Faculty Senate
January 23, 2003

MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Tony Allred
Donavan Aoki - Student
Lee Badger - Absent
Brody Barnes - Student
Rick Bingham - Absent
Lloyd Burton
Paul Caldarella
Bill Clapp - Vice Chair
Roger Crockett
Gary Dohrer - Chair
Anand Dyal-Chand - Admin
Dave Eisler - Admin
Ann Ellis - Absent
Al Forsyth
Ron Galli - Admin.
Colleen Garside - Parliamentarian
Dawn Gatherum
Richard Greene - Peter Vernezze representing
Cheryl Hansen - Excused
Laird Hartman
Michelle Heward
Warren Hill - Admin. - Carl Grunander representing
Ron Holt
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Pam Hugie
Christopher Jones
Sheree Josephson
Diane Kawamura
Marie Kotter
Kathleen Lukken - Admin.
Marek Matyjasik
Laura MacLeod
Susan Matt
Susan McKay
Kirby McMaster -Kent Weaver representing
Chloe Merrill
President Millner
Kathy Payne - Excused
Steve Peterson
June Phillips Admin
Kyle Poll - Student
Jared Prisbrey - Student - Absent
Jack Rasmussen - Admin - Excused
Richard Sadler - Admin. - Mark Bigler representing
Dan Schroeder
Monika Serbinowska
Rick Sline
Molly Smith
Erik Stern - Dave Feller representing
Mali Subbiah
Chris Trivett-Russin
Betty Tucker
Michael Vaughan - Admin.
Huiying Wei-Arthus - Rob Reynolds representing
Lydia Wingate - Admin
Yu-Jane Yang
Kay Brown, Secretary




Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the December 5, 2002 meeting.
Made: Lydia Wingate
Second: Chloe Merrill
Outcome: The minutes were approved.


This year the Executive Committee has decided to solicit nominations from senators for this award. The deadline for nominations is February 28, 2003.

In October of 1998 the Weber State Chapter of the Utah Association of Academic Professionals (UAAP) donated funds returned to them when the UAAP disbanded. These funds were set up in an endowment from which the interest income would fund an annual UAAP faculty award and stipend for service to faculty governance. The award was established to recognize faculty who have led efforts to improve faculty governance at Weber State.

Criteria: Members of the Faculty Senate will nominate current faculty for the Faculty Governance Award. Nominations should include a written statement indicating:

  • the committees that the nominee has worked on,

  • accomplishments that the committees have made during the nominee’s tenure on the committee,

  • the role that the nominee played in those accomplishments, and their service to the committee and the university

  • membership on standing committees and the role played on those committees and

  • other information that is pertinent to the nominee’s service to faculty.

Nominees will be reviewed and the awardee selected by Executive Committee members that are not nominated.

The Executive Committee will consider the same criteria listed above. Special consideration will be given to chairs and members of committees such as Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure, Constitutional Review and Organization, Curriculum and General Education, and Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning, but should not be restricted to them.


PPM 1-13, Article B-V, Section 4, 4.8 states: "A subcommittee shall serve under the direction of this Committee and represent the faculty in salary and related negotiations with the University administration. No two members of this subcommittee shall be from the same organizational unit. This subcommittee shall consist of the Faculty Senate chair, the chair of the Committee on Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning and a third member nominated by the Committee and approved by the Faculty Senate."

The following names were presented to the Faculty Senate to serve as members of the Salary Negotiation Team:  Gary Dohrer, Alden Talbot, and John Sillito.

Motion: Moved to approve the Salary Negotiation Team of Gary Dohrer, Alden Talbot, and John Sillito.
Made: Dawn Gatherum
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Psychology - New course proposal for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Psych 3020.

Motion: Moved to approve from Psychology the new course proposal for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - 3020.
Made: Paul Caldarella
Second: Yu-Jane Yang
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Philosophy - New course proposals for Ethical Theory - Philo 3600, Senior Capstone Seminar - Philo 4900; program proposal for Philosophy Minor.

Motion: Moved to approve from Philosophy the new course proposals for Ethical Theory - Philo 3600, Senior Capstone Seminar - Philo 4900; program proposal for Philosophy Minor.
Made: Susan Matt
Second: Chris Jones
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Computer & Electronic Engineering Technology & Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology - New course proposals for Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) - MFET 5100 Digital Electronics (DE) - CEET 5200, Principles of Engineering (POE) - MFET5300, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - MFET 5400, Engineering Design and Development (EDD) - MFET 5500.

These courses are for the Project Lead the Way program and are designed to train high school teachers in both technical content as well as the teaching methodologies. Questions were raised about the 5000 level numbers and the amount of class time spent for the number of credit hours given.

