Approved 9-13-01

September 6, 2001
12:00 noon
MA 211K


Bruce Christensen, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Mark Henderson, Dave Eisler, Ron Holt, Marie Kotter, Monika Serbinowska, Gene Sessions, President Thompson, Jenny Turley, Kay Brown - Secretary

Fred Hansen, Ron Mano, Allen Simkins

Marie Kotter: Moved to approve the minutes from the April 12 and the August 30, 2001 meetings.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

President Thompson reporting - Jerry and Vicki Moyes are donating five million dollars to the College of Education. The University has agreed to name the College of Education the "Jerry and Vicki Moyes College of Education." The money will come over a period of time in increments of about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year.

Allen Ashton, who is a grandson of David O. McKay, and the Stuart Education Foundation have jointly funded a 1.7 million dollar endowment with the agreement that the Education Building be named the David O. McKay Building

Allen Simkins reporting - Two years ago the University initiated a team to look at ways to improve the travel process at the University. The team did not consist of faculty. Faculty were invited but they were not successful in getting people to make the kind of time commitment that was required to serve on the team. A pilot program was initiated in 1999 to a narrow segment of the University. The pilot program did include faculty.

Advantages of using the P Card for travel - Ease, travel insurance, reduction of paperwork, University money used up front rather than employee’s funding their own travel and filing the paperwork for reimbursement.

Concerns - Reconciliation at the department level, collection of money that was not used for travel expenses and is owed back to the University. Department Chairs are now doing the accounting for all faculty having P Cards. Potential for abuse. Close monitoring of accounts. No incentive to fill out the paperwork for travel. Double air miles not available on the P Card. (Could personal cards be used for air miles?)

President Thompson indicated that he was personally willing to help if collection of money owed back to the University became burdensome to departments.

Local travel will be done on a petty cash slip. The P Card is used only for overnight travel.

The Executive Committee would like to see more faculty involved in the future. The Faculty Senate could be asked to nominate faculty to serve on teams.

Dr. Simkins’ plan is to move forward with implementation of using the P Card for all travel by University personnel. It is at least a year long process. He will meet with Department Chairs at the end of the year for feedback.

Student evaluations of faculty were finalized by the Institutional Research Office under the direction of Steve Kerr. The evaluations were sent September 6 to the Reserve Desk in the Library. Joan Hubbard will collect data on who is accessing the information. Statistics will be presented in October to the Executive Committee. The Executive Council of the Student Government will be informed of the data collected.

Executive Committee members reviewed committee charges.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate Committee Chairs, and to the Faculty Senate for the September 20, 2001 meeting the committee charges for 2001-2002.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Gene Sessions reviewed with the Executive Committee their responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution (PPM 1-13). Article II, Section 5 ". . . The Executive Committee shall serve as the agenda committee for the Faculty Senate." The Executive Committee should not debate the issues. It is the role of the Executive Committee to look over proposals and make sure they are ready to go forward. Concerns will be debated on the floor of the Senate.

Article IV, Section 4.2 - "As the steering committee of the Senate . . ." In the broad sense, a steering committee is a sounding board.

Article IV, Section 4.6 - "The Executive Committee may make recommendations to the Senate concerning proposed actions." The Executive Committee is not required to make recommendations; they may make recommendations. The Executive Committee may want to take a position on certain issues.

Article XI, Section 1 - "When the action of the Senate does not meet with approval of the president, the president shall return it, together with the reasons for vetoing it, to the Executive Committee . . . The Executive Committee shall resubmit the action to the Senate with a motion to reconsider. . ."

Article IV, Section 4.10 - "Members of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate shall serve as a faculty advisory board to the president of the University and shall meet with the president to give advice and recommendations on matters concerning Weber State University.

The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.