Approved 1-30-03

January 16, 2003
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K



Tony Allred, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Dawn Gatherum, Michelle Heward, Diane Kawamura, Marie Kotter, Ann Millner, Dan Schroeder, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to approve the minutes from the November 21, 2002 meeting.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The minutes were approved with a change in the wording under December Commencement - "The honorary Degree Committee voted 3 to 1 to bring the December Commencement issue to the Faculty Senate."

Curriculum and General Education Committee – Jim Wilson Chair.

- New course proposal for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Psych 3020.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward the new course proposal from Psychology for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Psych 3020 to the Faculty Senate.
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- New course proposals for Ethical Theory - Philo 3600, Senior Capstone Seminar - Philo 4900; program proposal for Philosophy Minor.

Dan Schroeder: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Philosophy the new course proposals for Ethical Theory - Philo 3600, Senior Capstone Seminar - Philo 4900; program proposal for Philosophy Minor.
Second: Marie Kotter.
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Computer & Electronic Engineering Technology & Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology
- New course proposals for Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) - MFET 5100,Digital Electronics (DE) - CEET 5200, Principles of Engineering (POE) - MFET5300, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - MFET 5400, Engineering Design and Development (EDD) - MFET 5500; program change for Pre-engineering.

These courses are for the Project Lead the Way program and are designed to train high school teachers in both technical content as well as the teaching methodologies.

Michelle Heward: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Computer & Electronic Engineering Technology & Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology the new course proposals for Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) - MFET 5100, Digital Electronics (DE) - CEET 5200, Principles of Engineering (POE) - MFET5300, Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) - MFET 5400, Engineering Design and Development (EDD) - MFET 5500; program change for Pre-engineering.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- New course proposal for Research Methods - Econ 4980; program change for Economics major and minor.

Tony Allred: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Economics the new course proposal for Research Methods - Econ 4980; program change for Economics major and minor.
Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Course proposals for Topics in Communication - Comm 4500, Senior Seminar - Comm 4990; program change for Communication Major - All Concentrations.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Communication the course proposals for Topics in Communication - Comm 4500, Senior Seminar - Comm 4990; program change for Communication Major - All Concentrations.
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Performing Arts
- Course proposals for Music Theory for Musical Theatre - Music 1143, Directing and Choreographing for Musical Theatre - Theatr 4143; program change for Musical Theatre Major B.S. or B.A.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Performing Arts the course proposals for Music Theory for Musical Theatre - Music 1143, Directing and Choreographing for Musical Theatre - Theatr 4143; program change for Musical Theatre Major B.S. or B.A.
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Manufacturing Engineering Technology -
Course proposals for Engineering Design using Solid Modeling Lab - MFET 3460L, Architectural Drafting for Interior Design - CDGT 1340, Directed Readings - CDGT 4830; program changes for Manufacturing Engineering Technology B.S. Degree Mechanical Engineering Technology B.S. Degree.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Manufacturing Engineering Technology the course proposals for Engineering Design using Solid Modeling Lab - MFET 3460L, Architectural Drafting for Interior Design - CDGT 1340, Directed Readings - CDGT 4830; program changes for Manufacturing Engineering Technology B.S. Degree Mechanical Engineering Technology B.S. Degree.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Course proposals for General Physics I - Phsx SI2010, General Physics Laboratory I - Phsx PS/SI2010L - Delete, General Physics II - Phsx SI2020, General Physics Laboratory II - Phsx SI2020L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers I - Phsx PS/SI2210, Laboratory Physics I - Phsx PS/SI2210L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers II - Phsx SI2220, Laboratory Physics II - Phsx SI2220L - Delete; program change for Physics, Applied Physics and Physics Teaching.

The Physics Department is combining the lab with the course. Students will not be allowed to take the course without also taking the lab. The lab portion of the course is not necessarily taught by the same instructor as the lecture part of the course. Physics is a required sequence in several program across campus. All programs affected by this change will be updated in the catalog.

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Physics the course proposals for General Physics I - Phsx SI2010, General Physics Laboratory I - Phsx PS/SI2010L - Delete, General Physics II - Phsx SI2020, General Physics Laboratory II - Phsx SI2020L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers I - Phsx PS/SI2210, Laboratory Physics I - Phsx PS/SI2210L - Delete, Physics for Scientists and Engineers II - Phsx SI2220, Laboratory Physics II - Phsx SI2220L - Delete; program change for Physics, Applied Physics and Physics Teaching.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Information Systems & Technologies
- Course proposals for Data Communications - IS&T 2520 - Delete, Client/Server Development - IS&T 4510 - Delete, Software Development I - IS&T 2110, Advanced PC Hardware/Software - IS&T 3410 changed to Information Systems Architecture - IS&T 2410, Local Area Networks changed to Networks & Data Communications I - IS&T 3610, E-business Technologies - IS&T 4410 changed to E-business Infrastructure & Web, Development - IS&T 3500, Information Security - IS&T 4700; program changes for Information Systems & Technologies B.A., B.S., A.S., B.I.S., Software Developer Certificate - Delete.

