Approved 10-3-02

September 12, 2002
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Tony Allred, Lee Badger, Bill Clapp, Gary, Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Dawn Gatherum, Michelle Heward, Marie Kotter, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Diane Kawamura, President Thompson

Dawn Gatherum: Moved to approve the minutes from the September 4, 2002 meeting.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee – Cliff Nowell Chair

The committee evaluated 38 research and instructional improvement proposals, 43 Hemingway proposals, and 4 Higher Education Technology Initiative (HETI) proposals. All funds were allocated (18 research and instructional improvement proposals for a total of $35,000 with recommendations being made to the Hemingway Committee). More proposals were submitted last year than they have had in the last four years.

Michelle Heward: Moved to forward the RSPG report to the Faculty Senate.
Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

RSPG funds provide seed money for many faculty members across campus. Funds for one or two thousand dollars are hard to come by through grants. RSPG awards funds for relatively small amounts of money that enable faculty to pursue research projects.

The idea of joining ARCC and RSPG was discussed, as well as the criteria used by the committee to determine which proposals will be funded.

Kathy Payne, from the Library, was suggested to replace Ruby Licona on the RSPG Committee.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate Kathy Payne to represent the Library on the RSPG Committee.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Jim Wilson, Chair of the Curriculum and General Education Committee, presented curriculum proposals.

Child and Family Studies program change for Early Childhood Education.

Molly Smith: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the program change for Early Childhood Education.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Teacher Education/Child and Family Studies new program for Special Education - Birth to
Age 5.

Molly Smith: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the new program proposal for Special Education - Birth to Age 5.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Clinical Laboratory Science change to an existing course for Principles of Clinical Immunohematology - CLS 2215 and the subsequent program changes for the Clinical Laboratory Technician (CLT, and Clinical Laboratory Scientist (CLS) programs.

The total number of hours for the program was reviewed and concern was expressed about departments increasing credit hours for a course. The required number of hours in the CLS program would be increased from 128 to 129, and from 67 to 68 in the CLT program.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the course change for Principles of Clinical Immunohematology - CLS 2214 and the program changes for Clinical Laboratory Technician and Clinical Laboratory Scientist.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The Regents are tightening the hours required in a program to graduate. They are looking at programs in excess of 120 hours. Also coming through the Regents’ Office is a new policy for students repeating courses. The student who takes a course for a third time will be charged out of state tuition. This presents some programming problems. The University is looking at putting this policy into effect Fall 2003. The residency requirement policy passed by the Regents in January 2002 went into effect in May which states that to be eligible for higher education in state tuition a person must live in the state for two years with domicile intent. If a person enrolls in higher education prior to living in the state for two years, they must complete 60 hours of course work before they can apply for residency.

Enrollment is up 7%. Current Fall enrollment is at 18,700. A report of the third week enrollment will be given at the Faculty Senate meeting.

Molly Smith will be scheduled in October to report to the faculty on athletics.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05 p.m.