
Monika Serbinowska - Absent
Rick Sline
Molly Smith
Erik Stern - Absent
Mali Subbiah - Excused
Chris Trivett-Russin
Betty Tucker
Michael Vaughan - Admin.
Huiying Wei-Arthus
Lydia Wingate - Admin - Craig Gundy representing
Yu-Jane Yang
Kay Brown, Secretary

2003-04 Senators
Jay Barton - Absent
Gary Dohrer
Rick Ford
Lauren Fowler - Colleen Garside representing
Dawn Gatherum
Richard Greene
Sue Harley - Excused
Becky Johns
Wade Kotter
Diane Leggett - Absent
Matt Mouritsen
Paul Schvaneveldt
David Sumner
Yu-Jane Yang




Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the March 27, 2003 Faculty Senate meeting.
Made: Dawn Gatherum
Second: Ann Ellis
Outcome: The minutes were approved.


Certificates of appreciation were given to outgoing executive Committee members, Faculty Senate members, and Faculty Senate Committee chairs.


A satirical reading was presented by Michelle Heward to Gary Dohrer, outgoing chair of the Faculty Senate. Dr. Dohrer was presented with a clock and certificate of appreciation for his service as Chair of the Faculty Senate for 2002-2003.




Three Year Term  

Two Year Term  

One Year Term

Steve Green, COAST 
Mike Olpin, Ed 
Nanci Saurdiff, HP
Scott Senjo, S&BS 
Lauren Fowler, S&BS 
Craig Bergeson, A&H 
 Dave Ferro, COAST 
Collin Inglefield, S
Richard Bingham, HP
Jeff Davis, B&E
John Lamborn, Lib
Becky Jo McShane, A&H

Chair: Dave Ferro
Liaison: Becky Johns




Three Year Term   Two Year Term One Year Term
Erika Daines, A&H 
Richard Greene, S&BS
Kim Hyatt, Ed
Denise Woodbury, B&E
Rick Ford, S
Diana Green, COAS
Joe Horvat, S&BS
Janae Kinikin, Lib
 Georgine Bills, HP
Verne Hansen, COAST
Karen Nakaoka, S
 Jeff Stokes, A&H

Chair: Erika Daines
Diane Krantz/Dawn Gatherum




Three Year Term  

Two Year Term  

One Year Term

Diego Bernal, S
Kirk Hagen, COAST
Richard Hooper, S&BS
Matt Mouritsen, B&E

  Bill Lorowitz, S
Gary Godfrey, A&H
 Judy Mitchell, Ed
Bob Walker, HP

 Doris Geide-Stevenson, B&E
 Pat Shaw, HP
 Sally Shigley, A&H
  Huiying Wei-Arthus, S&BS

Chair: Doris Geide-Stevenson
Liaison: Sue Harley




Three Year Term 

Two Year Term

One Year Term

Valerie Aston, HP 
John Ellsworth, COAST
Kyle Mattson, B&E
Sheree Josephson, A&H

Evan Christensen, Lib 
Sara Ewert, S&BS
Monika Serbinowska, S 
Tamas Szabo, S 

 Thom Kearin, S&BS
 Shirley Leali, Ed
 Bob Mondi, A&H
Monkol Tungmala, Ed

Chair: Tamas Szabo
Liaison: Tony Allred




Three Year Term  

Two Year Term  

One Year Term

Fran Butler, Ed 
Kathy Culliton, HP 
Diane Horne, S 
Shaun Spiegel, Lib
Bryan Dorsey, S&BS 
Kara Gould, A&H 
Michell Oki, HP
Jennifer Turley, Ed 
Laine Berghout, S
Rob Reynolds, S&BS
Allyson Saunders, COAST
Betty Tucker, B&E

Chair: Rob Reynolds
Liaison: Wade Kotter




Two Year Term

One Year Term


Alma Harris, B&E 
Brenda Kowalewski, S&BS
Tony Spanos, A&H
Myron Davis, Ed 
Jim Jacobs, A&H 
Chloe Merrill, Ed
Marie Kotter, HP
Dan Schroeder, S

Chair: Jim Jacobs




One Year Term
Dave Hart, COAST
Gene Sessions, S&BS
Yas Simonian, HP
Ed Walker, S

Chair: Gene Sessions
Liaison: Tony Allred




Three Year Term   Two Year Term   One Year Term
Laura Anderson, COAST
Andy Lingwall, A&H
Barry Lloyd, S 
Kathy Payne, Lib
 John Cavitt, S 
Therese Grijalva, B&E
Ken Johnson, HP 
 Susan Matt, S&BS
Brooke Arkush, S&BS
George Comber, COAST
Bobby Herrera, Ed
David Sumner, A&H

