Approved 1-10-02

November 29, 2001
2:00 p.m.
MA 318



Bruce Christensen, Bill Clapp, Gary Dohrer, Dave Eisler, Ron Holt, Marie Kotter, Monika Serbinowska, Gene Sessions, Paul Thompson, Jenny Turley, Kay Brown - Secretary

Mark Henderson

Bruce Christensen: Moved to approve the minutes from the November 8, 2001 meeting.
Second: Monika Serbinowska
Outcome: The minutes were approved.

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee – Cliff Nowell, Chair

The Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee had $10,000 to distribute to new faculty who are in their first or second year of service at WSU, and $15,000 to distribute to eligible faculty and staff. They received nineteen proposals asking for a total of $38,834.00. Six of the proposals came from new faculty. The committee voted to fund nine proposals for a total of $18,379. Of the nine proposals funded, three proposals totaling $7,356, were from new faculty. The committee also recommended funding of two Higher Education Technology Initiative (HETI) proposals, which were forwarded to the Teaching and Learning Forum. Only two HETI proposals were received. The committee recommended that both be funded. The proposals funded through RS&PG are listed below:

Robert Okazaki, Department of Zoology, RNA Isolation and Characterization in Nemerteans Exposed to Salinity Stress

Becky Jo McShane, Department of English, Gladys Reichard's Life among the Navajo, 1926-1955

Thomas Priest, Department of Performing Arts, Assessing Musical Creativity

Kathleen Stevenson, Department of Visual Arts, "Simple/Sleep": A Solo Installation Exhibition and Accompanying Lecture

Tamara Aird Chase, Department of Nursing, Exploring the Expertise of Nursing Assistants

Mohammad Sondossi, Department of Microbiology, Characterization of Metabolites Produced from Chlorobiphenyl

Ron Meyers, Department of Zoology, Sexual Dimorphism of the Sterntrachealis Muscle in House Finches

Suzanne Kanatsiz, Department of Visual Arts, "Dissolution": A Site Specific Installation for the City of Las Vegas

Alicia Giralt, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Development of Spanish for Social Services Course Pack

Ron Holt: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the report from the Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth Committee.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

During spring semester the RSPG Committee would like to work on a definition of what type of research should be eligible for release time. Currently the guidelines are vague. What is considered research in one discipline is different from research in another discipline. Release time should be given for work that is above and beyond what is normally expected of a faculty member. Is revision of coursework expected? The committee should look at what is considered for tenure and promotion as a guide. The Hemingway group has been reluctant to fund travel. RSPG recommends to Hemingway proposals to be funded. If a proposal is not funded by Hemingway, it does not come back to RSPG at that time. Faculty can resubmitted the proposal for RSPG consideration at a later date.

Curriculum and General Education Committee – Jim Wilson, Chair

Criminal Justice
- New course proposals for Criminal Courts - CJ 3080, and The American Jail - CJ 3350.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the new course proposals from Criminal Justice for Criminal Courts - CJ 3080, and The American Jail - CJ 3350.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

- Course changes for Business Calculus - Quant 2400 to Quant 3400, and Business Statistics II - Quant 2610 to Quant 3610.

The Quant 2400 course is adding three sophomore level courses as prerequisites. Concern was expressed about giving an upper division number to a course in business calculus when the math calculus course has a lower division number. The business calculus courses at the other institutions in the state have a one thousand level number. Gene Sessions indicated that a discussion of this type needed to take place on the floor of the Senate. The purpose of the Agenda Setting meeting is to make sure the proposals have everything ready for the Senate to review them.

The Executive Committee does have constitutional authorization to recommend to the Senate whether a proposal should or should not pass. The question of whether or not the Executive Committee should tell departments what courses should be lower division and what courses should be upper division was raised.

Monika Serbinowska: Moved to recommend to the Senate that the Business Calculus - Quant 2400 course not be raised to upper division.
Second: Ron Holt
Outcome: The motion failed.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the course changes for Business Calculus - Quant 2400 to Quant 3400, and Business Statistics II - Quant 2610 to Quant 3610.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Teacher Education -
Course deletions for Practicum in Foundations Topics - Educ 4511/Meduc 6511, Practicum in Special Education Assessment - Educ SI4531/Meduc 6531, Practicum in Student Behavior and Social Skills - Educ 4541/Meduc 6541, Practicum in Content and Methods for Elementary Special Education Students - Educ 4551/Meduc 6551; Course Changes: Practicum in Special Education Learning Environment - Educ 4521/Meduc 6521, Practicum in Content, Methods, & Transition for Secondary Special Education Students - Educ 4581/Meduc 6581; Program Changes: Composite Elementary Education and Special Education Major, Special Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement, and Special Education Minor/Endorsement (Secondary Only).

No net change on program hours.