Tony Allred: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from IS&T the course proposals for Data Communications - IS&T 2520 - Delete, Client/Server Development - IS&T 4510 - Delete, Software Development I - IS&T 2110, Advanced PC Hardware/Software - IS&T 3410 changed to Information Systems Architecture - IS&T 2410, Local Area Networks changed to Networks & Data Communications I - IS&T 3610, E-business Technologies - IS&T 4410 changed to E-business Infrastructure & Web, Development - IS&T 3500, Information Security - IS&T 4700; program changes for Information Systems & Technologies B.A., B.S., A.S., B.I.S., Software Developer Certificate - Delete.
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Computer Science
- Course proposals for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 changed to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040, Database Administration - CS 3540; program changes for Computer Science B.S. and A.A.S.

Executive Committee members felt that there needed to be more justification for changing the course from the lower division number to the upper division number for Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 changed to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040.

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Computer Science the course proposals for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 changed to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040, Database Administration - CS 3540; program changes for Computer Science B.S. and
A.A.S. The proposal for Microsoft Windows Operating Systems - CS 2740 changed to Windows Infrastructure and Administration - CS 3040 needs to have the justification strengthened and rewritten prior to the January 23 Faculty Senate meeting.
Second: Bill Clapp

Outcome: The motion passed unanimously contingent upon the justification for CS 2740 changing to CS 3040 is rewritten prior to the January 23 Faculty Senate meeting.

The Executive Committee discussed students seeking double majors such as Physics and Applied Physics. These two majors over lap many of the same courses. The English Department has several emphases available to students but many of their courses overlap. Is this a problem? Can more than one emphases be listed on the transcript? The double major or completing more than one emphasis in a program differ from students who desire a second bachelor degree. A second bachelor requires an additional thirty or more credit hours.

Michelle Heward: Moved to discuss with Winslow Hurst and forward to the ASSA Committee to see if under the new system departments are able to have each emphasis completed by a student listed on the transcript.
Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Salary, Benefits, Budget & Fiscal Planning Committee Salary Negotiation Team consists of Gary Dohrer, Alden Talbot, and John Sillito.

PPM 1-13, Artuicle B-V, Section 4.8 States: "A subcommittee shall serve under the direction of this Committee and represent the faculty in salary and related negotiations with the University administration. No two members of this subcommittee shall be from the same organizational unit. This subcommittee shall consist of the Faculty Senate chair, the chair of the Committee on Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning and a third member nominated by the Committee and approved by the Faculty Senate."

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate for their approval the Salary Negotiation Team of Gary Dohrer, Alden Talbot and John Sillito.
Second: Dan Schroeder
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Faculty Governance Award Criteria: Members of the Faculty Senate will nominate current faculty for the Faculty Governance Award. Nominations should include a written statement indicating:

  1. the committees that the nominee has worked on,
  2. accomplishments that the committees have made during the nominee’s tenure on the committee,
  3. the role that the nominee played in those accomplishments, and their service to the committee and the university
  4. membership on standing committees and the role played on those committees and
  5. other information that is pertinent to the nominee’s service to faculty.

Nominees will be reviewed and the awardee selected by Executive Committee members that are not nominated.

The Executive Committee will consider the same criteria listed above. Special consideration will be given to chairs and members of committees such as Appointment, Promotion, Academic Freedom and Tenure, Constitutional Review and Organization, Curriculum and General Education, and Salary, Benefits, Budget and Fiscal Planning, but should not be restricted to them.

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the criteria for the Faculty Governance Award.
Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Executive Committee discussed the upcoming Executive Committee election, the possibility of extending the time frame, or possibly holding the elections via email.

Michelle Heward: Moved to present to the Faculty Senate the possibility of conducting Executive Committee elections via email through the Faculty Senate Office.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The College of Applied Science and Technology currently has five Senate members from their college. Through the apportionment numbers one seat was lost and they are allocated four Senate seats for the coming year. Gary Dohrer will contact Dean Warren Hill and discuss having a reelection to select four continuing members from the five current members of the Senate representing their college.

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.