Motion: Moved to approve from Computer & Electronic Engineering Technology & Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology the new course proposals for Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) - MFET 5100, Digital Electronics (DE) - CEET 5200, Principles of Engineering (POE) - MFET5300, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - MFET 5400, Engineering Design and Development (EDD) - MFET 5500; program change for Pre-engineering.

Made: Dawn Gatherum
Second: Lydia Wingate
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 vote against the motion.

Pre-engineering program change.

Motion: Moved to approve the pre-engineering program changes.
Made: Dan Schroeder
Second: Lydia Wingate
Outcome: The motion was approved unanimously.

Economics - New course proposal for Research Methods - Econ 4980; program change for Economics major and minor.

Motion: Moved to approve from Economics the new course proposal for Research Methods - Econ 4980; program change for Economics major and minor.
Made: Lydia Wingate
Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Communication - Variable title course proposal for Topics in Communication - Comm 4500, Senior Seminar - Comm 4990; program change for Communication major - All concentrations.

Motion: Moved to approve from Communication the variable title course proposal for Topics in Communication - Comm 4500, Senior Seminar - Comm 4990; program change for Communication major - All concentrations.
Made: Betty Tucker
Second: Laura MacLeod
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Performing Arts - Course proposals for Music Theory for Musical Theatre - Music 1143, Directing and Choreographing for Musical Theatre - Theatr 4143; program change for Musical Theatre Major B.S. or B.A.

Motion: Moved to approve from Performing Arts the course proposals for Music Theory for Musical Theatre - Music 1143, Directing and Choreographing for Musical Theatre - Theatr 4143; program change for Musical Theatre Major B.S. or B.A.

Made: Rick Sline
Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Manufacturing Engineering Technology - Course proposals for Engineering Design using Solid Modeling Lab - MFET 3460L, Architectural Drafting for Interior Design - CDGT 1340, Directed Readings - CDGT 4830; program changes for Manufacturing Engineering Technology B.S. Degree Mechanical Engineering Technology B.S. Degree.

Motion: Moved to approve from Manufacturing Engineering Technology the course proposals for Engineering Design using Solid Modeling Lab - MFET 3460L, Architectural Drafting for Interior Design - CDGT 1340, Directed Readings - CDGT 4830; program changes for Manufacturing Engineering Technology B.S. Degree Mechanical Engineering Technology B.S. Degree.
Made: Chloe Merrill
Second: Lloyd Burton
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Physics - Course proposals for General Physics I - Phsx SI2010, General Physics Laboratory I - Phsx PS/SI2010L - Delete, General Physics II - Phsx SI2020, General Physics Laboratory II - Phsx SI2020L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers I - Phsx PS/SI2210, Laboratory Physics I - Phsx PS/SI2210L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers II - Phsx SI2220, Laboratory Physics II - Phsx SI2220L - Delete; program change for Physics, Applied Physics and Physics Teaching.

The Physics Department is combining the lab with the course. Students will not be allowed to take the course without also taking the lab. The lab portion of the course is not necessarily taught by the same instructor as the lecture part of the course. Physics is a required sequence in several programs across campus. All programs affected by this change will be updated in the catalog.

Motion: Moved to approve from Physics the course proposals for General Physics I - Phsx SI2010, General Physics Laboratory I - Phsx PS/SI2010L - Delete, General Physics II - Phsx SI2020, General Physics Laboratory II - Phsx SI2020L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers I - Phsx PS/SI2210, Laboratory Physics I - Phsx PS/SI2210L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers II - Phsx SI2220, Laboratory Physics II - Phsx SI2220L - Delete; program change for Physics, Applied Physics and Physics Teaching.

Made: Dawn Gatherum
Second: Chris Russin
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.

Information Systems & Technologies course proposal for IS&T 2510 Database Design and Implementation is proposed to change to Database Design and Implementation - IS&T 3210 with an increase in credit hours from 3 to 4 credit hours.

IS&T 2510 is a course that is required in the Health Information Management major. IS&T has agreed to offer IS&T 2510 online for one year to accommodate the HIM students.

Motion: Moved to approve from Information Systems & Technologies the course change for Database Design and Implementation - IS&T 2510 to Database Design and Implementation - IS&T 3210 with credit hours increasing from 3 to 4 credit hours.
Made: Lydia Wingate
Second: Kyle Poll
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Information Systems & Technologies - Course proposals for Data Communications - IS&T 2520 - Delete, Client/Server Development - IS&T 4510 - Delete, Software Development I - IS&T 2110, Advanced PC Hardware/Software - IS&T 3410 changed to Information Systems Architecture - IS&T 2410, Local Area Networks changed to Networks & Data Communications I - IS&T 3610, E-business Technologies - IS&T 4410 changed to E-business Infrastructure & Web, Development - IS&T 3500, Information Security - IS&T 4700; program changes for Information Systems & Technologies B.A., B.S., A.S., B.I.S., Software Developer Certificate - Delete.

