Approved 4-17-03

April 10, 2003
2:00 p.m.
MA 211K


Tony Allred, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Dawn Gatherum, Michelle Heward, Diane Kawamura, Marie Kotter, Ann Millner, Dan Schroeder, Molly Smith, Kay Brown - Secretary

Dave Eisler

Norm Tarbox

Marie Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the March 13, 2003 meeting.
Second: Dan Schroeder
Outcome: The minutes were approved with 1 abstention.

Norm Tarbox presented information on the proposed new policy for Campus Walkway Safety. Excerpts from the policy are stated below:

"Unsafe conditions occur on campus walkways when wheeled vehicles are operated near pedestrians. This policy establishes regulations for safe operation of vehicles on walkways."

"Walkways for pedestrians are the principal means of travel between buildings and activities on the central campus. People should be able to walk on the campus without feeling threatened by wheeled vehicles. Where possible and practical, the university will provide a safe environment for persons walking the campus and will minimize hazardous conditions."

1.2 Definitions:

"Operator - A person operating a moving vehicle. The operator of a parked vehicle is the person responsible for parking the vehicle.

Pedestrian - Any person standing, sitting, reclining, or moving within the Pedestrian Zone.

Pedestrian Zone - An area officially designated to be used primarily by Pedestrians.

Vehicle - Any apparatus or equipment used to transport personnel and/or goods to include, but not limited to cars, trucks, skateboards, in-line skates, bicycles, unicycles, ATV’s and golf carts.

Walkways - Any horizontal concrete ground surface or paved surface other than designated roads, service docks, or parking lots within the Pedestrian Zone."

(3) All Vehicles Prohibited During Peak Pedestrian Traffic

"All vehicles will be prohibited, with the exceptions of exigent circumstances, from operating or parking on walks within the Pedestrian Zone from 6:30am to 1:30pm Monday thru Friday. Wheelchairs or other assistive devices, used by persons with disabilities, may be operated at all times when operation conforms to requirements in Speed Limit 2.4."

Policy Issues

Executive Committee members were concerned about eliminating the use of bicycles on campus. Perhaps a policy for bicycle use on campus needs to be designed. Employees and students will need to be educated about the change in policy.

The policy will go to the Board of Trustees in May or June.

Dan Schroeder: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate as an information item the policy on sidewalk traffic.
Second: Tony Allred
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Information presented by Norm Tarbox. "Weber State University, in cooperation with the Utah Transit Authority (UTA), is exploring the feasibility of implementing a mass-transit program for the University. . . Ed-pass would provide a bus pass for every student, faculty and staff of the University. This pass would allow the holder to commute to and from campus, use other standard UTA bus routes, and ride Trax. It would not allow the holder to ride ski resort bus routes."

". . . It is expected that if Ed-pass were fully implemented at WSU and the costs were shared equally across all faculty, staff and students, the annual cost would be between $20 and $30 per-person. The regular annual cost of a UTA pass is in excess of $350."

". . .If implemented here, it would need to be a self-supporting activity just as it is at the other institutions. UTA has committed to fund the program in Year 1 through the use of a grant. However, beginning in Year 2 the full cost of the program would be the responsibility of the University. The Parking Committee is developing a survey to measure campus support for the program and receive input as to the best way to finance it if the University proceeds. Please watch for opportunities to complete the survey and provide your input."

Money for the program could come from general student fees, an increment on existing parking passes, perhaps increasing the kinds of parking passes at Weber State, and institutional funding. If the University has to start stacking parking lots, costs run $10,000 a stall.

Michelle Heward: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate as an informational item the information on the Ed-pass.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Marie Kotter: Moved to take from the table the Scientific Inquiry Requirement.
Second: Michelle Heward
Outcome: The item was removed from the table.

Jim Wilson, Chair of the Curriculum and General Education Committee reporting.

"The Curriculum & General Education Committee was charged with examining the requirement of the 6 credits of Scientific Inquiry which was required for the awarding of the B.S. degree. After lengthy discussions in several meetings over a three month time span, the Committee voted (8 in favor, none opposed, 1 abstention) to recommend that the 6 credit SI requirement be removed."

"Out of 63 programs leading to a B.S. degree at WSU, students in 43 programs satisfy the 6 credits of SI courses by taking required courses in their program. Students in 7 programs at least partially meet the requirement this way. Only students in 12 programs are required to take two additional courses and this is an overestimate because of differing emphases available."

"There were 1803 total baccalaureate degrees awarded in 2001-2002. Of these 1425 were B.S., 331 were B.A., 6 were B.F.A., 34 were B.I.S., and 7 were B.M. Based on data from Institutional Research, it appears that 431 students who graduated in 2001-2002 were in programs where they may have had to take the 6 credits outside of their program requirements. These 431 students represent 30% of the B.S. total. Are they being punished for their choice of major?"

Questions raised:

Diane Kawamura: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the recommendation from the Curriculum & General Education Committee that the
6 credit SI requirement be removed.
Second: Molly Smith
Outcome: 4 voted in favor of the motion, 4 opposed. The chair voted affirmatively for the motion. This item will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate.

President Millner presenting - The University needs to establish a planning council to look at ongoing planning for the University. This would be ongoing review of university-wide goals and looking at the over all direction of the university.

The University Planning Council will include representation from the administration, a faculty member from each college, staff representation and student representation. This group will begin meeting in late May or early June.

Kim Cameron has been hired as a consultant. He comes from the University of Michigan with a dual degree in business and higher education, and comes with experience as a faculty member, and as a university administrator. He will take us through the goal setting process.

Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate as an information item the establishment of the University Planning Council.
Second: Sue Harley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The second reading of the Constitutional Review, Apportionment, and Organization Committee recommendation of establishing the Online and Distance Learning Ad Hoc Committee as a permanent committee of the Faculty Senate.


Section 1. The Amending Process

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Faculty Senate present and eligible to vote at a regular Senate meeting, but a proposal to amend the Bylaws may not be voted upon at the meeting at which it is first moved.

Members of the Executive Committee will meet for lunch on April 24 at 1:00 in the Skyroom.

The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.