Faculty Senate
December 6, 2001


MEMBERS - Listed Alphabetically
Eric Amsel
Rick Bingham
Sharen Brady
Delroy Brinkerhoff
Katie Bush - Student
Paul Caldarella
Bruce Christensen
Bill Clapp - Excused
Gary Dohrer - Vice Chair
Rick Dove
Anand Dyal-Chand - Admin
Dave Eisler - Admin.
Ann Ellis
Al Forsyth
Ron Galli - Admin.
Colleen Garside - Parliamentarian
Dawn Gatherum
David Greene - Admin.
Cheryl Hansen
Mark Henderson
Michelle Heward - Excused
Warren Hill - Admin
Ron Holt
Joan Hubbard - Excused
Pam Hugie
Marsha Jackson
Ken Johnson
Marie Kotter
Brenda Kowalewski
Diane Krantz
Taowen Le
Kathleen Lukken - Admin.
Jim Macdonald
Daniel Magda
Marek Matyjasik
Chloe Merrill
Jill Newby
Diana Page
June Phillips - Admin. - Catherine Zublin representing
Doug Rose - Student
Richard Sadler - Admin.
Dan Schroeder
Monika Serbinowska - Lee Badger representing
Gene Sessions - Chair
Rick Sline
Steve Starks - Student
Brian Stecklein - CE Admin. - Clayton Anderson representing
Mali Subbiah
Tamas Szabo
President Paul Thompson - Admin.
Chris Trivett
Betty Tucker
Jennifer Turley
John Valletta - Student
Michael Vaughan - Admin. - Dolly Samson representing
Wangari Wa Nyatetu-Waigwa
Lydia Wingate - Karen Dewey representing

Kay Brown, Secretary




Motion: Moved to approve the minutes from the November 15, 2001 meeting.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Wangari Wa Nyatetu-Waigwa
Outcome: The minutes were approved.


The Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee had $10,000 to distribute to new faculty who are in their first or second year of service at WSU, and $15,000 to distribute to eligible faculty and staff. We received nineteen proposals asking for a total of $38,834.00. Six of the proposals came from new faculty. The committee voted to fund nine proposals for a total of $18,379. Of the nine proposals funded, three proposals totaling $7,356, were from new faculty. The committee also recommended funding of two Higher Education Technology Initiative (HETI) proposals, which were forwarded to the committee from the Teaching Learning Forum. Only two HETI proposals were received. The committee recommended that both be funded. Funded RS&PG proposals are listed below:

Robert Okazaki, Department of Zoology, RNA Isolation and Characterization in Nemerteans Exposed to Salinity Stress

Becky Jo McShane, Department of English, Gladys Reichard's Life among the Navajo, 1926-1955

Thomas Priest, Department of Performing Arts, Assessing Musical Creativity

Kathleen Stevenson, Department of Visual Arts, "Simple/Sleep": A Solo Installation Exhibition and Accompanying Lecture

Tamara Aird Chase, Department of Nursing, Exploring the Expertise of Nursing Assistants

Mohammad Sondossi, Department of Microbiology, Characterization of Metabolites Produced from Chlorobiphenyl

Ron Meyers, Department of Zoology, Sexual Dimorphism of the Sterntrachealis Muscle in House Finches

Suzanne Kanatsiz, Department of Visual Arts, "Dissolution": A Site Specific Installation for the City of Las Vegas

Alicia Giralt, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Development of Spanish for Social Services Course Pack

Motion: Moved to approve the report of the Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee.
Made: Gary Dohrer
Second: Bruce Christensen
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

4.  BUDGET PRIORITIES – Gene Sessions

Meeting at Weber State University on September 14, 2001, Faculty Senate chairs and vice chairs from across the state discussed and approved budget priorities to be forwarded to the Board of Regents and the Legislature.


  1. Adoption of continuing funding formula to provide adequate resources for excellence in education for Utah higher education students, specifically including: (a) annual inclusion of real enrollment figures from the current year, and (b) inclusion of realistic measure of true cost of inflation and energy costs.

  2. Ongoing funding for salaries for faculty and staff to provide parity with comparable regional higher education institutions.

  3. Release of "hold back" from last year’s budget.


  1. Increased attention to deferred maintenance on all campuses.

  2. Ongoing support for student programs, especially financial aid for needy students

  3. Increased resources for Library acquisitions and maintenance.
  4. Increased technical and information system support, infrastructure updates and maintenance to allow all areas of all campuses to have access to computer tools and connectivity for both education and research.
  5. Various essential conversions of "one time" allocations to continuing funding for continuing programs.

It makes good sense for faculty leadership to state to the Legislature their concerns and priorities, and what faculty view as important. Student leaders have also submitted a similar list to the legislature.

Motion: Moved to approve the above budget priorities.
Made: Ron Galli
Second: Chloe Merrill
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.


College of Social & Behavioral Sciences - Criminal Justice new course proposals for Criminal Courts - CJ 3080, and The American Jail - CJ 3350.

Motion: Moved to approve from Criminal Justice the new course proposals for Criminal Courts - CJ 3080, and The American Jail - CJ 3350.
Made: Diane Krantz
Second: Betty Tucker
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Goddard School of Business & Economics - Econ/Quantitative course changes for Business Calculus - Quant 2400 to Quant 3400, and Business Statistics II - Quant 2610 to Quant 3610

Motion: Moved to look at and approve Business Statistics II - Quant 2610.
Made: Dolly Samson
Second: Bruce Christensen
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.

Econ/Quantitative course change for Business Calculus - Quant 2400.