Math 1050 should be listed as a prerequisite for IS&T 2110

Motion: Moved to approve from Information Systems & Technologies the course proposals for Data Communications - IS&T 2520 - Delete, Client/Server Development - IS&T 4510 - Delete, Software Development I - IS&T 2110 (with Math 1050 as a prerequisite), Advanced PC Hardware/Software - IS&T 3410 changed to Information Systems Architecture - IS&T 2410, Local Area Networks changed to Networks & Data Communications I - IS&T 3610, E-business Technologies - IS&T 4410 changed to E-business Infrastructure & Web, Development - IS&T 3500, Information Security - IS&T 4700; program changes for Information Systems & Technologies B.A., B.S., A.S., B.I.S., Software Developer Certificate - Delete.
Made: Chris Jones
Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Computer Science - Course proposals for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 changed to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040, Database Administration - CS 3540; program changes for Computer Science B.S. and A.A.S.

The Executive Committee and Senate members felt that there needed to be stronger justification for changing Microsoft Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040. CS 2740 was developed but never taught. The department was teaching many of the concepts in other courses and decided that advanced concepts needed to be taught. The same topics at an introductory level were originally proposed for CS 2740, but they will now be offered as advanced study in CS 3040.

Motion: Moved to approve from Computer Science the course proposals for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 changed to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040, Database Administration - CS 3540; program changes for Computer Science B.S. and A.A.S.
Made: Diane Kawamura
Second: Chloe Merrill
Outcome: The motion passed with 4 opposed and 1 abstention.


College elections will be completed by February 25. Executive Committee elections are scheduled for March 4.

Because of apportionment the College of Applied Science and Technology lost one Senate seat. They have no Senators going off this year. Dean Warren Hill is working with his faculty and college to eliminate the one additional seat.

The Executive Committee is asking the Faculty Senate to consider a change in the election process. In the past we have held Executive Committee elections on an afternoon in March from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. They are proposing holding the elections electronically. An email would be sent out from the Faculty Senate Office (Kay Brown) to all faculty who are eligible to vote. The ballot would be marked by the faculty member and returned to the Senate Office. The person voting would be marked off on the master list, the heading with their name would be cut off and the ballot would be placed in a sealed box until time for the election tellers to tally all the votes.

The Senate discussed the possibility of setting up the process in Chi Tester with a password so that the votes would be anonymous. We currently have 464 contract faculty. The question was raised about faculty having the option to vote electronically or in person. A person could vote via email or print the ballot and bring it to the Faculty Senate office.

PPM 1-13, Article B-2, Section 7.2 states: "Prior to the eleventh week of spring semester, the Executive Committee shall call a general faculty meeting for the purpose of electing members of the Executive Committee for the following year. The faculty must vote for nine members; and in the case of a tie for the ninth member, it shall be decided by the flip of a coin. A secret ballot shall be used. The highest vote recipient from each academic college shall serve as an elected member of the Executive Committee. The next two highest vote recipients shall also be elected to the Executive Committee; however, no more than two members from the same organizational unit shall serve on the Executive Committee at the same time; for this purpose, a top-vote recipient will be eliminated in favor of the next highest vote recipient from another organizational unit."

The Senate discussed whether or not an electronic ballot through GroupWise could be considered a secret ballot.

Motion: Moved to approve the process for the Executive Committee election to be held electronically.
Made: Tony Allred
Second: Michelle Heward

Amended Motion: Moved to hold electronic elections in which an email is sent to all faculty listed in the apportionment. The faculty member can then send back the ballot electronically or print the ballot and bring it to the Faculty Senate Office and place it in the locked ballot box.
Made Marek Matyjasik
Second: Monika Serbinowska
Outcome: The motion passed with 2 opposed and 3 abstentions.

Main Motion: Moved to approve the process for the Executive Committee election to be held electronically.
Made: Tony Allred
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed with 4 opposed and 1 abstention.


Gary Dohrer and Bill Clapp met with the Utah Council of Faculty Senate Leaders in conjunction with the Board of Regents meetings. Last Friday they sent forward to the Board of Regents their support of the Board of Regents Budget proposal that was given the Legislature. This group is attempting to offer the voice of faculty to the Board of Regents and to the Legislature. There is a plan to contact individual legislators.

Questions were raised on allocation of funds among the state institutions. President Millner responded. The legislature required the Board of Regents not to give the money back to the institutions proportionately. The Board of Regents has a rather complex formula they use to redistribute money back to the state institutions. President Millner was aware of three different formulas for funding money back to the institutions. The variance in the dollar amount for Weber State between the three options varied in the range of $10,000.

The next set of revenue projections will be available in February.

The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.