Chair: Susan Matt
Liaison: Diane Kawamura




Three Year Term  

Two Year Term  

One Year Term

Debra Huber, HP
Kent Kidman, S
John Sillito, Lib
Stephanie Bossenberger, HP
Kathryn MacKay, S&BS
EK Valentin, B&E 
Pam Hugie, HP
Monica Mize, Ed
Al Talbot, COAST
Shi–hwa Wang, A&H

Chair: Al Talbot
Liaison: Michelle Heward




Three Year Term   Two Year Term   One Year Term
Kathy Frye, HP
Mark LeTourneau, A&H 
Pat McFerson, COAST
Pene’e Stewart, Ed 
Art Carpenter, Lib 
Adam Johnston, S
Theresa Kay, S&BS
Jeff Livingston, B&E
Hal Crimmel/Gary Dohrer, A&H
Claudia Eliason, Ed
Michelle More, S
 Marjukka Ollilainen, S&BS

Chair: Kathy Herndon
Liaison: Molly Smith


Motion: Moved to approve the Faculty Senate committee membership for 2003-2004.
Made: Diane Kawamura
Second: Molly Smith
Outcome: The motion was approved.


Ballots were distributed to Senate members who will be serving during the 2003-2004 academic year for Faculty Board of Review members. Alma Harris, Brenda Kowalewski, and Tony Spanos were elected to serve two year terms. Marie Kotter and Dan Schroeder were elected as alternates.


President Millner talked about ongoing planning and goal setting at the University. She wants to put together a Planning Council to start that process. The colleges will be electing representatives to serve on this planning council. In addition to faculty representatives there will be administrative members, staff, students, trustees, and alumni on the council. The group will begin meeting in early June. There will be a preliminary meeting with the group in early June. The Planning Council will be outlining the process and the work to follow. This group will help us pull together in setting some long-range University goals. This Planning Council will not work on the program review process. The University has an ongoing program review process.


Sidewalk Traffic - Administrative Services has been working on a plan to reduce the number of vehicles on sidewalks at the University. This has been a difficult process because we are use to using the sidewalks here at the university for convenience sake to access buildings; some buildings have been built without loading docks; ample service stalls have not been in place close to buildings. The policy includes physical barriers at 13 different locations on campus, enhanced enforcement, reworking of the permit process, and learning to do business differently. This item will go to the Trustees in May. Excerpts from the policy are stated below:

"Unsafe conditions occur on campus walkways when wheeled vehicles are operated near pedestrians. This policy establishes regulations for safe operation of vehicles on walkways."

Walkways for pedestrians are the principal means of travel between buildings and activities on the central campus. People should be able to walk on the campus without feeling threatened by wheeled vehicles. Where possible and practical, the university will provide a safe environment for persons walking the campus and will minimize hazardous conditions."

1.2 Definitions:

Operator - A person operating a moving vehicle. The operator of a parked vehicle is the person responsible for parking the vehicle.

Pedestrian - Any person standing, sitting, reclining, or moving within the Pedestrian Zone.

Pedestrian Zone - An area officially designated to be used primarily by Pedestrians.

Vehicle - Any apparatus or equipment used to transport personnel and/or goods to include, but not limited to cars, trucks, skateboards, in-line skates, bicycles, unicycles, ATV’s and golf carts.

Walkways - Any horizontal concrete ground surface or paved surface other than designated roads, service docks, or parking lots within the Pedestrian Zone."

(3) All Vehicles Prohibited During Peak Pedestrian Traffic

"All vehicles will be prohibited, with the exceptions of exigent circumstances, from operating or parking on walks within the Pedestrian Zone from 6:30am to 1:30pm Monday thru Friday. Wheelchairs or other assistive devices, used by persons with disabilities, may be operated at all times when operation conforms to requirements in Speed Limit 2.4."

Policy Issues

  • Change the presumption about which vehicles should be on campus
  • Other vehicles would have access when no other reasonable alternative exists
  • Changes the permitting process
  • Speed limit 5 miles per hour w/no passing
  • No sidewalk use period from 6:30am - 1:30pm
  • No private or personal vehicles

Ed-Pass - "Weber State University in cooperation with the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), is exploring the feasibility of implementing a mass-transit program for the University. The program being explored is known as Ed-pass. Ed-pass would provide a bus pass for every student, faculty and staff of the University. The pass would allow the holder to commute to and from campus, use other standard UTA bus routes, and ride TRAX. It would not allow the holder to ride ski resort bus routes."

