Approved 11-14-02

October 31, 2002
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Tony Allred, Lee Badger, Gary, Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Dawn Gatherum, Michelle Heward, Diane Kawamura, Marie Kotter, Ann Millner, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Bill Clapp

Lee Badger: Moved to approve the minutes from the October 10, 2002.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Nandi Dyal-Chand, Jon Harris and Jared Presbrey presenting. Kathy Herndon while attending a conference became familiar with the "Last Lecture Series." Faculty are nominated by students and asked if they would like to participate. The professors who want to participate prepare what they would like to give as their last lecture. This could become an academic tradition. This idea was presented at the Student Senate and was received positively as a way to tie faculty and students together and a way for students to honor faculty outside the classroom.

Elements could include:  

A prize or award could be given to the faculty member presenting the "Last Lecture"
A reception could be held prior to the "Last Lecture"
Students nominate faculty
Students make final selection from faculty synopsis
This could be an annual event either at the end of the academic year or the calendar year.

The Executive Committee was intrigued with the idea of what faculty might include if this were indeed their "last Lecture." The Executive Committee suggested that the students work on the criteria by which the selection will be made and a policy of repeat faculty nominations and awards. Concern was expressed about not having this award be in competition with the Crystal Crest "Master Teacher" award.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to add to the Teaching, Learning and Assessment charges the possible joint sponsorship with the Student Senate the "Last Lecture" series.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Admissions, Standards, and Student Affairs – Erika Daines, Chair

Charge #1 - Continue to monitor the STAARS programming of previous and current Faculty Senate legislation.

The committee reviewed all previous STAARS programming issues from 1999. The only element outstanding is "satisfactory progress." The new computer system will address this issue, but not until 2005. In light of the new system the committee did not feel it was appropriate to spend time and money on "satisfactory progress" under the current system.

Charge #2 - PPM 4-20 Review policy on repeating courses to improve GPA and transfer repeats for GPA improvement from prior schools.

A student may petition for academic renewal so that grades of "D" or less earned six years beforehand will not be calculated in the GPA. This policy is in line with other USHE institutions. The ASSA Committee recommended no change.


4.  All courses which have been repeated will have the symbol RP following the grade for that course except for the last time the course is posted to the transcript.

a. A student’s WSU GPA may not be improved by taking or repeating a course at another institution.

b.  A student’s transfer GPA may not be improved by repeating a course at WSU, i.e. a grade for a course completed at another institution may only be improved by repeating the course at the original institution and submitting an updated transcript.

c.  Transfer courses equivalent to WSU courses may be used to fulfill degree, core, or general education requirements, but credit for the same course will not be duplicated nor will the WSU GPA by changed by courses taken at another institution.

The Executive Committee discussed the proposed changes to PPM 4-19 Repeat Courses and made some changes in the wording. The final version is listed above.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above recommendation to PPM 4-19 - Repeat Courses.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.


The ASSA Committee discussed whether Summer term was included under the ruling on suspension. The committee felt the addition below would clarify the intent.



B.  Academic probation and suspension for students who have accumulated 60 or more semester hours or credit or 90 or more quarter hours of credit(Junior-level) are defined as follows.

     1.  Academic Probation: a cumulative GPA less than 2.00.

     2.  Academic Suspension: a term GPA less than 2.50 while on probation.

C.  The duration of an academic suspension is defined as follows:

     1. Students who are academically suspended from Weber State University will be required to remain our out of school for a minimum of one academic term, (Fall, Spring or Summer).

      2. Students who are suspended a second time will be required to remain out of school for a minimum of one calendar year.

     3. Students who are suspended a third or subsequent time will be required to remain out of school for 3 years.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above changes to PPM 4-17 Academic Suspension.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Charge #3 - PPM 6-4 Review withdrawal policy - last day to withdraw from class.

The ASSA Committee examined policies at other USHE institutions. After careful consideration, they suggested changing the policy to read as stated below.


A.  Students may withdraw from individual courses during the first 53 60% of a semester or term. Students may not withdraw from individual courses during the remaining 47 40% of the semester or term.

B.  No entry will appear on the transcripts of those students who drop individual courses during the first three weeks of fall or spring semesters, or during the first 20% of summer term. A "W" grade will appear on the transcripts of students who withdraw from individual courses during the period of the fourth to the eighth ninth week of fall or spring semesters, or during 21% to 53 60% of summer term or for courses that deviate from fifteen weeks.

Students who stop attending a class without officially withdrawing will receive a "UW" (Unofficial Withdrawal) for that class. The procedure and deadlines for making registration changes are published each term in the class schedule.

D. Students who do not attend the first two class periods after enrolling in theses courses may be dropped by the instructor. Students are dropped by the instructor notifying the Registrar’s Office. If the instructor does not drop the student from the course and the student does not plan to attend, the responsibility to drop lies on the student.