Jenny Turley: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Teacher Education the course deletions for Practicum in Foundations Topics - Educ 4511/Meduc 6511, Practicum in Special Education Assessment - Educ SI4531/Meduc 6531, Practicum in Student Behavior and Social Skills - Educ 4541/Meduc 6541, Practicum in Content and Methods for Elementary Special Education Students - Educ 4551/Meduc 6551; Course Changes: Practicum in Special Education Learning Environment - Educ 4521/Meduc 6521, Practicum in Content, Methods, & Transition for Secondary Special Education Students - Educ 4581/Meduc 6581; Program Changes: Composite Elementary Education and Special Education Major, Special Education Mild/Moderate Endorsement, and Special Education Minor/Endorsement (Secondary Only)
Second: Bruce Christensen
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Diversity course proposal from Teacher Education for The Exceptional Student - Educ 3260.

Jenny Turley: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate the diversity course proposal from Teacher Education for The Exceptional Student - Edu 3260.
Second: Gary Dohrer
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Master of Education
- Course change for Instructional Strategies - Meduc 6060; new course proposal for Developing a Project Proposal - Meduc 6085; and program change for Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.

Bruce Christensen: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from the Master of Education the course change for Instructional Strategies - Meduc 6060; new course proposal for Developing a Project Proposal - Meduc 6085; and program change for Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction.
Second: Jenny Turley
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Sales & Service Technology -
New course proposal for Introduction to Sales & Service Technology – SST 1401; program changes for Technical Sales.

Ron Holt: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Sales & Service Technology the new course proposal for Introduction to Sales & Service Technology – SST 1401; program changes for Technical Sales.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Course changes for Quality Assurance and Improvement - MFET 2410 to Quality Concepts & Statistical, Applications - MFET 2410, Material Selection & Heat Treat Lab - MFET 3310L (credit hour change from 2 to 1), Concepts in Computer Aided Manufacturing - MFET 3710 to Computer Aided Manufacturing & Rapid Prototyping - MFET 3710 (credit hour change from 1 to 2), Process Automation - MFET 4580 (credit hour change from 2 to 1), and Senior Project - MFET 4610 (credit hour change from 2 to 5); new course proposals for Electrical Engineering for Non-Majors - Prengr 1050, Statistical Process Control & Reliability - MFET 3810, Six Sigma Methods & Tools in Manufacturing - MFET 3910, Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) Exam Review - MFET 4995; Program change for Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology.

Net loss of 2 hours in the program.

Bill Clapp: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology the course changes for Quality Assurance and Improvement - MFET 2410 to Quality Concepts & Statistical, Applications - MFET 2410, Material Selection & Heat Treat Lab - MFET 3310L (credit hour change from 2 to 1), Concepts in Computer Aided Manufacturing - MFET 3710 to Computer Aided Manufacturing & Rapid Prototyping - MFET 3710 (credit hour change from1 to 2), Process Automation - MFET 4580 (credit hour change from 2 to 1), and Senior Project - MFET 4610 (credit hour change from 2 to 5); new course proposals for Electrical Engineering for Non-Majors - Prengr 1050, Statistical Process Control & Reliability - MFET 3810, Six Sigma Methods & Tools in Manufacturing - MFET 3910, Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) Exam Review - MFET 4995; Program change for Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology.
Second: Marie Kotter
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

Telecommunications & Business Education
- New course proposal for Fiber Optics in Telecommunications - TBE 3710; program changes for Business Education Major: Business Systems Technologies Emphasis, Telecommunications: Associate of Applied Science Degree, Telecommunications, Administration, Telecommunications Minor, and Business Systems Technologies Minor, Business Systems Technologies BIS Emphasis.

Marie Kotter: Moved to forward to the Faculty Senate from Telecommunications & Business Education the new course proposal for Fiber Optics in Telecommunications - TBE 3710; program changes for Business Education Major: Business Systems Technologies Emphasis, Telecommunications: Associate of Applied Science Degree, Telecommunications, Administration, Telecommunications Minor, and Business Systems Technologies Minor, Business Systems Technologies BIS Emphasis.
Second: Bill Clapp
Outcome: The motion passed unanimously.

A summary of the Faculty Senate membership outlining the number of members to be elected this year from each college and the carryover terms of office was distributed. College election results will be sent to the Faculty Senate Office by Tuesday, January 29, 2002. Executive Committee members will be elected by the entire faculty on Tuesday, March 5, 2002.

Faculty Senate Committees can consider any issue that fall under the purview of their committee. They do not need permission from the Executive Committee to consider items of concern or interest they may have as a committee that are not addressed in the committee charges given them by the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee members were asked to think about ways to reduce paper usage. It was suggested that Senate members could be sent an email stating that we are trying to cut down on paper and ask them if they are willing to have the items sent to them electronically or via the internet with the link included.

Dave Eisler indicated that they are trying to reduce the size of the WSU catalog. Executive Committee members were asked to think about the possibility of leaving out of the catalog the four year course of studies and to send him email with their opinion.

The meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.