"If implemented here, it would need to be a self-supporting activity just as it is at the other institutions. UTA has committed to fund the program in Year 1 through the use of a grant. However, beginning in Year 2 the full cost of the program would be the responsibility of the University. The Parking Committee is developing a survey to measure campus support for the program and receive input as to the best way to finance it if the University proceeds."


Course Review Process -

  1. It is recommended that WSU Online make copies of the Guidelines for Good Practice and the Course Review form available to department chairs for approval of newly developed courses.
  2. It is recommended that this tool be available to faculty as a resource for conversion of existing courses to Web CT.
  3. This form will be included with other course approval documents issued by Continuing Education.
  4. The department chair will sign the final statement that the course was reviewed and is ready to be offered. The statement signed by the chair for final course approval will read: "This course has been reviewed and complies with according to the institution’s WSU Online Guidelines for Good Practice."
  5. The WSU Online Course Review form is recommended only as an internal document for department use to help insure the quality of online offerings.

The aim of this review process is to help faculty develop quality online courses and to assist departments in assuring that online offerings represent the best of local practice. The Online and Distance Learning Ad Hoc Committee is hopeful this Course Review Process will be part of the approval package that the department chair receives from WSU Online.

A suggestion was made to change item #4 to read as highlighted above. A suggestion was also made for item IV Overall Course Quality, question 2 - Students should spend approximately at least the same amount of time on the online course as they would for a campus course. The change was accepted as a friendly amendment.

Motion: Moved to approve the above course review process.
Made: Molly Smith
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Course Evaluation Procedure

1. Evaluations will be administered electronically each semester for every online course.

2. Students will receive a message informing them of the evaluation each time they log on, beginning the week before finals. The message will appear with each long-on until the evaluation is completed.

3. The instructor receives course results for the evaluation electronically.

4. The instructor will have electronic access to a summary of evaluations for all online courses for comparison.

5. The evaluation results will be printed by WSU Online and hard copies will be sent to department chairs.

Once the evaluations are received by department chairs, it is recommended by this committee that they be used consistent with the way traditional evaluations are used.

Some faculty saw a short term need for the course evaluation to address problems specific for online courses and felt a sunset clause should be added to the motion.

Amended Motion: Add a sunset clause to the main motion that the Course Evaluation Procedure stated above for online courses expire one year from now (April 2004) and be reviewed by the Faculty Senate at that time.
Made: Dan Schroeder
Second: Ron Holt
Outcome: The motion passed with 3 opposed.

Motion: Moved to approve the above course evaluation process.
Made: Bill Clapp
Second: Susan Matt
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.


PPM 1-13, Article B-XIII, Amendments states: "These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Faculty Senate present and eligible to vote at a regular Senate meeting, but a proposal to amend the Bylaws may not be voted upon at the meeting at which it is first moved."

Second reading of CRAO recommendation - The CRAO Committee unanimously recommends that the Faculty Senate Bylaws be amended to include the following after section 4.6:

4.7 Committee for Online Instruction and Distance Learning

The Committee for Online Instruction and Distance Learning shall review, update, and evaluate policies and procedures for online and distance learning courses.

This committee’s membership shall include at least one representative from each organizational unit, WSU Online and the Department of Continuing Education.

Speaking against the motion -

Curricular issues should be dealt by the Curriculum and General Education Committee.

Assessment issues should be dealt with by the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee.

Academic freedom and tenure issues should be dealt with by the Appointment, Promotion , Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee.

The same standards should apply to the online courses as apply to other courses.

Should there be a distinction between online courses and other courses?

Specific charges could be given committees to deal with online course issues.

WSU Online now reports to the Provost. If there are academic issues that need to be dealt with, they should be dealt with by an administrative committee not a Faculty Senate committee.

The constitution states that ad hoc committee can only be established for two years. In October the two years will be completed for this ad hoc committee.

The Web CT committee is discussing some of the online issues.

Speaking in favor of the motion -

The other committees have never dealt with online courses.

Online courses are not ready to be turned over to other committees.

A new ad hoc committee could be established.

There needs to be some approval process for approval of new online courses.

The Online Instruction and Distance Learning Committee does not deal with salary issues, curriculum issues or other Faculty Senate Committees.

Problems are ongoing. There have been three ad hoc committees to deal with online instruction issues.

