Faculty Senate
September 19, 2002


MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Tony Allred
Donavan Aoki - Student
Lee Badger
Brody Barnes - Student
Rick Bingham
Shared Brady - Excused
Lloyd Burton
Paul Caldarella
Bill Clapp - Vice Chair
Roger Crockett
Gary Dohrer - Chair
Anand Dyal-Chand - Admin
Dave Eisler - Admin. - Excused
Ann Ellis
Al Forsyth
Ron Galli - Admin.
Colleen Garside - Parliamentarian
Dawn Gatherum
Richard Greene
Cheryl Hansen
Laird Hartman
Michelle Heward
Warren Hill - Admin
Ron Holt
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Pam Hugie
Marsha Jackson - Excused
Sheree Josephson
Diane Kawamura
Marie Kotter
Diane Krantz
Taowen Le - Excused
Kathleen Lukken - Admin.
Marek Matyjasik
Laura MacLeod
Susan Matt
Kirby McMaster
Chloe Merrill
Kathy Payne
Steve Peterson
June Phillips Admin
Kyle Poll - Student
Jared Prisbrey - Student
Jack Rasmussen - Admin
Richard Sadler - Admin. - Leah Murray representing
Dan Schroeder
Monika Serbinowska
Rick Sline
Molly Smith
Erik Stern
Mali Subbiah
President Paul Thompson - Admin.
Chris Trivett - Barbara Wachocki representing
Betty Tucker
Michael Vaughan - Admin.
Huiying Wei-Arthus
Lydia Wingate - Admin
Yu-Jane Yang
Kay Brown, Secretary




Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the April 18, 2002 meeting
Made: Marie Kotter
Second: Chloe Merrill
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

3.  Recognition of President Thompson – Gary Dohrer, Kathleen Lukken, Michael Vaughan, Bill Clapp

In the spirit of assessment outcome President Thompson was given an examination to determine what he has learned during his 12 years of service as President of Weber State University. President Thompson was presented with a certificate promoting him to the ranks of faculty. Colonel Bill Clapp presented President Thompson with a declassified project, "hole in one golf ball."

Carolyn Thompson was thanked for her service and support to the University and to President Thompson. President Thompson was presented with a clock engraved, "Presented to Paul H. Thompson in recognition of twelve years of supporting faculty governance, September 19, 2002, Weber State University, Faculty Senate."

4.  FINAL REPORT – President Thompson

The final headcount this fall is 18,059, which is a 7% increase over last fall. WSU Online has grown 30% this year.

President Thompson thanked the Faculty Senate for their recognition of his service, and the gifts given to him. He recognized Carolyn Thompson for her gracious and warm hearted support of him and in attending University and community functions. One of the aspects of his job that he has enjoyed most has been working with faculty. "This has been a great experience in shared governance."

5.  UNIVERSITY VILLAGE – Nandi Dyal-Chand

Nandi Dyal-Chand introduced the new Dean of Students, Sheldon Nord, to the Faculty Senate. Sheldon comes to Weber State from Portland, Oregon.

The new University Village is located on the corner of Old Post Road and 4600. They are the new student housing apartments that accommodate four students with private bedrooms, a bath for every two bedrooms, a kitchen, a common area, and a community center. They are pleased to announce that they have an 89% of the rooms occupied.


The following committee charges developed by the Executive Committee were presented to the Faculty Senate for approval:

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.1: The Committee on Academic Resources and Computing shall recommend policies and operational procedures on the acquisition and utilization of computers and academic resource material.

  1. Allocate ARCC resources.

  2. Monitor the expenditures of all ARCC funds, including those supported through WSUSA funding.

  3. Clarify funding relationship with RS&PG and investigate merging the two committees.

  4. Be represented on the IT Council and routinely invite IT Division directors to summarize status of new projects and ongoing IT support.

  5. Maintain close communication with all other computer resource entities on campus.

  6. Develop a policy for inclusion in the PPM regarding the upgrade and maintenance of faculty computers.

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.2: The Admissions, Standards and Student Affairs Committee shall be concerned with standards for admission, retention and graduation from the University and policies pertaining to student affairs.

  1. Continue to monitor the STAARS programming of previous and current Faculty Senate legislation.
  2. PPM 4-20 Review policy on repeating courses to improve GPA and transfer repeats for GPA improvement from prior schools.
  3. PPM 6-4 Review withdrawal policy - last day to withdraw from class.
  4. Continue to handle student initiatives as they come from Student Senate.
  5. Monitor the work of the ad hoc task force on mathematics and receive recommendation if faculty legislation will be required.
  6. PPM 4-1, IV Review dual degrees and determine if the current policy on multiple degrees applies or needs to be amended.
  7. Review the University Tier and College Tier criteria. Page 13 of the current Catalog
  8. Problem: students are here 3 years before they can take upper division courses which lengthens time for completion of degree.

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.3: The committee on Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure shall formulate policies and operational procedures on these matters and on due process and merit.

