Faculty Senate

May 1, 2003


MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Tony Allred
Donavan Aoki - Student - Excused
Lee Badger
Brody Barnes - Student - Excused
Rick Bingham - Excused
Lloyd Burton
Paul Caldarella
Bill Clapp - Vice Chair
Roger Crockett
Gary Dohrer - Chair
Anand Dyal-Chand - Admin - Excused
Dave Eisler - Admin - Excused
Ann Ellis - Judy Mitchell representing
Al Forsyth
Joy Gall - Excused
Ron Galli - Admin
Colleen Garside - Parliamentarian
Dawn Gatherum
Richard Greene
Cheryl Hansen
Laird Hartman - Excused
Michelle Heward - Frank Guliuzza representing
Warren Hill - Admin
Ron Holt
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Pam Hugie
Christopher Jones - Excused
Sheree Josephson
Diane Kawamura
Marie Kotter
Kathleen Lukken - Admin
Marek Matyjasik
Laura MacLeod
Susan Matt
Susan McKay
Kirby McMaster - Kent Weaver representing
Chloe Merrill - Paul Schvaneveldt representing
President Millner
Kathy Payne
Steve Peterson
June Phillips - Admin - Catherine Zublin representing
Kyle Poll - Student - Excused
Jared Prisbrey - Student
Jack Rasmussen - Admin - Excused
Richard Sadler - Admin - Excused
Dan Schroeder
Monika Serbinowska
Rick Sline
Molly Smith
Erik Stern - Excused
Mali Subbiah
Chris Trivett-Russin - Laine Berghout representing
Betty Tucker
Michael Vaughan - Admin
Huiying Wei-Arthus
Lydia Wingate - Admin
Yu-Jane Yang
Kay Brown, Secretary




Business Administration - New course proposal for Staffing Organizations - Mgmt 4320.

Motion: Moved to approve from Business Administration the new course proposal for Staffing Organizations - Mgmt 4320.
Made: Tony Allred
Second: Betty Tucker
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Mathematics - New course proposals for Foundations of Algebra, Number Theory, and Logic - MATH 2110, Foundations of Probability and Statistics - MATH 2410, and Methods and Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics - Mathed 6010 5010.

It was proposed as a friendly amendment that Methods and Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics - Mathed 6010 be numbered 5010.

Motion: Moved to approve from Mathematics the new course proposals for Foundations of Algebra, Number Theoiry, and Logic - MATH 2110, Foundations of Probability and Statistics - MATH 2410, and Methods and Technology for Teaching Secondary Mathematics - Mathed 5010.
Made: Monica Serbinowska
Second: Becky Johns
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously

Chemistry - Program changes for the Chemistry Technician A.A. S. Degree and Certificate Program. These changes allow students more flexibility and options. The core chemistry classes remain unchanged, and the number of required hours remains the same.

Motion: Moved to approve from Chemistry program changes for the Chemistry Technician A.A. S. Degree and Certificate Program.
Made: Laine Berghout
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 opposed and 1 abstention.

Performing Arts - New course proposals for Dance for the Camera - DANCE 2610/4610 and Dance for the Camera Seminar - DANCE 4620.

Motion: Moved to approve from Performing Arts the new course proposals for Dance for the Camera - DANCE 2610/4610 and Dance for the Camera Seminar - DANCE 4620.
Made: Becky Johns
Second: Rick Sline
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Computer Engineering Technology - New course proposal for Engineering Ethics - CEET 3000; Course change for Cooperative Work Experience - CEET 4890; Program change for Computer Engineering Technology B.S. and A.A.S. Degrees, and Electronics Engineering Technology.

Procedurally, the CEET 3000 course proposal should have been discussed with the Philosophy Department. The Philosophy Department felt that an applied ethics course should be taught through the Philosophy Department. The CEET 3000 course (Engineering Ethics) cradles the theoretical framework of Philosophy 1120 (Contemporary Moral Problems) which is "an introduction to the major ethical theories and their applications to human action." The Philosophy Department felt that knowledge of a theoretical framework was needed to teach the discipline specific CEET 3000 course.

A compromise was proposed: The Engineering Ethics CEET 3000 course would require the Philosophy course HU 1120 as a prerequisite.

Motion: Moved to approve from Computer Engineering Technology the new course proposals for Engineering Ethics - CEET 3000 (Philo HU1120 was added as a prerequisite; Course change for Cooperative Work Experience - CEET 4890; Program change for computer Engineering Technology B.S. and A.A.S. Degrees, and Electronics Engineering Technology.
Made: Bill Clapp
Second: Roger Crockett
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention

Sales and Service Technology - New course proposal for Professional Selling on the Internet - SST 2903.

No text was listed. It was suggested that when information from the web is used, more specific information should be given.

Motion: Moved to approve the new course proposal from Sales and Service Technology for Professional Selling on the Internet - SST 2903.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Lydia Wingate
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology - Program deletion for the A.A.S. Degree in Applied Technology.

Motion: Moved to approve the program deletion from Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology for the A.A.S. Degree in Applied Technology.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Steve Peterson
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Criminal Justice - New course proposal for History of Law Enforcement - CJ 4300.

Motion: Moved to approve from Criminal Justice the new course proposal for History of Law Enforcement - CJ 4300.
Made: Betty Tucker
Second: Paul Caldarella
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Scientific Inquire Requirement - "The Curriculum & General Education Committee was charged with examining the requirement of the 6 credits of Scientific Inquiry which was required for the awarding of the B.S. degree. After lengthy discussions in several meetings over a three month time span, the Committee voted (8 in favor, none opposed, 1 abstention) to recommend that the 6 credit SI requirement be removed. . . . There were 1803 total baccalaureate degrees awarded in 2001-2002. Of these 1425 were B.S., 331 were B.A., 6 were B.F.A., 34 were B.I.S., and 7 were B.M. Based on data from Institutional Research, it appears that only 431 graduates were in programs where they may have had to take the 6 credits outside their program requirements. These 431 student represent 30% of the B.S. total. . . Fall 2002 - 146 sections of courses for SI credit were offered of which 48 were from Science with 10 of those from Math." The complete report from the Curriculum & General Education Committee is on file in the Faculty Senate Office.

Points considered 

In favor of the motion

Against the motion

Motion: Moved to adopt the recommendation of the Curriculum and General Education Committee to remove the Scientific Inquiry requirement for the B.S. degree to begin in 2004-05.
Made: Lydia Wingate
Second: Lloyd Burton

Should discussion take place in the colleges? Concrete suggestions should come and be melted together by a committee. A general approach may not be beneficial.

Amended Motion: (1) If passed it should not be implemented until fall 2005-06. (2) Establish an ad hoc committee to look at the B.S., B. A. degrees, the scientific inquiry requirement, and the general education requirements.
Made: Dan Schroeder
Second: Richard Greene
Outcome: The motion passed with 24 in favor, 9 opposed and 1 abstention.

Main Motion: Moved to adopt the recommendation of the Curriculum and General Education Committee to remove the Scientific Inquiry requirement for the B.S. degree.
Outcome: The motion failed. The S.I. requirement remains unchanged.

It was suggested that the Executive Committee discuss charges for the ad hoc committee, and report back to the Faculty Senate in the Fall for Senate approval.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15