E.  Refund of tuition and fees will be based on the refund policy of the institution.


A.  Students may withdraw completely from all courses for which they have registered at any time during the semester or term, up to and including the last day of instruction prior to final exam week. the end of the ninth week or 60% of the term. Thereafter, students may appeal in cases of compelling, non-academic emergencies by submitting a petition and supporting documentation to the Registrar’s Office. Appeals may be submitted until the last day of regular class instruction preceding the final examination period.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above policy changes to PPM 6-4 Withdrawal From Individual Course.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

PPM 6-3 Late Registration for Courses


A.  During the first week of a semester, students may add courses, if not closed, without specific permission from departments or instructors.

B. During the second week of a semester, students must obtain departmental approval to add courses, which may include seeking permission from individual instructors.

C. B. During After the third first week of a semester and the weeks following, students must receive instructor departmental approval to add courses. Individual departmental procedures governing instructor discretion in this regard may vary.

D. C. During summer term, deadlines for adding courses will vary, and instructor and departmental approval is required after classes have begun.

Michelle Heward: Moved to send back to the ASSA Committee PPM 6-3 Late Registration for further discussion.
Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.



The basic objective of Credit/No Credit grading is to allow students the opportunity to enroll in classes courses outside their major or minor on a pass/fail basis without affecting their GPA.

Eligibility of Students for Credit/No Credit Grading

a. Freshmen students may take no more than one class per term on a credit/no credit basis. Students with 29 or fewer hours of college credit are limited to one Credit/No Credit course per semester. Students who have completed 30 or more credit hours may register for no more than two courses per semester under the Credit/No Credit option.

b. Students with 45 or more credit hours who have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above may register for no more than two classes per term on credit/no credit basis.

Criteria for Credit/No Credit

a. A maximum of 30 hours of credit/no credit in elective courses may be used for graduation.

b. Classes taken on a credit/no credit basis will not satisfy major, minor, general education, or specific course requirements with the exception of those courses or programs of study approved by the University Curriculum and General Education committee.

a. A course taken on a Credit/No Credit basis will not count toward the major, minor, general education or specific course requirements of a degree or certification program, except as noted in the next provision.

b. A maximum of 20 credit hours of Credit/No Credit can be used for graduation, exclusive of student teaching credit, special examination credit, School of Education IPT program, Nursery School Practice Teaching, methods classes, Family Life practicums, convocation credit or other courses approved by the University Curriculum Committee.

c. Grades on the Credit/No Credit system are not included in computing the term or cumulative grade point average. A grade of credit is recorded only for letter grades of C- and above.

d. Students who change their Program of Study must submit the appropriate form to the Records Office and request the grade be changed to the letter grade issued by the instructor if a Credit/No Credit course applies to the new Program of Study.

e. If a student has previously taken a course for a letter grade, the same course may not be retaken for Credit/No-Credit.

f. Choice of Credit/No Credit registration should be made at the beginning of the term, but a student may change classes to Credit/No Credit status during the first 60 percent of the term.

g. The instructor will not be notified if a student is taking a class for a Credit/No Credit grade and will give only letter grades on the Final Grade Report to the registrar. The Registrar's Office will convert the letter grades to Credit or No Credit. A grade of "UW" will be converted to "NC".

h. Students who stop attending classes for which they are registered credit/no credit without properly withdrawing, will receive a UW (unofficial withdrawal) grade, which is counted as an E when grades are computed.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the above revisions to PPM 4-19 Credit/No Credit.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee membership is as follows:

Applied Science & Technology - Bill Clapp, Carl Grunander (Alternate); Arts & Humanities - Sally Shigley, Don Keipp (Alternate); Goddard School of Business and Economics - Lon Addams, Kyle Mattson (Alternate); Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education - Myron Davis, Cordell Perkes (Alternate); Dumke College of Health Professions - Gary Nielsen, Jane Van Valkenburg (Alternate); Library - Carol Hansen; Science - John Sohl, Spencer Seager (Alternate); Social & Behavioral Science - Joe Horvat, Richard Ulibarri (Alternate).

The Executive Committee will recommend to the Faculty Senate John Sohl to serve as chair of the University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee for the 2002-02 academic year.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward the name of John Sohl to serve as the chair of the University Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee to the Faculty Senate for approval.
Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

It was suggested that a few members of the Executive Committee develop some criteria for selecting the faculty member to be given the award.

Gary Dohrer, Michelle Heward, and Molly Smith will develop criteria and bring it back to the Executive Committee for their suggestions.

The Utah Council of Faculty Senate Leaders (UCFSL is composed of the Senate chair and vice chair from each state institution). Bill Clapp would like to give a report on issues being discussed and action taken by the UCFSL.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the report from Bill Clapp on the Utah Council of Faculty Senate Leaders.
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Weber State’s policy on guns in the classroom was briefly discussed.

The meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.