Speaking against the motion - The comparable course in the Math Department is Calculus I which is a one thousand level course (1210). Comparable business calculus courses in the other state institutions and across the nation are given lower division numbers. No changes in the course or the textbook have been made to change this course from a lower division course to an upper division course. Students taking this course at Weber State who might transfer to another institution would encounter problems receiving upper division transfer credit for the course.

In favor of the motion - The course builds on the math. Prerequisites in economics, statistics, accounting, and computers are required to give the student a good base to build upon. They are deepening knowledge from the two thousand level. The new number will alert students to the difficulty of the course.

Motion: Moved to approve from Econ/Quantitative Business Calculus - Quant 2400.
Made: Gary Dohrer
Second: Diana Page
Outcome: The motion failed with 10 in favor, 31 opposed and 1 abstention.

College of Education - Teacher Education course deletions for Practicum in Foundations Topics - Educ 4511/Meduc 6511, Practicum in Special Education Assessment - Educ SI4531/Meduc 6531, Practicum in Student Behavior and Social Skills - Educ 4541/Meduc 6541, Practicum in Content and Methods for Elementary Special Education Students - Educ 4551/Meduc 655. Course changes for Practicum in Special Education Learning Environment - Educ 4521/Meduc 6521, Practicum in Content, Methods, & Transition for Secondary Special Education Students - Educ 4581/Meduc 6581. Program Changes: Composite Elementary Education and Special Education Major, Special Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement, and Special Education Minor Endorsement (Secondary Only)

Motion: Moved to approve from Teacher Education course deletions for Practicum in Foundations Topics - Educ 4511/Meduc 6511, Practicum in Special Education Assessment - Educ SI4531/Meduc 6531, Practicum in Student Behavior and Social Skills - Educ 4541/Meduc 6541, Practicum in Content and Methods for Elementary Special Education Students - Educ 4551/Meduc 6551. Course changes for Practicum in Special Education Learning Environment - Educ 4521/Meduc 6521, Practicum in Content, Methods, & Transition for Secondary Special Education Students - Educ 4581/Meduc 6581. Program Changes: Composite Elementary Education and Special Education Major, Special Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement, and Special Education Minor Endorsement (Secondary Only).
Made: Ann Ellis
Second: Rick Sline
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously

Teacher Education diversity course proposal for The Exceptional Student - Educ 3260

Motion: Moved to approve from Teacher Education the diversity course proposal for The Exceptional Student - Educ 3260.
Made: Ann Ellis
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 abstention.

Master of Education course change for Instructional Strategies - Meduc 6060. New course proposal for Developing a Project Proposal - Meduc 6085. Program change for Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.

Motion: Moved to approve from Master of Education course change for Instructional Strategies - Meduc 6060. New course proposal for Developing a Project Proposal - Meduc 6085. Program change for Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.
Made: Chloe Merrill
Second: Ann Ellis
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

College of Applied Science & Technology - Sales & Service Technology new course proposal for Introduction to Sales & Service Technology – SST 1401. Program change for Technical Sales.

Motion: Moved to approve from Sales & Service Technology the new course proposal for Introduction to Sales & Service Technology – SST 1401. Program change for Technical Sales.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Dawn Gatherum
Outcome: The motion passed with 1 opposed.

Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology course changes for Quality Assurance and Improvement - MFET 2410 to Quality Concepts & Statistical, Applications - MFET 2410, Material Selection & Heat Treat Lab - MFET 3310L (credit hour change from 2 to 1), Concepts in Computer Aided Manufacturing - MFET 3710 to Computer Aided Manufacturing & Rapid Prototyping - MFET 3710 (credit hour change from 1 to 2), Process Automation - MFET 4580 (credit hour change from 2 to 1), and Senior Project - MFET 4610 (credit hour change from 2 to 5). New Course Proposals: Electrical Engineering for Non-Majors - Prengr 1050, Statistical Process Control & Reliability - MFET 3810, Six Sigma Methods & Tools in Manufacturing - MFET 3910, Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) Exam Review - MFET 4995. Program Change: Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Motion: Moved to approve from Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology course changes for Quality Assurance and Improvement - MFET 2410 to Quality Concepts & Statistical, Applications - MFET 2410, Material Selection & Heat Treat Lab - MFET 3310L (credit hour change from 2 to 1), Concepts in Computer Aided Manufacturing - MFET 3710 to Computer Aided Manufacturing & Rapid Prototyping - MFET 3710 (credit hour change from 1 to 2), Process Automation - MFET 4580 (credit hour change from 2 to 1), and Senior Project - MFET 4610 (credit hour change from 2 to 5). New Course Proposals: Electrical Engineering for Non-Majors - Prengr 1050, Statistical Process Control & Reliability - MFET 3810, Six Sigma Methods & Tools in Manufacturing - MFET 3910, Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) Exam Review - MFET 4995. Program Change: Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Made: Warren Hill
Second: Chloe Merrill
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Telecommunications & Business Education new course proposal for Fiber Optics in Telecommunications - TBE 3710

Program Changes: Business Education Major: Business Systems Technologies Emphasis, Telecommunications: Associate of Applied Science Degree, Telecommunications Administration, Telecommunications Minor, and Business Systems Technologies Minor, Business Systems Technologies BIS Emphasis.

Motion: Moved to approve from Telecommunications & Business Education the new course proposal for Fiber Optics in Telecommunications - TBE 3710. Program Changes: Business Education Major: Business Systems Technologies Emphasis, Telecommunications: Associate of Applied Science Degree, Telecommunications Administration, Telecommunications Minor, and Business Systems Technologies Minor, Business Systems Technologies BIS Emphasis.
Made: Chloe Merrill
Second: Diane Krantz
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned at 3:35.