Approved 10-10-02

October 3, 2002
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K



Tony Allred, Lee Badger, Bill Clapp, Gary, Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Dawn Gatherum, Marie Kotter, Ann Millner, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Diane Kawamura, Michelle Heward

Nandi Dyal-Chand, Cheryl Hansen, Carl Porter, Marsha Richter

Bill Clapp: Moved to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2002 meeting.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Nandi Dyal-Chand and Carl Porter presented information on establishing a community writing center. They have been given access to the Ogden Area Community Action Center located at 32nd and Lincoln. This facility has 16 computers available to members of the community. The community writing center will provide non-college attending adults a place to learn how to write, fill out applications, write resumes, and write letters.

The establishment of the center allows Weber State to be part of the community and to serve the community. It provides our students an opportunity to connect with and lift the community. A half-time person will be hired to run the center. Proposed week day hours are either 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. or 3:00 to 8:00 p.m., and Saturday from 9:00 to 2:00 p.m. The writing center is proposed to open the end of October. Gary Dohrer will present information to the Faculty Senate at the October 17 meeting on the establishment of the community writing center.

Cheryl Hansen, Chair of the Online Instruction and Distance Learning ad hoc Committee reporting - During the summer the committee piloted a course evaluation for all online courses. This was not an official evaluation. Because the summer schedule is divided into three terms the evaluation was given as some of the classes were finishing, some were starting and some were in the middle of the course, the Online Committee is concerned about the validity of the evaluation. The committee is asking permission to use the pilot evaluation fall semester. The mechanics of the pilot evaluation will be shared with the Faculty Senate

The Executive Committee suggested that professors be notified by mail and email about the evaluation as well as given a copy of the evaluation questions, and be notified when the evaluation is posted for online students to complete.

Membership changes - Rob Reynolds from Social & Behavioral Sciences, Al Talbot from Applied Science & Technology, and Jane Van Valkenburg from Health Professions will need to be replaced. Scott Wright from Health Professions was suggested. Suggestions from Applied Science & Technology, and from Social & Behavioral Sciences will come next week.

Also discussed was the number of students allowed in an online course. There is no university policy stating the maximum number of students allowed in a course. The number of students allowed in each class is determined by the respective department chair. The maximum allowed varies greatly from department to department, and from course to course.

Ann Millner gave background information on when and why a December graduation was initiated. Marsha Richter presented information on the December and the May graduations. Concerns of the Executive Committee were: The cost of two graduations, December $46,000, May $52,000, plus the seven different college expenses in May for individual convocations ranging from $1,400 to $3,000 (base funding is used as graduation is an on-going expense), length of the program, honorary degree recipients, music, and graduation speakers. The video is entertaining and of interest to students and parents and could be expanded while other areas could be cut down. December graduation runs two to two and a half hours, May commencement runs around an hour to an hour and a half.

Attendance of graduates at the May graduation is in the range of 1,300 (60%), and around 600 (60%) in December. Information on those graduates who attend only the college convocations was not available. Marsha Richter will contact the colleges and obtain information on the number of graduates attending the individual convocations. Attendance at graduation has increased since the university instituted the additional graduation in December.

The Executive Committee suggested generating a focus group from graduates to obtain their suggestions.

Molly Smith, Faculty Athletic Representative, asked the Executive Committee which items of interest they would most be interested in her reporting. The items listed under "Academic Performance of Student Athletes" was felt to be of primary interest to faculty. Molly Smith will report that information at the next Executive Committee meeting on October 10.

The question regarding the overhead fee charged departments from lab fees was discussed. Dave Eisler reported the university policy regarding the 10% overhead fee charged by Administrative Services for collection and distribution of funds.

Ann Millner reported the following organizational changes: Continuing Education will go back to Academic Affairs. This change will leave the traditional advancement functions which are Alumni Relations, University Communications and Development, under University Relations with Vicki Gorrell as the acting Vice President. A search will be conducted in a couple of months to permanently fill the Vice President of University Relations position.

The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.