Approved 10-31-02

October 10, 2002
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


 Tony Allred, Lee Badger, Bill Clapp, Gary, Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Dawn Gatherum, Michelle Heward, Diane Kawamura, Marie Kotter, Ann Millner, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Jodi Kilcup, Alan Livingston, Jim Wilson

 Marie Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the October 3, 2002 meeting.

Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

RSPG The Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee final report, with a listing of all proposals funded for the 2001-2002 academic year was presented.

 Michelle Heward: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the RSPG Committee report.

Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

CGE Curriculum and General Education Committee – Jim Wilson, Chair

Curriculum proposals from the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education for Advanced Reading Comprehension - Meduc 6350, Advanced Early Literacy Development - Meduc 6352, Theories of Supervision of Literacy Programs - Meduc 6354, and Reading Specialist Internship - Meduc 6356.

The State Office of Education asked Weber State to design a Reading Specialist Endorsement. The above courses are designed to meet the International Reading Association standards and the requirements of NCATE. The endorsement prerequisites are a teaching license and a Basic Reading Endorsement.

 Marie Kotter: Moved to send to the Faculty Senate the curriculum proposals from Master of Education for Advanced Reading Comprehension - Meduc 6350, Advanced Early Literacy Development - Meduc 6352, Theories of Supervision of Literacy Programs - Meduc 6354, and Reading Specialist Internship - Meduc 6356.

Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Scott Wright from the College of Health Professions and Desiree Cooper from the College of Applied Science & Technology have agreed to serve on the Online & Distance Learning ad hoc Committee. Scott Senjo from the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences will be contacted to see if he is willing to serve on the committee

 Michelle Heward: Moved to send to the Faculty Senate the above names to serve on the Online & Distance Learning ad hoc Committee.

Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

 Jodi Kilcup and Alan Livingston presented information on the new Weber State Web Design. This project has been underway for the past 18 months. It began with a web advisory group composed of

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people from across campus representing both faculty and staff. This will go live on November 4. The group wanted to update the page for its look, feel and messaging about the university, but also they wanted to revamp the search functions and improve navigation. They felt that the main page needed to focus on external audiences: prospective students, alumni, and community member. They also wanted good solutions for internal audiences: faculty, staff, and students. The web site is currently located at:

Student profiles, examples of student successes where Weber State has managed to change minds, are highlighted on the home page. The student profiles change and rotate to highlight different students each time you log on. Headlines will also appear on the home page. "Explore WSU" is the way you navigate through all pages related to Weber State, "About WSU" is a PR site for journalists, community members, or prospective employees, "Programs and Courses" is the gateway into every educational opportunity offered by Weber State, "Future Students" will connect to Admissions, "Alumni" have a portal that they are developing with an online community, "Campus Life" is basically the Student Affairs site.

Training will be available through CATS for departments to convert and customize their web pages to the new content management system.

Suggestions should be emailed to Jodi Kilcup or Alan Livingston.


Lee Badger: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the web design presentation.

Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

 Molly Smith, Faculty Athletic Representative, presented information on the academic performance of student athletes. Information on graduation rates, athlete grade point data, and athlete academic awards for individuals and teams was presented.

John Johnson, Athletic Director, has set a standard for graduation rates.

 Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the Faculty Athletics Representative Report.

Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

 It was suggested that Michael Vaughan present an update on the Learning Management Software for WSU Online.

 Tony Allred: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate as an information item an update on the Learning Management Software for WSU Online.

Second: Diane Kawamura
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

 Dawn Gatherum asked the Executive Committee to revisit his concern on the lab fee overhead charge. Most of the materials that the science departments buy come through the Science Store, handled by Karen Miller. Most of the purchases are done with a "P" card. If the university is going to charge an overhead fee, then perhaps some of that overhead fee should go to Karen Miller as she purchases almost every item needed by departments.

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Dave Eisler suggested that a request come from the department chair to Administrative Services requesting the fee or a portion of the overhead fee be waived. The Vice President for Administrative Services should also be alerted.

 The Collett Art Building is going to be Lampros Hall for a Teaching and Learning Technology Center. This will be a twenty four hour, seven day a week information common for students. The back portion of that building will be for technology support and instruction for faculty and staff. They hope to have the Technology Center open fall of 2003.

 Concern was expressed about how the community writing center will be funded in the future. Questions were raised: What commitment will the university have in the future? Can this center become self supporting?

It was suggested that President Millner and Norm Tarbox present to the Executive Committee a mini seminar explaining how money comes to the University and how it can be used, E&G, discretionary, one time funding. This item will be scheduled in a couple of months.

 The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m.