  1. Propose clarifying language for the PPM and other university documents on faculty titles based on background information gathered last year.
  2. Clarify language in PPM on role of APAFT committee in reviewing college tenure documents and review any new college documents.
  3. Address timing of advancement in rank from instructor to instructor specialist to be congruent with revised timing for tenure and promotion in rank from Assistant to Associate Professor.
  4. Reevaluate the purpose and procedures of the University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee. If this committee is retained consider rewriting the committee’s procedures. Consider adding a requirement that the committee use the criteria from the appropriate college to evaluate the candidates.
  5. Review dated guidelines.

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.4: The Committee on Constitutional Review, Apportionment and Organization shall review, update and preserve the integrity of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Weber State University faculty government. This Committee shall study ratios of college representation on the Senate and recommend procedures for electing its members. The Committee shall also be responsible for recommending policies on the organization and operational procedures of the University

  1. Calculate apportionment for Faculty Senate representation using the Hamilton Method and present the apportionment figures to the Faculty Senate during Autumn Semester 2002.
  2. Investigate establishing a new Faculty Senate Standing Committee for Online Education and Distance Learning.
  3. Review the election process for the selection of Faculty Senate Chair and Vice Chair.

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.5: The committee on Curriculum and General Education shall study and evaluate the curriculum and general education needs of the University, initiate new programs and revise old ones and consider specified proposals of instructional departments or individual faculty members.

  1. Review and approve curriculum and program proposals.
  2. Continue to conduct workshops on an as needed basis with college curriculum committee chairs to acquaint them with curriculum procedures.
  3. Review process and make recommendation to cut down on paperwork.
  4. Review the scientific inquiry requirement and make a recommendation to the Faculty Senate.

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.6: Faculty members on the Honorary Degree Committee shall review the recommendations presented to them and shall act as the faculty representatives on the Committee on Commencement and Honorary Degrees.

  1. Meet separately and early as the faculty portion of the committee to discuss representing in a unified manner the constituent needs and interests of the faculty in the deliberation of the larger committee.
  2. Ensure faculty involvement in the nomination and selection of candidates for honorary degrees and for commencement speakers through maintaining the important voice of the faculty and the Faculty Senate as a major force on the institutional committee.
  3. Encourage the selection of at least one honorary degree recipient each year who has made an outstanding academic contribution to higher education, preferable a WSU faculty member.
  4. Work to achieve a representation of gender and ethnicity among degree recipients and ensure that all recipients are of stature to enhance the image of Weber State University.
  5. See that the criteria for honorary degrees are considered , so that the understandable desire of the administration to cultivate donors and potential donors does not overwhelm the deliberations and pass over otherwise worthy candidates.
  6. Provide the larger committee with a way to carry forward information so next year’s committee can benefit from work done this year.

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.7: The Committee on Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth shall recommend policies on research, scholarship, teaching loads, instructional and faculty development and faculty productivity., It shall facilitate faculty in obtaining grants, travel funds, physical facilities, etc., to pursue research and scholarly activities.

  1. Continue to issue RFPs for Research and Instructional Improvement grants and review the proposals in a timely manner.
  2. Continue to coordinate deadlines for submission of proposals with the chairs of the Institutional Review Board and the Animal Care and Use Committee.
  3. Review and update as needed the proposal guidelines. Clarify and report the criteria for awarding the grant.
  4. Continue efforts to publicize the committee’s activities. Seek ways to broaden participation campus wide. Explore opportunities to disseminate information about funded projects including workshops in order to provide consistent information and feedback to applicants.
  5. Develop a proposal for additional funding for RSPG.
  6. Investigate the possibility of combining ARCC and RSPG

PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.8: The Committee on Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal planning shall study, evaluate and make recommendations on salaries, salary schedules, cost of living, retirement plans, annuities, health and life insurance, hospital plans, other faculty benefits, budget and fiscal planning.

This Committee shall not exceed ten members with representation from each organization unit. The Faculty Senate chair shall serve as the Executive Committee liaison. A subcommittee shall serve under the direction of the Committee and represent the faculty in salary and related negotiations with the University administration. No two members of this subcommittee shall be from the same organizational unit. This subcommittee shall consist of the Faculty senate chair, the chair of the Committee on Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning and a third member nominated by the Committee and approved by the Faculty Senate.

  1. Reinforce the importance of University administrators’ commitment to the third year goal of obtaining the 6% necessary to further narrow the gap between the CUPA averages and faculty salaries.
  2. Follow through with the Payroll Office ways to itemize the various payments included in the check.
  3. Monitor health insurance coverage, options, and potential changes in vendors.
  4. Investigate the ramifications of the new IRS ruling disallowing the designation of miscellaneous income (such as honoraria) to personal expense accounts in departments.
  5. Maintain a continuing dialogue with the University administration with regard to the impact of the current budget cut on salaries, benefits, budgets, and fiscal planning.
  6. Continue to investigate the effect of the new promotion and tenure schedule on salaries and make recommendations.


PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.9: The Committee on Teaching, Learning and Assessment shall endeavor to enhance the learning environment. It shall study, evaluate, and make recommendations on issues affecting the teaching environment and the assessment of student learning. It shall also advise the chair of the committee and coordinate the activities of the Forum for Teaching and Learning.

  1. Continue support for faculty development of teaching and learning strategies by:
    A.  Offering workshops, discussions, and seminars on effective learning, teaching and assessment, especially concerning recently passed curricular initiatives;
    B.  Continuing to create forums for faculty to showcase diverse scholarly and teaching activities, including projects funded through RSPG;
    C.  Develop and implement plans to increase participation in the Teaching, Learning and Assessment projects.
  2. Clarify the responsibilities of the Forum in regards to non-tenure track and adjunct faculty in conjunction with the Adjunct Faculty Task Force.
  3. Assess the effectiveness of the New Faculty program and the need for increasing follow-up activities for new faculty.
  4. Strengthen the Forum’s commitment to WAC, SPEC, and Numeracy Across the Curriculum, and the university diversity requirement.


The Committee on Online Instruction and Distance Learning shall be concerned with standards and guidelines for online instruction and distance learning, planning for the future of such instruction, developing procedures for managing and reviewing online and other distance-learning courses, and studying issues relative to the evaluation of distance-learning instructors.

  1. Determine boundaries, partnerships, and overlaps with other Senate committees. Interface with the Constitutional Review, Organization, and Apportionment Committee recommending to the Faculty Senate if this committee should become a standing committee of the Senate.
  2. Design a process for establishing, evaluating, and governing online courses. Investigate issues relative to access by department chairs, deans, and others to course content and performance, to include the possibility of a peer-review process.
  3. Work with APAFT to study issues that may be unique to distance-learning courses relative to the evaluation of instructors and instruction with regard to such issues as ranking/tenure and merit, and faculty workload and compensation.
  4. Develop a process by which the committee’s activities are reported to the Executive Committee and Faculty Senate.
  5. When requested, serve as an advisory committee to Distance Learning in Continuing Education.

Motion: Moved to approve the Faculty Senate committee charges for 2002-2003
Made: Dawn Gatherum
Second: Bill Clapp

Motion: Moved to amend the charges for the Curriculum and General Education Committee to include, Review the Scientific Inquiry requirement and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Roger Crockett
Outcome: The amendment passed.

Motion: Moved to approve the Faculty Senate committee charges for 2002-2003 as amended.
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.


The following Faculty Senate committee membership changes are proposed: ARCC - Lauren Fowler to replace Bill Allison; APAFT - Bill Lorowitz to replace Lee Badger; CGE - Steve Russell to replace Shane Schvaneveldt; RSPG - Kathy Payne to replace Ruby Licona.

Motion: Moved to approve committee membership changes as listed above.
Made: Lydia Wingate
Second: Dan Schroeder
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

In accordance with PPM 1-13, Article B-II, Section 7, and as a result of the election held in the College of Arts and Humanities the following Faculty Senate membership changes have taken place: Yu-Jane Yang to replace Diana Page; Spring Semester replacements - David Feller to replace Erik Stern; Susan McKay to replace Diane Krantz.


Committee Report - The committee held their last meeting in May after the last Faculty Senate meeting. During the year the committee evaluated 38 research and instructional improvement proposals, 43 Hemingway proposals, and 4 Higher Education Technology Initiative (HEITI) proposals. They funded 18 research and instructional improvement proposals for a total of $35,000 and made recommendations to the Hemingway Committee, which decides on funding for Hemingway proposals.

In the Spring they allocated $19,000. The committee received requests for $44,000. A total of 21 requests were received out of which 9 were funded. All money available to them was awarded.

Motion: Moved to delay the approval of the report from the RSPG Committee pending a listing of the Spring proposals funded.
Made: Rick Sline
Second: Roger Crockett
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.


Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education, Child and Family Studies - Program change for Early Childhood Education. They are proposing the addition on a one hour seminar course.

Motion: Moved to approve from Child and Family Studies the program change for Early Childhood Education.
Made: Chloe Merrill
Second: Ann Ellis
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education, Teacher Education/Child and Family Studies - New program for Special Education - Birth to Age 5.

Motion: Moved to approve from Teacher Education/Child and Family Studies the new program for Special Education - Brith to Age 5.
Made: Lydia Wingate
Second: Ann Ellis
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Dumke College of Health Professions, Clinical Laboratory Science - Course proposal change for Clinical Immunohematology - CLS 2215. Program changes for Clinical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Technician.

Motion: Moved to approve from Clinical Laboratory Science the course proposal change for Clinical Immunohematology - CLS 2215 and the resulting program changes for Clinical Laboratory Science and Clinical Laboratory Technician.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Diane Krantz
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.