Approved 3-13-03

March 6, 2003
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Tony Allred, Gary Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Dawn Gatherum, Michelle Heward, Diane Kawamura, Marie Kotter, Ann Millner, Dan Schroeder, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Bill Clapp

Marie Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the February 27, 2003 meeting.
Second: Dan Schroeder
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

The health survey presented at the February 27, 2003 meeting was sent to the Commissioner’s office asking them to involve the state institutions. The Regents Office did not endorse the survey because of many of the same concerns expressed at our Executive Committee meeting last week.

Donavan Aoki presented information at the request of a group of Weber State students. Smoking on campus was discussed as well as the possibility of building some smoking huts. Some students are concerned about smoking taking place close to building entrances rather than 25 feet away from entrances. The 25 feet ordinance is not being enforced. Other students would like to see smoking on campus banned and have the campus "smoke free."

Kevin Hansen, from Facilities Management, is willing to give some funds to help build smoking huts.

Items Discussed:

Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee – John Sohn, Chair

The College of Science Tenure Policy was presented. The changes made to the document were at the recommendation of the Executive Committee last month. This document with the current changes has been reviewed by the College of Science faculty.

Dan Schroeder: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the College of Science Tenure Policy.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

PPM 8-16, 8-16a, and PPM 8-19a were discussed.

PPM 8-16 A friendly amendment changed the wording in PPM 8-16 to read -"The college Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee shall consist of five tenured full professors from within the college and two tenured full professors from outside the college. Where reasonably possible, each member should be from a different department.

PPM 8-16a PPM 8-16a was changed to read: "The chair of the University Committee shall be recommended from that committee’s members by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate shall then approve or reject the recommendation. If rejected, the Faculty Senate may either select a different chair from among the University Committee’s members or have the Executive Committee make a new recommendation."

PPM 8-19a Suggested change to PPM 8-19a: "The University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee shall review the files of all candidates for advancement in rank or tenure who request it. Typically, such a request will be predicated by a disagreement in the recommendations among the Department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, College Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee or the Dean, although a candidate may request review by the University Committee even if there is no disagreement among the reviewers identified above.

The University Committee shall review and evaluate the candidate’s materials based on the tenure documents of the candidate’s college. In order to provide a context for their review, the University Committee shall have access, as needed, to the professional files submitted by candidates for promotion and tenure during the academic year from the candidate's college.

The University Committee shall inform the Provost of its recommendations adding its own evaluation. The University Committee shall also send copies of its recommendations to the department chair and candidate. The chair shall send the report to the dean for inclusion in the candidate's professional file.

Committee recommendations for advancement in rank, for tenure, or for making favorable progress toward tenure shall require a majority vote of the total Committee membership. A quorum, for voting purposes, shall consist of five Committee members. Individual Committee members may issue a separate dissenting or concurring evaluation, which shall be forwarded to the provost, individual members and placed in the respective candidate's file.

If three or more cases are forwarded to the University Committee the committee shall have the option of consulting with the provost to extend the deadline listed in the dated guidelines (PPM 8-12). It is expected that this will only be done if the existing time frame is inadequate to insure a fair and impartial evaluation of all candidates requesting review. Any such extension must allow sufficient time for the provost’s review of the candidate."

Michelle Heward: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above changes to PPM 8-16 8-16a, and 8-19a.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Norm Tarbox presented information on the WSU budget explaining the origin of the funding, decisions on how funds are used, and percentage of the budget each category represents. 

The Executive Committee discussed the Faculty Governance Award. Rosemary Conover was nominated to receive the award this year.

Marie Kotter: Moved to approve Rosemary Conover to receive the Faculty Governance Award. This award will be presented at the March 27 Faculty Senate meeting.
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Four finalists have been named in the College of Science Dean search: Denise Battles (from Georgia Southern), Dale Ostlie, Ed Walker, and Sam Zeveloff.

The meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.