Motion: Moved to approve the Online Instruction and Distance Learning Committee be made a permanent standing committee of the Faculty Senate.
Made: Bill Clapp
Second: Rick Sline
Outcome: The motion failed.

Motion: Moved to thank the Online Instruction and Distance Learning ad hoc Committee for the extraordinary work they have done.
Made: Dan Schroeder
Second: Rick Sline
Outcome: Unanimous vote of thanks for the work completed by the Online Instruction and Distance Learning Committee.


The following resolution was received from Student Senate. The Admissions, Standards, and Student Affairs Committee reviewed the Student Senate proposal, discussed it and passed it unanimously.

Resolution - "The Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs Committee recommends that faculty be strongly encouraged to use an online electronic grade book once Web CT is operative."

Several faculty discussed the need to wait and try out the program for the electronic grade book. Students felt this would be very valuable to students.

Motion: Moved to approve the recommendation of the Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs Committee that faculty use an online electronic grade book once Web CT is operative.
Made: Laura MacLeod
Second: Brody Barnes
Outcome: The motion failed with 10 in favor, 20 opposed and 2 abstentions.


PPM 3-02, I

C. Non-Salaried Employee - an employee paid for hours worked or by project who does not qualify for benefits defined in PPM 3-45 except as noted.

1. Adjunct Faculty - an individual having professional or specialized training, employed on a temporary or part-time basis, to provide instruction or instructional related services for one or more credit bearing courses. An adjunct faculty must be appointed by an academic dean for a specific period of time and may be given a title containing an academic rank provided the additional title of "adjunct" precedes the designation of rank. Such appointment has no significance for the achieving or holding of tenure. Adjunct faculty qualify for I.D. card privileges as defined in PPM 3-42 II A and 3-45 III C.

2. Clinical Faculty - an individual whose continuing professional activities do not relate primarily to University affairs but who makes a substantial regular contribution to the academic activities of the institution. This individual may or may not receive financial compensation. A clinical faculty must be appointed by an academic dean for a specific period of time and may be given a title containing an academic rank provided the additional title of "clinical" precedes the designation of rank. Such appointment has no significance for the achieving or holding of tenure. Examples of clinical faculty include student teacher supervisors, cooperative teachers, etc. Clinical faculty qualify for I.D. card privileges as defined in PPM 3-42 II A and 3-45 III C. 

3. Concurrent Faculty - Faculty in high schools or applied technology colleges which have been approved by the respective departments at WSU to teach concurrent enrollment courses. Generally these are courses taught at the faculty member’s home institution. These faculty are not employees of Weber State University and are generally not compensated by Weber State University. Concurrent faculty do not usually receive I.D. card privileges, but could if defined in the contract at the time of appointment. (A list of potential privileges can be found in PPM 3-42 II A and 3-45 III C.)

4. Research Faculty - Persons working on campus in a position whose primary support comes from an external agency or institution. Typically these faculty are engaged in scholarship associated with a particular department or organization on campus. Research faculty must be appointed by an academic dean for a specific period of time and may be given a title containing an academic rank provided the additional title of "research" precedes the designation of rank. Such appointment has no significance for the achieving or holding of tenure. Research faculty qualify for I.D. card privileges as defined in PPM 3-45 III C.

5. Affiliate Faculty - This is a special category awarded by the President upon recommendation of the appropriate department chair and dean. The title would apply to a person whose employment is with an organization that is associated with the university by contract or to a person who is a practicing professional or independent scholar associated with the university for specific research purposes. Affiliate faculty may be given a title containing an academic rank provided the additional title of "affiliate" precedes the designation of rank. Such appointment has no significance for the achieving or holding of tenure. Affiliate faculty qualify for I.D. card privileges as defined in PPM 3-45 III C.

The difference between concurrent and adjunct faculty was discussed extensively. It was suggested that the exception at the end of item #3 be taken out as well as I.D. privilege statements under each category. Faculty discussed the need for tuition waivers to be the same.

Motion: Moved to approve the changes presented by the APAFT Committee to PPM 3-02, I, 3-30b, 3-42 , 3-45, 5-25d, 8-2, 8-3, only some of which are listed above. Complete copies of the documents are on file in the Faculty Senate Office.
Made: Bill Clapp
Second: Ann Ellis
Outcome: The motion passed with 2 abstentions.

Motion: Moved to adjourn until next Thursday, May 1, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the remaining items on the agenda.
Made: Susan McKay
Second: Lee Badger
Outcome: The motion passed with 20 in favor and 12 opposed.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.